Friday, March 25, 2022

BREAKING: Awwwww FU*KKKKKKKK!!! Here We Go Again!

 h/t Gateway Pundit and CTH

RTWT. And watch the included video.

Unless he fell and hit his head, Poopypants appears to have let the cat out of the bag that the 82d Airborne Division will be deploying to Ukraine (elements may already be in place there).


I HOPE this is wrong. Or just Poopypants' dementia talking!!!

Please be a massive misunderstanding!!!!!

White House spokeshole says policy hasn't changed.

Option A:

If it isn't a misuderstanding, this is how WWIII begins.


That is all.

When you put Lt. Shitforbrains in charge, you get a Pvt. Hudson epiphany, every single time.

And if this pans out as the actual plan, the hell with it: invoke the 25th Amendment, have the Cabinet declare him mentally incompetent to carry out the duties of office, yank his ass into Bethesda Medical Center, and swear in Kneepads. Before Poopypants bumbles into blowing up the entire fucking planet.

Option B:

And if it's not, because he was just riffing in an Alzheimer's haze: invoke the 25th Amendment, have the Cabinet declare him mentally incompetent to carry out the duties of office, yank his ass into Bethesda Medical Center, and swear in Kneepads. Before Poopypants bumbles into blowing up the entire fucking planet.

There's nothing like a slow news day, I swear.


W Wilson said...

This is what the communists in this country wanted. I say we need the military to take over ,throw out millie and austin , and jail all democrats and the rinos.

Jess said...

It doesn't take much clarity in thought to know how this administration is incompetent, dangerous, and needs trimming.

Unknownsailor said...

Press in dire situations:

Dan said...

Just to be clear....Biden ISN'T DOING THIS. On a good day he knows what day of the week it is. Most of the time he's doing well to remember his name. The people making these decisions are UNELECTED, UNACCOUNTABLE and mostly ANONYMOUS.

Joe in PNG said...

Sadly, potato for brains tends to often say the quiet parts out loud.

Anonymous said...

Russia has committed the deadly sin of oil for other than dollars. The invasion could have been forgiven but this, petro dollar demands blood.

Marty said...

If It's a lose lose situation. Because sure as shit Vladimir has seen the video and will be reacting to it. Even if Zhou misspoke, it may not mater. Has anyone in the Obama Biden Regime read The Guns of August ffs.
We're so deep in it now that we may not be able to get out of this mess even if we wanted to.
But if they actually send in the 82nd Vlad will pop a tactical nuke on them, no more 82nd Airborne. And then no more Russia, no more Europe and at best the US is hit with an emp or we lose.quite a few cities. Jim Galvin must be spinning in his grave.
Stolen elections habe consequences.

Aesop said...

If the Russians didn't wait for "clarification", they pop the nuke while Poopypants is in Poland, wipe out half the cabinet, and now Nancy Pelosi or the Secretary of Commerce is sworn in.

It's time to put Old Yeller down, and get him into an Alzheimer's unit, for the good of the country.

Anonymous said...

There is a glimmer of hope this is not gonna happen. Abramowicz just arrived in Poland, directly from Kiev, supposedly as an emissary of Putin. They say Biden will meet with him in Warsaw. We'll see I guess. As we say it, wóz or przewóz.


Anonymous said...

When I read he had said that, my first reaction was "He just issued a war deployment warning order".


Michael said...

Well given that the same folks are running the DOD as when Obama was in, I expect they will deploy "Peacekeepers" to "Protect Civilians" with Vehicles flying Parade Sized American Flags.

The if you shoot its shooting AT Americans tactic.

Thus, protecting their pet ISIS wanabes (sorry, Freedom Fighters) like they did in Syria when Russians were methodically smashing them.

You know the same wannabes riding beside the same American Vehicles *still* in Syria keeping their oil fields occupied.

I didn't say that was a good idea Aesop, I was just looking at the last time Russians were slowly crushing their proxy troops what DOD did.

But then again didn't we say any chemical or WMD action will be met with the same level of response?

And I still suggest you look who profits if both America and Russia weaken each other.

As Michael Yan said PanFamWar.

Or as I say the Famine Wars part 1.

Waiting until the sheeple panic before you quietly secure more food (never enough) seeds and such you'll look like the morning after crowd when the Toilet Paper stampede occurred.

Difference is the Canadians had plenty of trees to make more TP, fertilizer and oil seem in short supply as well as that weird 100+ days from planting beans until they can be harvested thing.

BTW I am starting twice as many bean plants this year long with a doubling of my potato patch. Just saying.

Interesting times as the Chinese curse goes.

Zink said...

According to Dr Philip Karber, the countries on western border with Ukraine
cannot handle the millions of refugees fleeing west, so NATO will likely setup a humanitarian corridor in western Ukraine. This would entail troops in western Ukraine and air cover. a

Anonymous said...

how can they let him talk at all?
if he's not divulging conversation from a 'secure meeting' with his generals, he's leaking strategically sensitive operational plans, or talking about Democrats killing babies & drinking their blood!
his handlers must be going
(h/t UnknownSailor !)

Anonymous said...

"the good ot he world" fify