Friday, January 17, 2025

Cinematic Immunity: Not Really A Thing


JustTheFacts said...

Aesop you are a local. Who bears the brunt of the responsibility for this disaster?
The linked poll shows Newsom at 28% "a great deal responsible" and 20% "somewhat responsible". Bass is at 22% for "a great deal responsible" and 25% for "somewhat responsible".

Aesop said...

People Who Built Stupid Houses In Stupid Places, On Hillsides And Up Canyons That Frequently (2 years out of any 5) Catch On Fire, Without Doing Fire-Resistant Architecture, Window Film, Roofing, Or Clearing Brush Away: 25% responsible

Karen Basshole & L.A. City & County For Cuts In Fire Budgets, Draining Nearest Reservoir Bone Dry, Not Maintaining Water Supply System, and Mollycoddling Homeless Meth-heads Instead of Arresting Them For Drug Use, Arson, and Vagrancy: 25% responsible

Gabbin' Nuisance And State Minions Of Mischief et al, For Califrutopia Letting Billions Of Gallons Of Rainwater And Snowmelt Run Off Into The Ocean Because They Haven't Built One Reservoir In The State In 60+ Years, And Would Rather Cater To A Baitfish Than Taxpayers: 25% responsible

FedGov: For Not Maintaining Firebreak Access Roads, Not Doing Controlled Burns, Not Clearing Deadfall and Underbrush In The 47% Of California That's Federal Land, And Letting 10-15M Illegal Aliens Move In Here: 25%.

Net Loss to CA From This Series Of Fires: 0. Moar, please.

If the idiots who vote this b.s. into office get burned out, and cannot rebuild, the three levels of elected idiots they fund and elect go away too, and things reset to normalcy within a generation.

Hence my call for tankers to drop napalm and aviation gasoline on the fires.
I wasn't kidding.

If all of CA west of Interstate 101 from OR to L.A. County and then west of I-5 from L.A. to where it becomes I-405, and thence to Mexico, managed to burn to the ground tomorrow, the state would be redder than Texas within 6 months (probably more like 6 hours), and fiscally solvent by the end of this year.

The weeping and wailing, and the ensuing exodus of Not Californian Democommunist shitheads and their pet illegal aliens, would be music to my ears.

Anonymous said...

Equivalent damage would be for the San Andreas to hit a 9.5 which would pretty well wipe out the same territory. For comparison the 1906 San Francisco quake was 7.9 and the 1964 Alaska quake was 9.2. Bring it on!

Stealth Spaniel said...

Amen and amen. I can't wait to hear the wailing as JLO or some such imbecile says (on camera, of course!);"But these rules shouldn't apply to ME!" We could only wish for Silicon Valley and SF to experience a clearing. Remember it's Biblical.

Tucanae Services said...

Reviewing the provided pic. I notice a full pool of water just standing there. Not saying anything other than a single pumper truck could have save the associated house -- maybe.

Not being a local your slices of the failure will probably become rather accurate. As it is I see all the Pols are ducking for cover and pointing at each other like a Mexican standoff.

Anonymous said...

And then the idiots would bring their contagion to the rest of the western red States. Thanks.

Charlie said...

Tis often difficult to see the fire thru the trees.

I understand once the state fire ins goes broke, homeowner insurance companies pay 50% of costs up a billion, then 100%.
CA state law the allows them to pass these costs onto all the other homeowner policies not affected.

Cederq said...

Yup, but that means we will get them. Thanks...

Anonymous said...

Most of the people living in that area would never get out of the LA Basin. Not enough fuel on the limited roads out to refuel more than the first couple of hours of refugees, and not enough water for those left behind. LA Basin has about 12 hours water at normal use rates, if the incoming water stopped.
John in Indy

Rhea said...

Out in the Midwest, winter makes it way less attractive to be homeless.


streamfortyseven said...

Once the roof starts to burn, that's pretty much all she wrote for that structure, there's no amount of water in those winds that could put out that fire. There are things that can be done, structures survived those blazes - for good reasons: You need steel or other non-combustible roofs, same case for siding, shutters on windows - no plastic casings, steel only - and so forth. I've reproduced (and sourced) a list of design specs in the following:

And you need at least 15 foot setbacks from property lines - else expect chain reaction fires, no oil plants near structures - eucalyptus, juniper, mesquite, palms - and a good sized swimming pool for water supply.. because a lot of the houses which were saved were saved by their owners ignoring evacuation orders and putting water onto roofs and exposed wood, and putting out spot fires.

John Wilder said...

Some will have to make due with just a single mansion. That really hits me in the feels.