Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Geopolitics Primer For The Pre-Pubescent

Admiral Nimitz would like a chat with you, Ensign BabyDuck.

Some folks ought to bear well in mind that the people telling you to shit your pants over everything have been shitting their own pants every day since they were born, and they probably still wear plastic pull-ups.

Adjust your alarm settings accordingly.


John Venlet said...

Exactly like there have been everyday since 1960.

Yes, and I'm certain we have the recordings to back up that statement. Well, at least if the U.S. hasn't let the sonar sensors decay as much as the actual men and women who serve in the armed forces.

Some individuals would be surprised on how far away U.S. Navy sonar systems can ID specific subs and ships.

Additionally, a sub you can see is not the sub to be concerned about.

Former SSN688 sailor.

SiGraybeard said...

Exactly my thought when I saw the excited headlines. Russian nuclear missile carrying submarines off Florida! Only on days of the week that end with the word "day." Just like our nuclear missile carrying submarines off the coasts of Russia.

Rick said...

Ask OldNFO about the work he and his squadron mates did but (probably) can't tell you about.

Anonymous said...

And these days every sub can carry missiles of some kind - they ignore the difference between cruise missiles, anti ship missiles and ICBMs.

Rick said...

For the entirety of the six years I commercially fished, there was a Soviet 'fish processor' bristling with antennas parked 12 nm off the Columbia River bar.

A similar set up on station just north of the Farallon Islands.

A Soviet sub popped up about 2 nm off our stbd bow while we were sixty miles north of Kauai.

In '86, an incident south of Dutch Harbor involving a distress call and a Soviet sub. Coasties were keenly interested, HF and VHF comms ablaze with chatter. We were not close, but close enough for VHF. Notice to Mariners to avoid those waters.

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

It seems like many people who actually lived through The Cold War have completely blanked out their memories of that time.

On the bright side, it is good to know that base of knowledge continues to be useful.

John Wilder said...

If you want humor, the words "Russian" and "Navy" go great together:

Anonymous said...

I recommend the book Blind Man's Bluff for some of the wilder Cold War sub stories.

June J said...

As a former 637 and 688 class SSN sailor...those Russian subs have been off our coasts for decades, just like our boats have been off of theirs.

Second the recommendation of Blind Man's Bluff. I won't talk about the exploits I was involved in but always tell people to read that book if they want to get a good idea of cold war sub operations.

Allen said...

I was in an ASW helicopter squadron in pennsylvania 1990-1994, we regularly went off the coast of new jersey to train.

every damn time they came back, naval intelligence was there to confiscate the tapes. they don't confiscate tapes that have nothing on them.

I asked one of the AW guys(sonar operator, enlisted, backseater) if they even found anything, he stared at me like "I want to tell you, but I can't".

I told him his non-answer was an answer.