Thursday, November 16, 2023

Credit Where It's Due

Though we understand the backstory rationale, Tam's blog quality has slipped somewhat since going comment-free some years back (which potential fate is the only reason we still tolerate the occasional jackhole poster here, at least until we spam-tag their IP), but proving that writing for a living hones the craft if you let it, she's still got it when it counts, which is why it's still a regular visit.

This genius-level turn of phrase in this sentence requires a standing slow clap:

Message Fic 

A critique flung at authors of fiction who get too polemical, first recorded in use against H.G. Wells, is that they'd sold their artistic birthright for a pot of message.

If you have the cultural literacy to see what she did there, you'll recognize that unlike a steak, that's both medium rare, and well done. And since we can't say it there, we offer it here: Kudos.


John Wilder said...

Nice one, that.

Anonymous said...

What is sad is how are people these days will recognize the reference; whether or not you agree, it has had a HUGE impact on our society.

Night driver said...

That is DELICIOUSLY well done!!!

It helps to know what pottage actually IS, though.

Night Driver

Anonymous said...

I like her photographs and she is a good writer. Smart as hell and has funny dialogue with others. Don't agree with her politics, but meh she still is a good writer and I can get past that just fine.

When did agreeing to disagree and moving along stop being a thing ?

Anonymous said...

Very clever, and well worth [s]stealing[/s] borrowing.

Grey Fox

Terrapod said...

So smooth, had to read it twice. Very Slick of her. Har!

Vitaeus said...

Even gets a swipe at "A chicken in every pot" as another referal

maruadventurer said...

In defense of HG Wells, his pot of message through most of his works, were a warning. We in this age seem to have not just ignored the outcome that message begets but have tended to embrace it as a cloak of virtue.

Trumpeter said...

Just a post here for the record. The US Army has 155 ammo practice going on. Supplies are back

Trumpeter said...

Might be bigger. They have plenty. Ft Lewis. Big boom!

Plague Monk said...

OT, here's another genius in action:

I'll be back later, after I clean my original Brown Bess musket by dunking it in my 120 gallon saltwater tank...