Sunday, June 2, 2024

Michael Has Some Questions, Pt. 1 Of...10? 15? 20?


In comment to our earlier post, Michael responded with the following epistle:

"Okay. I'll play your game.
After "it" hits the fan and things start to collapse, then what? Are you gonna be a "lone wolf" and the "alpha" in charge? I'll give you the supposition that you've put away all the bullets, beans, and bandages for a small army and have trained on all of your weapons and you have done everything necessary to prepare your AO. How long do you think that's gonna last? Even if you had a group of friends, say 100-200 hard corp, well trained, all in, tough as nails MFers that don't have bad backs, knees, necks, or shoulders from their time in the military. Let's even say that none of your merry band of men or their families have a need of any type of prescription meds for their high blood pressure, PTSD, hypo/hyper thyroid or any other number of ailments. Then what? Do you think you're going to take on the world, the neighborhood, own the block? Oh... you were smart and got out of the cities while the getting was good. Okay. So, is your merry band of men going to all come out to the farm with their families and are all of you are going to live happily ever after on the farm? Are you gonna grow a few potatoes, milk a few cows, hunt for dove, pheasant, deer or whatever wild game there is in the sticks? How long do you think that's gonna last? Are you planning on creating your own form of government, maybe start your own little country within the ruins of what was once the USofA? Or, are you gonna just hunker down and wait a few years and hope that some other George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin is going to pick up where the old USofA was meant to be and start afresh? What's your plan?
I hear a lot about how we need to get this Civil War started and how politicians need to be swinging from the lamp posts or introduced to the guillotine. I hear about how we all need to buckle up because we're in for a rough ride. I hear all of that noise, but nobody seems to have thought beyond that. Who do we rally behind in the aftermath that's ready to lead this once great country into a new era? I can't think of a single soul that I would trust or want to start a new government. Can you?
Do we really want a Civil War? Do we storm the government buildings and hunt down the good with the bad? Do we hang them all because they just happen to be in a government building when we happened to show up for the war? Do we actually hunt down the 3 letter agents that we know are living in our neighborhoods and hang them and their families because they just wanted to put food on their table and into the mouths of their children? Do you want to be both judge and jury? Do you have evidence that these people are corrupt or are you just lumping them all together because they still work for the govt. and if they're still working for the govt. at this point then they're all bad? Is that how you want to do this?
You talk big. You talk sedition. However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than immediate violence. Great! Then what? Does everyone become a war lord? How does this work?
I know that what we have isn't perfect. I know what we have has been corrupted. Changes need to happen and they cannot happen soon enough. However, until there is a plan on how to progress from war to peace and someone that knows how to lead in both war and peace, you're just spitting into the wind and if you're lucky, you're stacking up bodies. That's about one of the dumbest plan, non plans, I have ever heard of. Call me a coward or whatever name you want. Tease me about voting moar harder. Warn me again about how we will all be fed into box cars and taken to the prison camps to be shot or burned. If that's what you think is going to happen, you really don't have a clue about what a Civil War is. What you have ain't a plan. It's a wish and a hope and tough talk. You have no clear vision of where you're going and you want everyone to follow.
Hard Pass "General"."

 There's a lot to deal with there.

Firstly, let me give credit where credit is due: I don't think you made a single major error in that entire effort in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Kudos.

Secondly, I just want to say that your effort was organized, succinct, and absolutely clear. 

Thirdly, and most importantly, I think, whether you meant for it to be or not, that entire response was one of the most artful, clever, and painstakingly-constructed Straw Men I think I've seen on the internet since pretty much Ever. Bravo.

Fourthly, nota bene, there were some real nuggets in there, and be in no doubt that we shall dig every last one of them out. Some of them are absolute 24K gold. Some of them are pure stable nuggets. We will sort each and every one of them accordingly.

But given the length and breadth of your essay, this will be rather like the Lincoln-Douglas Debates: extended over some good period of time, and probably done in installments. But when we are finished, there will be nothing left behind.

I'm absolutely sincere on that: you raise no small number of genuine points in amidst the codswallop and gas, and we will deal with all of it.

So this is not, nor is intended to be, a fisking, as that would imply that the whole was nothing but nonsense, and what you wrote is not all that.

The preliminaries having been covered, it seems best to us to take it pretty much line by line, until we shall have gotten to the end, and sorted out the whole cow; the steak, the hamburger, and the bullshit.

For clarity to readers, we will accord Michael's words Bold print, and put our responses in italics.


"Okay. I'll play your game."

In the words of Edith Keeler in the original series Star Trek episode City On The Edge Of Forever, "A lie is a poor way to say hello."

We note this, because you're about to undertake to illustrate for five long paragraphs that you'll be doing anything but that. Irony is a great thing, as Shakespeare demonstrated in Marc Antony's speech at Caesar's burial, where he damned Brutus while claiming to be doing just just the opposite. But when you economize with the truth right out of the gate, you're stepping off on the wrong foot.

We furthermore note the first stuffed pantlegs (probably inadvertent) in your Straw Man construction project by telling you what we were told by the pit boss at a Las Vegas blackjack table when they swapped from the affable dealer to the one who did her level best to bust everyone repeatedly, and as quickly as possible, after we told the pit boss we didn't like how his dealer played: "She's not PLAYING."  

Neither was I in the post with which you think you disagree. Things have not been so glaringly heart-attack serious in this country since 1861. If you disagree with that assessment, show your work.

"After "it" hits the fan, and things start to collapse, then what?"

I have no idea what you're talking about there. Neither does anyone else. By design. What scenario are YOU contemplating? The linguistic value of that sentence is a portmanteau, containing a range of values inclusive of "anything and everything". There is no way to answer it, until YOU tell us what "X" is. After WHAT hit WHAT fan? Biden falling down the steps of Air Force One and going into a coma? Putin initiating global thermonuclear war? Godzilla emerging from the sea to smite Tokyo in real life? The Cubs winning another pennant? ???

As for things "starting" to collapse, news flash: you're speaking of past events. Is an openly stolen presidential election the start of the collapse? What about double-digit inflation while the Treasury printers run three shifts a day? How about millions of illegal aliens streaming across the borders unchecked for months on end? What about a show trial in a kangaroo court where the leading presidential candidate and presumptive opposition nominee is railroaded into felon status weeks before his party's convention, and bare months ahead of the election, when he's leading the sitting president in the polls by double digits? That sounds to me like you want to talk about history, not the future. And if those aren't the start of the collapse, how far over the cliff would you mark as the starting line?

"Are you gonna be a "lone wolf" and be the "alpha" in charge?"

You're speaking gibberish, again. In so far as, by definition, if a pack is only a single wolf, he is, by default, the alpha in charge. Of himself. And nothing else. So unpack that, and figure out which of two or three or four questions you MEANT to ask that was the one you really wanted to ask.

"I'll give you the supposition that you've put away all the bullets, beans, and bandages for a small army and have trained on all of your weapons and have done everything necessary to prepare your AO."

1) Why on earth would anyone assume that for anyone else??

2) If I was there, now, - hell, if ANYONE was there - there would already be a rapidly-spreading area where freedom reigned, and TPTB would hesitate to enter except in overwhelming numbers, and even then, only with the certain knowledge that less of their men would leave than originally entered, to a metaphysical certainty. NTTAWWT. But for reference, that didn't even exist anywhere in France or Holland after FIVE YEARS of the Allies dropping supplies to the respective undergrounds in both countries, in an actual shooting war against actual Nazis.

3) Assuming what is self-evidently the case nowhere, and at no time, in this country is where you're packing another few handfuls of straw into your rapidly growing edifice. I am and have been, in fact, hammering at the exact point that NO ONE is there, and you pretend it's exactly opposite to that reality. That's like trying to grow corn by pulling on the stalks. It also underlines why you've put the cart before the horse in this entire essay, as we're going to see, over and over and over again.

3) Do you have any wild idea how large is the Manhattan phonebook-sized OpPlan of "everything necessary to prepare your AO"?!? I'm serious there. Personnel? Intelligence? Training? Operations? Logistics? Communication? Civil Affairs? Vertical and lateral liaison? Operational Support? Friendly units? Enemy units? (Clever readers of a certain background may notice a familiar trend here.) Why on God's green earth would you spot ANYONE what has manifestly NOT happened anywhere in the entire nation, not even once, for even five minutes, despite all the signs it's overwhelmingly going to be vital for survival? FFS, they didn't have 5% of this in place just for the Capitol Rally/ZOMG Insurrection!!! on 1/6/21.

4) I've literally typed my fingers numb - and so have at least a baker's dozen others - for nearly a decade telling people they have NONE of that, and a decade later, most readers still have most of that nothing left.

Which is exactly the problem, and why you, assuming anyone has it, keep trying to charge off in all directions, before you even have a saddle or a horse. Or at least, the front half of one.



That's only the fitting response to three lines into the first of five paragraphs you wrote, which minimal response is longer already than everything you wrote, and the only thing you've done in them is show how far from reality you're starting off, with only a metric fuckton of wild unfounded assumptions and vague generalizations. This is going to be like getting all the dove shot out of an entire sack of doves with just a single pair of needlenose tweezers.

All this while we're working this weekend.

To do your essay justice may very well be a task of days to weeks. Usually we fret a bit, trying to generate an average of a post a day. You've pretty much solved that for us for the entire month, even if literally nothing else happens in the world. But don't worry, Michael, you're worth it. At this rate, you've given us blog-fodder for at least the next week or two, give or take. Maybe multiple posts daily, some days. And I suspect you're going to get tired of reading what you wrote long before we get tired of responding to it. But it's going to have to be in bite-sized chunks, if only out of deference to the average reader's attention span and tolerance.

We almost removed the rest of your essay for now, because we're likely going to be halfway to the 4th of July from here before we get to the last of it. But we didn't want to deprive you of your moment in the sunshine, nor listen to cries that we took you out of context or edited you, so we leave it here intact.

Future installments may see us truncating it down to just the relevant section in each succeeding post, now that we've posted the entirety here.

Feel free to tap out at any time, otherwise we'll continue until the bitter end. You probably won't be able to help yourself from adding more here for a second bite at the apple, but we're going to get to the very end of your first diatribe before we start branching off into all the thickets and weeds you'll doubtless be adding to this original briar patch.

And there really will be some worthwhile points to make along the way, when you aren't busy jumping to conclusions.


T-Rav said...

I'll give my own answer to what "it" hitting the fan constitutes (and feel free to critique it as much as you wish).

Philosophically, America operates via a form of democratic absolutism: he who gets the most votes has a legal and moral right to make the laws for the entire nation, without exception. (Obviously there are in fact a lot of exceptions--federalism, the Bill of Rights, etc.--but as these exceptions could theoretically be removed by constitutional amendment or, as we've seen, sometimes just ignored, I would argue this is the basic principle by which we operate.) This is sustained by various means: armed force, the legal apparatus, and also--critically--the tacit consent of everyday Americans. As polarized as we've become on most subjects, most of us still agree that this is the way the country should work.

These means reinforce each other: for instance, many of us are certain Biden has NO right to govern the country, but we suck it up because the costs of openly rejecting his rule are considered too high. As I've said before, "no one wants to be the one to go first." Conversely, while there are plenty of craven bootlicks (lickboots?) in the military, LEOs, judicial system, etc., there's also (I take it) an institutional consensus that Biden is the legitimate officeholder, and his policies therefore should and must be enforced. Again, this is, in my opinion, the way in which the American republic has (with one very notable exception) worked since its founding, and continues to do so today.


T-Rav said...


For "it" to hit the fan, in the sense we're talking about here, one or all of these means of support would have to be broken. There's long been talk of some devastating external event that could disrupt if not shatter the government (natural disaster, EMP strike, etc.); but what I think lies at the heart of what Aesop and Michael are debating is an internal event: an open rejection of the government's claim to legitimacy via the democratic process. Because in that case, breaking the pillar of "tacit consent" means breaking all the others as well.

To explain what I mean, let's say another 1/6-style event occurs, and Biden sends out his goon squad to round up those awful right-wing traitors. Or let's say he goes too far with the LGBT nonsense: issues an EO requiring all underage children to cross-dress one week each month, or something equally horrific. Either way, this is finally too much for a critical mass of people, and you get something like Aesop's hypothetical. A small but well-armed and well-coordinated group of people refuse to comply with this latest tyranny. They announce they will not obey, and when LEOs attempt to arrest them, they not only oppose but defeat the LEOs, then set about taking control of their local neighborhood.

Tinker with the details as much you want. My point is, this, or something like it, is what would open Pandora's Box. On one level, the government is being challenged from within by armed force, something no government is going to tolerate; on another level, what everyone has taken to be the legitimate means of government is being rejected--it's being told it has no right to govern even though it got the most votes. (Not in Biden's case, but something like this could happen even if he did get a majority.) At that point, the government will almost certainly double down, sending in the military to suppress this insurrection, which could be the prelude to nationwide martial law, suspension of constitutional rights, and the beginning of an open dictatorship.

If that attempt at suppression fails, on the other hand--the rebels defeat the troops sent against them, say, or copycat uprisings result, or a split appears in the ranks of the military itself--that's where things get really sporty. That makes possible things like a breakdown of local infrastructure and law enforcement, competing bands of militants or criminals or both, the government getting desperate and striking indiscriminately with what assets it still has, or (likely) all of the above.

It's that escalating scenario I *think* Michael is positing here. And I do agree with him that anyone looking to protest the government, in such a manner as to force change, needs to have a plan to deal with this. I would also suggest to him, though, that plan or no plan, a lot of suffering and collateral damage would occur regardless.

Michael said...

Another Michael I assume or did you create this just for your personal cat toy Master Aesop?

Anonymous said...

Aesop, while I grinningly await these forthcoming installments of masterclass evisceration (and thank you for them!) it seems, in the meantime, that Michael’s entire argument boils down to: We can’t tear down the rotten, old, barn because the blueprints aren’t yet finalized for the new one. It really makes no sense.

More to the point, and much like the prototyping process, these kinds of things are, in my experience, best handled on the fly through both consensus and a seasoned understanding of what works. (It worked that way last time - thank you founding fathers!)

Michael is a douche wad and doubtful worth that much effort.

David Amundsen said...

Dou ever wonder if there is a Fed in the breeze with the simple dream of emulating something like the Whitmer incident or the J-6 Hoax?

Aesop said...

Apparently another Michael.
As I said, I have the original post, but rather than drop it on the comments for the old post, I thought it deserved its very own spotlight.
The other one has no profile on Blogger.
And I have neither the time nor inclination to spin that much nonsense.
But he signed his post, and went to five paragraphs of trouble, so here we are.

If it's Filthie, he's outdoing himself. Except for appropriating your name.

Anonymous said...

When the shtf a lor of people will die. The next day a lot more will die, and the next, and the next, until most are dead.

Michael said...

Not Filthies style. Too coherent.

Trouble is coming, I just don't understand the need to let the "Other Side (tm)" listen in to the chest beating about it.

The "GOOD NEWS" maybe they will tie up a lot of the Gulag crew for a while. The nail that stands proud idea.

Joe 6 pack will as in every civil disruption I've studied (including the Spanish Civil War) will keep his head down and try to avoid trouble. Folks used to peek at what flag was in town square in the morning to know what side they were on today.

Don't expect help from him as he's going to hear "SEE Something, SAY Something, rewards offered" 24-07 and some will.

In my studies of the Irish Times 'O Troubles the Brits were their own worst enemy, pissing off both sides with over reactions so human intel was nearly null, or worse a trap.

Once could hope the Blob will do the same but they seem pretty adept at controlling the Media.

Politics is local, other than intelligence gathering (sorting propaganda and chaff is tiresome) outside my AO what's the point. Not like I'm going to California for any reason.

I've a shopping list. Some shopping has already occurred in the monkeywrenching department. Sadly, mostly against wanna be war lords. Fire Department was too so, so sad.

I see armed groups with no base of supply a threat to me and mine and most of us are in EMS. We know more about our neighbors that most.

Time will tell. All men die but not all men truly live.

Michael said...

Not Filthies style. Too coherent.

Trouble is coming, I just don't understand the need to let the "Other Side (tm)" listen in to the chest beating about it.

The "GOOD NEWS" maybe they will tie up a lot of the Gulag crew for a while. The nail that stands proud idea.

Joe 6 pack will as in every civil disruption I've studied (including the Spanish Civil War) will keep his head down and try to avoid trouble. Folks used to peek at what flag was in town square in the morning to know what side they were on today.

Don't expect help from him as he's going to hear "SEE Something, SAY Something, rewards offered" 24-07 and some will.

In my studies of the Irish Times 'O Troubles the Brits were their own worst enemy, pissing off both sides with over reactions so human intel was nearly null, or worse a trap.

Once could hope the Blob will do the same but they seem pretty adept at controlling the Media.

Politics is local, other than intelligence gathering (sorting propaganda and chaff is tiresome) outside my AO what's the point. Not like I'm going to California for any reason.

I've a shopping list. Some shopping has already occurred in the monkeywrenching department. Sadly, mostly against wanna be war lords. Fire Department was too so, so sad.

I see armed groups with no base of supply a threat to me and mine and most of us are in EMS. We know more about our neighbors that most.

Time will tell. All men die but not all men truly live.

John Wilder said...

He's a distraction troll.

Tucanae Services said...

A lot depends on 'aftermath', aka when the violence stops. I personally consider that more important in the long run than actually winning the main event. (Just don't lose.) In my estimation freedom and business will flourish. Freed of the shackles of over reach by DC people will go about the business of making a living and bettering their lives for the simple fact there will be a lot of rebuilding to do.

Call me simple minded, but when you get a taste of the abyss and step back people will tend to throw off their blinders of their life before the event. Those that don't usually get leveled by the Karma Wheel sooner or later.

Bryce said...

To answer Michael's questions...
In no particular order
It depends on A. B. C and D

Anonymous said...

I agree with John Wilder, but I do enjoy the complete and total deconstruction of each and every sentence, so far.


Aesop said...

I saw that, and a few others, but compared to the gaping flaws in basic logic, I'm willing to overlook the tiny grammatical errors.

I thought it best.

Anonymous said...

"I do enjoy the complete and total deconstruction of each and every sentence"

That is what people do when they cannot confront your points. Don't nitpick the spelling or sentence construction address the issues. If you do not address the issues presented and instead devolve to being an 8th grade old lady English teacher then you got nothing!!! Grow some balls and deal with the problem he exposed or chose to hide behind your ability to control the rest of the discussion because you control what is written here and can delete comments that challenge you.

P-Tar said...

^^ John Wilder said it! ^^

CLASSIC tactic of the Lefty Internet Mob: dump a HUGE post full of straw men that make you want to debunk / deconstruct everything they said. The only question is whether they actually come back to continue the game.

Frankly? The main weakness the Left has is in a CW2 situation or collapse in general is very simple: they concentrate in cities. They do not know the rural areas out in the country. They have taken for granted the artificial carrying capacity of the Blue Hives they inhabit, which is sustained only via inputs from the country (food especially, but also water sources, especially in places like SoCal where they depend on water from five other states to survive.

The rural folks out in the country, if times get tough, and they have a bit of food storage to fall back on, will simply tighten their belts for a year or two, and dig more gardens, raise more livestock, and improvise when it comes to making needful things.

The Left in the Blue Hives, when that artificial carrying capacity has its legs kicked out from under them because it becomes too dangerous / unprofitable to ship food and other resources in to sustain them, will literally eat themselves alive.

Simple answer for the Right, if they're not already out of those danger zones, is to do what John has been advocating for years now: "Get out of cities: NOW. A year too early is better than a day too late," if I remembered how he says it correctly. Or as Ol' Remus used to put it, God rest his soul, "Stay Away From Crowds".

Lefties talk a LOT of shit about how they'll take their mob crap to the country. Well, they haven't done it when they have a reasonable supply chain to fall back on: how will they do it when they are half-starved? 20 miles a day is a pretty tough walk for most people, humping a ruck with whatever supplies and gear they're carrying.

Vehicles are less of a concern. Roads can be blocked (or laced with hollow vehicle caltrops or even mined); bridges can be blown. Anything that delays a mechanized invasion leaves them stalled and concentrated in easily defined areas that can be harassed by snipers. Even if they have armored vehicles, they can't live in them.

Always remember that the Four Horsemen come in order, and that each one is worse than the previous one when it comes to casualty counts. War creates the conditions for Famine, Famine creates the conditions for Pestilence, and all three lead to Death.

Let the Four Horsemen do your work for you.

Water will be what breaks them. If they're coming for your AO? Think like a pack of wolves, a pride of lions, or crocodiles lying in wait... Everything has to go to the water sources to survive: three days without water. Again, areas that can be defined, watched, sabotaged. Water is heavy. If they have a convoy and a water truck? That's a high priority target.

Couple posts back, Aesop posted a pic from "100 Deadly Skills" that illustrated how to dispose of a body in water.

What would happen, if the bodies of the first few incursions worth of invaders were disposed of in that way, and dumped in fresh water sources between the Blue Hives and the rural areas? Yes water can be filtered, purified... but doing so takes time, forces them to halt.

Once again, if they're standing still, in a well defined area that can be monitored...

Allen said...

anyone who says they want to "get the civil war started" is a botany problem.

a fruit, a plant, or a nut.

P-Tar said...

Bonus Round: Michael, if you're listening, let me pose your questions back to you, from your side's perspective...

After 'it' hits the fan, and your city becomes a death trap, then what? I'll give you the supposition that you've got all your war preps in order to seize farms to try to sustain your bloated population. We'll even assume enough of you (probably "migrants") have enough experience to manage a farm larger than a small backyard garden, and keep livestock bigger than hens and keep them alive long enough to produce the protein you'll need.

I'll even assume that you've got some great charismatic leader who can manage to keep the various factions of your bloated population from tearing each other apart and get them all to work together (LOL, it'd be a miracle if he/she/it can inspire you to work at ALL), and that roughly 10% of your population can be relied upon to fight, and are sufficiently armed to defend and attack.

Now, I'm gonna have to use a little math to explain the economics, and I know talking economics and math to Lefties is like throwing water in the face of the Wicked Witch of the West, but bear with me for a few moments while I sketch out the problem on a cocktail napkin of a comment post:

For a city of a million people, that's 100K regulars. Let's say you split the force in half: half providing internal security, half ranging out to take more territory. How will you sustain a force of 50K in the field? Chances are they won't find enough food foraging and hunting and raiding to feed them all. Do you have the logistics to keep them from dying of thirst and hunger, let alone keep them stocked with the "beans, bullets and band aids" to keep going? That's a lotta trucks, son... who's providing the fuel and parts to keep them running, let alone the maintenance?

Of the remaining 900K in your city: how many of them are physically able to do the back-breaking labor required to run a farm, and load and haul the food back home, even assuming they have trained farmers (again, likely immigrants) who know how to run said farms to guide them and oversee their work? I hear a lot about how you folks think everything would be cool if you "owned the means of production": how many of you are prepared to do the WORK to make those "means of production" actually produce enough for all of you to survive?

And that's just talking about holding what you've got and managed to steal, and trying to do something with it. Are you prepared to slog on foot hundreds of miles into the vast countryside to murder farm families and seize their property? A countryside where bullets will be picking at you from all angles, every step of the way? Where every road is blocked, mined and caltroped, every river has multiple chains across it to stop boats, every bridge and railway is set with charges ready to blow the moment you try to use it?

You talk big. You talk of revolution and Fully Automated Luxury Space Communism. However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than "cancelling" people you disagree with, mooching off the corrupt government, and sitting around smoking weed and eating Cheetos while you jerk off on the internet.

I know that the system isn't perfect. I know that well-connected fat cats take advantage of it to screw everyone, Left, Right and Center and squeeze every last bit of spare cash out of us. Something's gotta change. I know that you'd like to sit around and watch TV and play video games, but until you've got a plan on how to progress from the couch to productivity, and someone who can motivate you to actually be useful, you're just pissing up a rope, and you'll be lucky if you don't all starve to death before those Good Ol' Boys you hate so much take pity on you and accept your unconditional surrender in return for feeding you again.

Good luck, Commies...

Aesop said...

@Anon 8:51A,

1) I haven't been picking apart misspellings or sentence construction. I'm picking apart the mental constipation of the sentences, thought by thought. So either you didn't read that far, or you're not any brighter.
2) He didn't "expose the problem" he thought he did, which error will be dealt with presently. He doesn't know what he doesn't know.
3) Micheal was in complete control of what he said and how he said it. It's not my fault if he did so half-witted, half-hearted, or half-assed.
Suffering from the same handicaps yourself, you should be the most sympathetic to that plight.

Anonymous said...

"Micheal was in complete control of what he said and how he said it. It's not my fault if he did so half-witted, half-hearted, or half-assed."

You still intentionally miss the point. Imagine I yelled at you to watch out for the falling building and you eagerly and sarcastically yelled back at me that the building wasn't falling but merely part of a brick wall so I was some kind of a dofuss because my words weren't articulate, ha! ha! and meanwhile the brick wall hit you and killed you mid laugh. So remind me again just how important it is to have perfect diction and accuracy in the written or verbal communication or the hell with what you actually meant! I'll wait.... Maybe the brick wall will wake you up...

Aesop said...

Remind me of where anything I said referred to Michael's diction and accuracy of verbal communication, as opposed to his delusion, fallacy, and outright nonsensical silliness.
When you don't understand the plain meaning of words, you aren't communicating, you're just howling like a baboon.

You're evidently just another idiot wrapped up in your fantasies of what wasn't said, and too busy barking at the dog whistles in your head that only you hear to read what was actually written.

The technical term for that problem in the trade is "bug-fucking nuts".

The less you say, the smarter you'll sound, until you figure that little malfunction out.

Anonymous said...

Still doing it. Unless I use the exact words you think I should use I'm " just another idiot". Don't address the issue but scan the comments for misspelling or diction and dump all your nasty shit on that. You do it all the time. It is all you do. Unless someone agrees with you all you do is spew bile. (surely "spew bile" fails some anachronistic rule, I'll wait for your final judgement on that.) Address the fucking points, don't hide behind grading the sentence structure.

Aesop said...

Au contraire, clearly you're an Idiot Among Idiots, even an Idiot Extraordinaire.
The highest of top-rank idiots. And 99:1 you're just Michael #2, too embarrassed and chickenshit to own what you wrote, and sock-puppeting a lame self-defense under the guise of Anonymous. If you're your own separate man, own up to something better than Anon.

But as you clearly lack the mental tackle to apprehend, Michael made no "points".
It has fuck-all to do with grammar or style, it has to do with content. Delusionally trying to make shit up, and then act as if it was anything I said in my post is a total fail.

I deal with delusional psychotics for a living, whacktard, so you're going to have to crawl your ignorant ass back to sanity before you'll have a leg to stand on in this discussion. So far, you're just flopping around on the floor throwing a tantrum and and pissing yourself because no one will address the fact that he shit his own pants and it smells. That it isn't getting you anything but wet, and his underpants aren't "art" no matter what his mommy told him his whole life. Take Mikey #2 with you, get him back on the short bus, and tell him to crack a friggin' book.

I post your drivel as comedy gold for the 99.9999% of folks brighter than you are. Once you cease to even entertain, you're just another pissy-pants whiner best left in the spam filter.

Open your eyes, get a clue, and change your pull-ups.