Tuesday, February 18, 2025

O Please

 h/t WRSA


Plague Monk said...

I'm probably too short for this ride, but even after going to Western, I still don't really get this one. Cute, though...

Night driver said...

Big Country has killer directions to build a SERIOUS flamenwerfer if you want one.

Allen said...

I prefer the ukrainian method of an FPV drone with an RPG warhead through the window at 350MPH. and if that doesn't work, a bundled satchel charge made of 3 salvaged anti-tank mines through a window with a 3-second fuse.

Anonymous said...

back when we still had the M-202 launcher, one trick was to replace the flame heads/rockets/whatever with a LAW HEAT round. they where the same type of rocket. 66mm and firing system. anyway. I got into a fair bit of trouble over doing that in West Berlin back in the 1970's
fire a HEAT round to make a hole in the building , then fire a Flame round into the hole. we all thought it was a good idea. but the clowns in charge didn't.

John Wilder said...

Nuke it from space, that's the only way to be sure.

Disappointed in Humanity said...

I like the cut of your jib.