For Informational Purposes, the above list of keywords is the ones that set the NSA's e-mail and online post-searching machinery into hyperdrive. Feel free to sprinkle them liberally into anything from blogposts to gumbo recipes, or avoid them altogether, depending upon whether you wish to Cloward-Piven their Cray supercomputers into letharagic fits, or avoid further scrutiny of anything you send online.
If you have a sense of humor, using some form of simple encryption far less secure than PGP, (Think Aurabesh, Klingon, or an A=1, B=2, Z=26 cipher), and writing a series of letters and replies between two dead and anonymous email accounts describing their upcoming terrorist operation(s) - purely as research for your unpublished thriller novel, of course - would be quite a hoot.)
9 25 11 25 11
Bonus Pro Tip:
Ciphers are generally encrypted in blocks of 5 numbers, e.g.:
68768 79667 52894 57823 49571
98235 79037 21974 13745 10983
79087 23409 81231 67981 65874
87649 76494 87489 46498 64948
94654 33748 97345 98352 37352
The assumption on the part of TPTB is that anything encrypted is probably nefarious.
And you can find random character generators online that will spew out thousands of characters of gibberish using the entire keyboard assortment, absolutely free.
Ain't technology grand?
Thanks for the list, I had lost it. BUT that's what I do. On some blogs my screen name is Tree Mike; eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn. So sometimes my goal is to hope the Al Gore rhythms will kick it up to human eye balls. Then, depending on their level of social literacy, they'll have to research Foghorn Leghorn. I'm sure some of them just go "It's that fuggin Tree Mike again!"
They know EVERYTHING about me, they know I'm a crippled, broke dick geezer in the hills of Tennessee, so it's extremely unlikely a fed swat team is showing up on my property. I have 25 acres, surrounded by my neighbors 400 acres, it's a half mile dirt road with barky dogs to alert my barky dogs that we're getting company.
Plus, I'm pretty sure, everybodies likelihood of 0 dark 30, swat visits plummeted drastically.
I once sent an email to a pal who worked at the effbeeye that contained a whole list of those words. He was big mad at me for quite a while.
Much fun and mischief can be had with a few like minded friends and a random number generator. Especially if those like minded friends bring in others. Call the game "7 Degrees of the NSA is Fake and Gay"
Build a honeypot and load it with insurgency manuals if one feels bold enough. Imagine, you could have your own FBI team as your private security team! YMMV
if you really want to ensure your communication is secure. use one time pads. they are totally random and unbreakable
Do words like kemeekal show up, asking for a friend.
"This is the Way". Algos and AI aren't smart enough for anything more than some preprogrammed, misspelled words. The Vaxx is what alerted me to other, (duh) misspellings. I never claimed to be the smartest knife in the drawer.
I'm pretty sure they'll be chatting about this in the NSA trans-chat room.
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