Friday, June 14, 2024

Not A Vaccine, And Never Was

h/t WRSA

We have happily disagreed with Denninger when he has tiptoed into medical waters over his head, which has been frequently, and we will likely do so again, but this post is not any of those times.

In so many words, two judges out of three at the 9th Circus have ruled that the COVID-19 mRNA shots are not vaccines, and therefore there is no basis under U.S. law by which they may be required as a condition of employment nor any other compelling rationale, and that any such requirements necessarily constitute a violation of the individual's personal right to make medical decisions for oneself.

TL;DR: Suck it, Vaxxholes. Strong message follows.

You are heartily encouraged to hie thee hence and RTWT, as this decision affects not just the Death Jabs, but pretty much every other so-called vaxx currently in existence.

Any injection which, unlike the smallpox vaccine (no longer given since that disease was eradicated in humans decades ago), does not prevent acquisition and transmission of a disease is merely an elective medical treatment, and as such, entirely within an individual's sole personal right to accept or reject all by themselves, solely as their own counsel and conscience dictate.

1) Giving TPTB the middle finger is now back in style.

2) The lawsuits for damages for employers who held to the contrary are now green-lighted, and are going to be a growth industry for the next 80 years, including against former military  service members vs. the DoD, and anyone else terminated for their refusal to take the Jab.

O frabjous day! Callou! Callay!

The case will likely end up in front of SCOTUS because of the DoD component when someone files and cites this decision (which was on behalf of LAUSD education employees), but it's unlikely to be reversed at any level.

Meaning countless employers who went all Gestapo in 2020 are about to take it right up the ass, sideways, with a rusty chainsaw, and deservedly so.

Mandated medical treatment just had an oak stake driven through its heart.

And the court just ruled what we've said all along:


Never. Not once.

And in case no one clued you in, no one's looking for a vaccine, either. At least, no more than OJ was ever out looking for "the real killer".

Think about that.

The government's medical authorities knew everything the 9th Circus ruled was true, years ago.

So ask yourself, that being the case, why they pushed the Jab button so hard, for so long.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like the Suddenly™ Effect was intended as a feature, not a bug. And that five year timeline to developing pericarditis kicks in starting next year. I hope not, because I don't like to think about work without 2/3rds of my colleagues. But choices have consequences, and some mistakes in life you don't get to make twice.

There could be an awful lot of "Help Wanted" ads coming soon. Pay close attention. Time alone will tell.


LSWCHP said...

I finished a near 40 year engineering career prematurely when the CEO, who I thought was a friend, sent an all-hands email about his compulsory vaccination plan. I was making nearly $300K pa working on missile fire control radar systems. It was niche engineering, but the money was good. And I had 5 years to go, so I'm now retired prematurely and short $1.5M.

Worth it though, to avoid the death jabs.

My healthy mother got the jabs, then in the space of a year suffered blood clots in the lungs, turbo ovarian cancer from nowhere and finally a series of strokes that killed her. MY MOTHER!!! Her last year was full of pain and misery, because of the vaccines.

My 24 year old niece, a national level sportswoman got jabbed, and a few weeks later developed myocarditis which turned into Pulmonary Obstructive Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). Read all about it. Now she's fucking crippled, and has trouble standing up from a chair. Her life has been utterly shattered, and she will die prematurely.

The politicians, the business leaders, the big pharma executives....all those Goddamed satanic goblins...I wish above all things that I could cut their throats and piss on their bodies as they twitch and die.

Losing my job was one thing and I could deal with that, but THEY KILLED MY MOTHER, THE FUCKING BASTARDS. And they will pay.

I'm a patient man. One day, probably a long time from now, I will have my revenge.

Aesop said...

Deus vult.

tweell said...

I didn't get the 'vaxx' because I was one of the earlier cases - granddaughter was living with us while going to ASU and got it from her in late January - and so I'd already had the disease. I'm donating antibodies, why would I take the clot shot?

Work was demanding that we all take it, so I got some stiff paper and faked up shot records for myself and everyone who wanted one. By then I was already getting worried about this amazing new technology come to save us all from the plandemic.

So far, family that did get the shot haven't had too many issues. We'll see how that plays out. For myself, I'm building a place for the folks to come when trouble strikes. I'm too old and broke to scoot and shoot, but I can make a haven for rest and resupply.

Phil said...

Giving TPTB the finger never did and never will go out of style for me personally.

Charlie said...

I also lost a couple of profitable years, and retired early, sue to the kung flu insanity. Lost a lot of family to the jab insanity.
Both mother and father have had odd medical conditions after getting jabbed. Not quite deadly, but certainly like changing for them, and not in a good way.

Not much we plebs can do, but I certainly keep my eyes pealed for any opportunity to achieve a bit of revenge. When that opportunity arises you can bet your sweet bippy I will grab it.

Anonymous said...

Would you consider creating a list of those vaccines/shots that are essential, those that are worth it, those that are marginal and those which we should avoid?

Rick T said...

This should torpedo the Flu shot mandates too.

I'm 68 and are done with getting any jab for any excuse. I have ZERO trust other things won't get 'inadvertently added' to the dose.

lpdbw said...

I am a contributor to a consortium funding these lawsuits, including the LAUSD one.

We are involved in the DoD suits as well. Those are in progress.

I am also a plaintiff in one of the cases, since I was fired for refusing the jab. I worked in EHR IT.

I have no hopes of winning 100% of my actual damages, but I hope to get something done.

I lost not just my job, but also my career, my 401k contributions, and I had to take Social Security early for a lesser amount, reducing my lifetime earnings. Plus psychological trauma due to the libel that I "wasn't putting patients first" by refusing the jab. As if a work-from-home IT guy was endangering patients even if the jab was a real vaccine.

All because the hospital CEO wanted to signal his virtue and get those sweet, sweet Federal dollars, and the marketing point that he had 100% vaccination rates.

Survivormann99 said...

Those of us who resisted the Vaxx (which, as the 9th Circuit ruled, wasn't actually a vaccination) were considered the weirdos, the oddballs who marched in step with the Flat Earthers and Luddites. This ruling is a vindication.

As has been said, "Many people regret having been Vaxxed, but no one regrets having not been Vaxxed.

It will probably turn out that most of those who received the Vaxx will escape very serious damage but, in the next few years, "died suddenly" is a phrase that may well appear in a steadily increasing, and very alarming percentage of obituaries, exponentially more than it currently has.

"Did you or a loved one receive the Vaxx in 2021? If so, you may have a claim."

Tucanae Services said...

Everyone in our immediate family passed on The Jab thank God.

Aesop, corollary issue, if you might opine. Updating the medical supplies I could find nothing made in this country. From sterile pads to -cillins it was made somewhere else.

If we combine lack of in-house sources with a lack of trained professionals are we setting ourselves up to be long on canoe and short on paddles??

Tucanae Services said...

Last question for the post -- What is the California statute of limitations for bringing a battery charge?

Chuck said...

It will suck to only have 1/3 the staff but look on the bright side, patient volume will be similarly decreased.

idahobob said...

Well, the 9th circus affirmed what we already knew.

Paul M said...

I’ve called it the Not-A-Vax from day one; no challenge trials/data (the general public was the trial), forcing people to take an EUA (non-labeled/zero liability) injection into their persons, etc…independent thinking people knew this was a scam to cull the herd. Then the millions of kickbacks to Fauci and his cohorts, and zero culpability for Big Pharma…a PsyOp. Every one of those involved should be drawn and quartered as you say, then have their entrails yanked and burned and left on the Capitol steps so “the arrogant others” will gain some humble pie fear.

Anonymous said...

So does this mean that state childhood jab requirements for Kung Flu so that children attend school are null and void? I would think so, but it'll probably have to be litigated in federal court.


John Wilder said...

We're one step closer to the commercials that say . . . "If you were injured by . . . "

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered why a certain shirt doctor whose last name rhymes with “Grouchy” is still stealing our oxygen, given all of the tens of thousands of deaths and injuries he an his fellow corrupt and evil colleagues have caused. I know that if I was in your position, I would think the same way, though I might not have so much patience