Tuesday, April 23, 2024


We have known for at least a year and a half that Gulag's minions were jacking around our blog view counts, since the day we watched them march backwards, in real time, and then stay at zero for hours, popping up to 2-3/minute, then reset to zero over and over again. (Of course, that never happens in Philadelphia or Atlanta vote counts, nosiree...) 
We've never trusted the tally since, but we aren't too wrapped up about it either way, (other than a certain amount of surprise and humility whenever another million rolls over the odometer) and after a certain amount of screwing around, after steadily rising over the years, since the noted horsing around incidents, it's settled into a routine of 5K-10K/day, depending on content. 

Which was apparently what we were supposed to assume.

We are beginning to suspect that whatever or whoever was doing the screwing around has lost its touch.
Out of nowhere, the reported view tally two days ago was 67K, yesterday's is 22K, and so far today we're at about 14K. Before we posted anything.

Maybe someone's screw-around-with-rightwing-blogview software has reached the end of tech support, and now the actual views are getting through unfiltered.

It doesn't change anything, and just underlines that the viewcounter is whacked, but it's funny to watch.


maruadventurer said...

Aesop, isn't odometer tampering illegal in your state??

Dakota Viking said...

Don't know if this means anything, sorry you're not a daily read, but I get here from other sites. When I haven't read you in awhile and I see a bookmark of your site, I'll pop over and catch-up. You're showing up more frequently, now, but there have been months where I haven't run across your bookmark, then it's common, then scarce again. Maybe a small percentage could be this or something similar with others too? Info is Info. Gagg-le (Is Not) don't be evil (anymore)

Aesop said...

Hits from other sites all go into page views.
A 60K one-day delta is just silly.
Gulag is still screwing with the actual numbers, and what they are is anyone's guess.
When the original throttling occurred, I was only one of multiple sites targeted.

Mainly I'm just wondering if they've finally given up the effort.

John Wilder said...

Yup. Demoralization.

Anonymous said...

I come directly to web and blog sites, as I don't like most aggregates and hate Fecesbook
You are one of my daily reads.
John in Indy

Anonymous said...

they are like skunks or vandals, they don't want to eat it or keep it they just want to piss on it so nobody else can have or enjoy it.

Congrats on that uplifting news.

Roy in Nipomo said...

I read you via RSS. Does this affect your stats?

odd job said...

soon as I hit 100K/Month...all the numbers crashed. years ago. whatever

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Aesop, I have had some weirdness as well over the last few months. I have simply given up and just amuse myself with the idea that if the numbers are true, the bots and GRU are hopefully having a field day reading my vain ramblings.

Anonymous said...

Also, being shown over at Normal Americans NTYKYOOTC, it is visible if you, or anyone, has new posts. Not sure how many come here from there, or how that effects hits.


Allen said...

the people I feel sorry for are the youtubers who rely on those view counts for income.

for them, lying about view counts is the same as someone shaving hours off your paycheck.