Friday, January 17, 2025

CNN Gets Defamation Lawsuit Enema; Navy Vet Wins Lotto Payday

CNN owes plaintiff $5M in actual damages.

They're still debating punitive damages against CNN, which may get him a major share of the network.

Time/Warner currently in full pants-shitting mode.

Lawfare is quite a bitch when it's headed the other way, isn't it, you lying media bastards?


Old NFO said...

Yes, and they were/are literally hoist on their own petard! In addition to having a judge that was not playing the political game.

B said...

It appears that they bent over and gave him a large enough sum to gain a settlement so that they wouldn't get cornholed too badly in the punitive phase.

Good to see this.

Dan said...

The vet won the lawsuit. His lawyers won the lotto. Much, perhaps most of the money awarded will go to legal fees and costs. In lawsuits the only people who usually win are the lawyers.

Survivormann99 said...

The reality is that the verdict is likely covered by CNN's insurance company. The punitive damages would have come directly out of CNN's own assets, so that is why CNN decided to settle that part of the case. Regardless, CNN will likely be paying much more for insurance next year---assuming that its tanking ratings don't result in its total collapse. As that great philosopher and observer of all things American, Elmer Fudd, once said, "Good widdance to bad wubbish!"

John Wilder said...

How will the six viewers afford to pay all that?

StBernardnot said...

Lolololol. THE perfect comment!

Anonymous said...

Yo ho all Lads hoist the colors high!