Thursday, June 20, 2024

From America To Yugoslavia In Two Generations

 h/t CW


LSWCHP said...

I've always liked this gedanken experiment.

You have a task, say an engineering project, or winning a sports trophy...

You create two teams, one consisting of straight white men, the other as diverse as possible. In the diverse team there are men women and trans people. Everybody is a different race, everybody is a different religion, everybody is a different sexual orientation, everybody speaks a different language. Diversity is our strength.

Now, which team would you bet on to achieve the task most effectively?

Even a little bit of diversity can be toxic. For exanple, my experience in 40 years of mission critical engineering was that adding women to a successful all-male team will cause all sorts of unnecessary heartache and management problems. The same goes with bringing in incompetent African diversity hires via affirmative action programs.

Straight white and largely Christian men built almost everything we have in the modern world. Everybody else, Africans, Indians, homosexuals etc largely contributed nothing.

Diversity is a catastrophe.

SAM said...

Just Google Diversity 50p You could not make this up.

idahobob said...

Dat da truth!

John Wilder said...

Diversity is so great the Lefties put themselves up in gated compounds whenever they can.