Friday, December 29, 2023



When the usual GOP establishment back-room deal-making cronies get together, they ponder stupid things, in their ceaseless quest to bamboozle and flim-flam the average Republican Party voter. One of those thoughts was apparently, "Would Jeb have gotten more votes if he had tits?"

The answer to that question was Nikki Haley. (Not that Jeb was unwilling to have the surgery and get him some tits himself; doubtless he would have done exactly that for a shot at the White House.)

They keep trying to put lipstick on Miss Piggy on the theory that the average voter will have already forgotten her recent Frau Himmler Moment. [Pro Tip: Not Fucking Likely This Side Of Hell Freezing Over.]

Which is how Nikki Haley became a thing. To save bandwidth, she shall henceforth be abbreviated JIAD:

Jeb In A Dress

I'm still not worried, since she's only trailing Trump by 52 points. 

The scary part of that is that Kamelknees Harris dropped out first with similar numbers in 2020. Look how that worked out.


Jess said...

I think that will stick, and "Jeb in a dress" will be background comments during public appearances.

Anonymous said...

Read a report this AM relating that the head of the NH GOP has endorsed the poser from S. Carolina.

Nice that he has finally revealed himself as another Never Trumper.

Can't wait for Ms Haley to drop out after Jan 23rd.


June J said...

JIAD is of the R faction of the DC status quo. She’s for more war, more spending and less freedom for the serfs.

Tucanae Services said...

Good, very good. All that is missing is chin. JIAD is trailing so bad even the betting sites are looking for new verbs for 'not a chance'.

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I did this right, but.
"Jeb in a dress"

Anonymous said...

I heard someone refer to her the other day as “Brown Hillary.” I’ve started using that.

Terrapod said...

JIAD - That is the best shorthand I have ever seen for what the Rino party is nowadays.

Vote to disrupt both establishment parties at every level. If that takes El Trumpo at the national level, so be it.

Our corner of MI is conservative as can be (lots of farmers) but amazingly (ballot stuffing/mail ins from non existent address/overcounts/dead voter rolls R the party of stupid) a D idiot won the local state rep position. A union rep. we had never heard of, the absolute poster boy of a community organizing nebbish, coke bottle glasses zero sartorial skills - though not quite at Fetterman level, "won" in 2022.

Now (finally) we have a relatively unknown local business guy, never been in politics before, announcing a run against the plant (potted or otherwise). Maybe, just maybe, we will start fixing the mess that is Michigan if every county gets with this practice of tossing anything that smells of establishment.

Allen said...

nemo...we in NH knew sununu was a nevertrumper when he refused to ride with him from the airport to the rally in manchester.

then they had an airport rally, and he refused to attend.not that he had something better to do, but the sitting president was coming and he found that a good time to file his nails.

so, the odds are, pending another massive vote fix, we'll have trump again.

how do we convince trump that saving the ukranian people and defeating the russians is a good idea?

at what point did Charles Lindbergh change his mind about being able to defeat the germans? pearl harbor?

do we need another pearl harbor before these people will wake the fuck up?

Tucanae Services said...

"how do we convince trump that saving the ukranian people and defeating the russians is a good idea?" -- Allen

Trump already gave a partial answer to your query -- "I want to stop the dying." Now I think you can take that answer in many directions, but I take that should he win, further US aid to UA will be contingent on a ceasefire and negotiations.

Aesop said...

We weren't giving Ukraine any aid when Russia invaded, for the fourth time.
So cutting aid to Ukraine now would encourage Russia to seek a, exactly?

If you want the dying to stop, the shortest way to that is make the juice not worth the squeeze for Russia.

Cutting Ukraine aid only guarantees that the only dying will be on the Ukrainian side. For as long as Russia sees fit to kill them, and in the total absence of a ceasefire, nor any need to seek one.

How did that plan work out for us in South Vietnam?

Why was it that Russia left Afghanistan?
Because we went hands-off, and cut off all aid to that country?

Isolationism is retarded nonsense, and there are graveyards from Hawaii to Tunisia that testify to the idiocy of that policy the last time we tried it.
Nature abhors a vacuum.

Allen said...


I have noticed that isolationism usually predates a world war by 5 years or less. that said "history doesn't repeat but it often rhymes".

IF trump cannot be pulled back from isolationism, there will likely be a world war in the middle of his term. even if he does pull back, it will still take a lot of effort to bring things back to "pax americana".

save an IMAO "nuke the moon" scenario, ( we will need something on the order of Desert Storm to convince people we are serious again. it one thing to say, and another to do. the world responds to doing. this also assumes our military will still be up to the task after the thorough hollowing-out biden seems to be doing.

at least, that's my analysis. feel free to tell me where I am wrong here.

John Wilder said...

Haley's Vomit.

Pat H. said...

JIAD may not be eligible to serve as president.

Plague Monk said...

I'm actively looking for professional employment again; 3D CAD designer, specializing in aerospace, and Haley is very popular in this crowd. Contrast that with the utter loathing of Trump in the engineering/scientific community that I am active in(under another alias). TDS is real, and in a sick way is pretty hilarious

I can't stand Haley, but if I vote at all, which is highly unlikely, I would vote for her over Trump in the primaries. I voted for Biden over Trump in 2020 for professional reasons while on my last full time gig. The contract houses are telling me that if I want to be employed in more than a janitorial job, I will have to donate to the Dems at a level where my name will be available.

Aesop said...

One can but hope, Pat.

The flaw there is thinking we still reside in a constitutional republic, where the Constitution carries any force of law.

Assumes facts not in evidence.