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Oh, boo frickin' hoo. Shoulda been done 50 years ago. With flamethrowers. |
This, right here. Angus nails it in one take.
This is "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'." when the volume is turned up to 11 on the geopolitical stage.
And for the Fucktards out there (you know who you are), this isn't "genocide", nor even anything remotely close to that. Words mean things.
To date, there appears to be no shortage of murdering Arabs on the planet, nor will there be even if every Egyptian Arab inhabitant of Gaza is erased from the planet in perpetuity. More's the pity.
What you're looking at is not genocide, it's consequences. Gravity, working.
You're getting to see what the Third Punic War looked like, and the reason Rome never fought a Fourth Punic War.
The Carthaginians behaved ever afterwards, because most of them were busy rotting in peace.
Gaza delenda est has quite a nice ring to it. Nota bene how quiet and circumspectly well-behaved the Jordanian Arabs in the West Bank have suddenly become since last October. Pure coincidence, undoubtedly.
Perhaps it will catch on every time another group of goat-humpers thinks they're going to murder their way to Paradise.
The idiots who cheered on and elected Hamas to lead them, and passed out candy every time they killed another innocent victim anywhere on the planet, are now finding out, in exquisite detail, that 72 virgins or not, the fucking they'll get isn't worth the fucking they're getting.
Dulce et decorum est.
I have no problem with what the IDF is doing over there. should have done it a long time ago
really. with the sheer amount of money that has gone into helping those assholes, the place should look like magic city- wonderful. but it not. the money goes to the top 1-2% of them assholes and the rest into weapons and concrete to make tunnels
granted the average IQ over there is like what 70-80 at best ? and now we find they stealing the aid and selling on the black market ? fuck them. let them starve.
I think the world really could do well with less of the stupid hateful assholes.
god knows they breed like mad. and letting in your country is just insane.
we all will be better off if they just die out.
Almost to the 'rock their rocks' stage in Gaza I see. But I digress....
It would seem that the Arabs still have not looked up at the scoreboard. The score currently is not in their favor. The only wild card is will Turkey do anything?
Muslims are, IMHO, a low form of homo sapiens. Where their culture and religion dominates, it condemns these to countries to remaining intellectual backwaters. Sure, with enough oil money they can build shiny new landscapes, but no Westerner could actually live there and feel as if it is home, and neither could he experience the freedom and vitality that comes with living in the West.
The problem with not leaving one stone stacked atop another in Gaza is that doing so will trigger a wave of actual "kinetic support" by the Arab world. While the leadership of most Arab nations want to stay out of the fight, the populations will mandate entry into the conflict on the side of Hamas.
If that happens, the Jews won't be able to kill Arabs fast enough, and the US will be dragged into the conflict. I don't want to see the life of one American Marine or soldier sacrificed to save Israel. To those who say, "But they (the Israelis) are our only real ally in the Middle East!!!" I say, yeah, but until European Jews flocked there in the hundreds of thousands after WWII and made enemies of the Arab world, we didn't need serious allies in the ME because no one hated us. Now they do.
It's not too late for flamethrowers.
Boat Guy
I hate Muslims with a passion, so the news out of Gaza these days really puts a spring in my step.
I think Hamas underestimated how successful their raid would be. They assumed they'd get a competent response from the Israelis, so they'd kill a few Jews, the Jews would beat on them for a few days and they'd end up with a propaganda victory, with them as the victims. Just like it's always been.
Instead they had a great slaughter of civilians, and now they are reaping the whirlwind.
I suspect the jubilation at the Hamas headquarters upon news of their initial success turned to quiet fear when they realised what they'd achieved, and then considered what the response would be.
I really do think the Israelis will pursue this until every last Hamas maniac is captured or dead. And that can only be a good thing.
This is what happens when a caged, people rise up with small arms and homemade rockets against a military with an Air Force, Tanks and artillery.
It's an excellent picture what will happen when we rise to "Water the Tree of Liberty", except with far more burning buildings as over there concrete is normal, here mostly 2X4 and sheet rock.
AND I bet our Leftist "Betters" will think of us as Low IQ morons deserving of death also.
Fuck with the bull...............
Making the rubble bounce.
Hamas acts like animals, thus a cage is where they belong.
They validated everything done to them before, and everything done to them afterwards.
Now things are approaching the point where how they feel about that doesn't matter, beacuse they'll take those feelings with them to their graves.
Which cannot happen fast enough.
Show us a pic of Detroit to make a point about Israel?
Nice try....
If we started bombing Detroit like it were Gaza, the Air Farce might at least make its recruitment goals.
Looking at this from a certain perspective, you can blame Israel only because they waited too long to get serious. Everything seemed to be going pretty well, what with their border/fence wall, outreach to Arab countries, and otherwise rational and cautious approach. Then all at once the years of appeasement blew up in their face.
We are living a similar but much worse scenario. Over 50 years of infiltration by the left into every aspect of our culture has produced a takeover of the country from within, and now an everyday invasion from without.
When will all of this blow up in our faces and what will be our response?
Every time I think about or hear of more destruction in Gaza and more "women and children" dying from bombs, rockets and small arms fire, I'm still amazed that Hamas actually thought that there'd be little to no consequence for their attack on Israel. I guess arabs really are that stupid.
What I'm really waiting for is news that Hama's leaders are jumping out of windows in tall buildings in Qatar. I do know that they won't be doing that without assistance. The arabs have also forgotten the lesson of the aftermath of the 1972 Munich attack, where Israel hunted down and killed every last one of the attackers.
Now, the Bribem regime has announced that they're going to build a pier on the beach in Gaza to facilitate giving aid, in the form of food and medicine, to "the desperate people of Gaza".
I can't imagine how Bribem thinks that Hamas isn't going to steal all of it anyway, regardless of who gets it at the pier.
If the idiots blathering about international law (wrt genocide) actually read the treaties they bleat about, they would find that Israel, as a signatory to those treaties, actually has an obligation to stop what these people are doing. But, when you spin it like that, it doesn't fit the 'Terrorists good, Israel bad' narrative that the lefties peddle. 'Israel is fulfilling their treaty obligations' doesn't have the same ring as 'Israel is a colonialist genocide state' to the wokies. 'Israel is fulfilling their treaty obligations' leads to the question 'Who else signed those treaties?' and then 'Why are other signatories of those treaties not doing anything?'
Of course, these Hamasholes have no one but themselves to blame for their current predicament. Anecdotally, there has to be something broken about their culture because I've seen video of the guy praising Allah at the outgoing rockets and then not understanding the incoming response. (You mean people might not like it when you shoot at them?"
Of course these Hamasholes are stuck in Gaza because they've developed a reputation for causing problems wherever they go. IIRC, they've gotten themselves kicked out of Jordan and Kuwait because they caused problems there.
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