h/t Mike
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Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller |
(NYFC)The maverick Marine fired after he released a now-viral video slamming the US military for botching the exit from Kabul, issued a clear threat to his aging superiors Saturday.
“The baby boomer’s turn is over,” Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller told The Post. “I demand accountability, at all levels. If we don’t get it, I’m bringing it.”
He also quoted Thomas Jefferson, saying “every generation needs a revolution.”
Dear Sir,
Reporting For Duty.
Former NCO of Marines available immediately.
Olive green, not as lean, twice as mean, and still a Marine, down to my cold green amphibious heart.
Where? And When?
Update soonest, over.
I'll follow this man.
Count me in.
I'm too old for this shit, what a ridiculous fucking idea.
When do we start?
Original Grandpa
YO! Thousands of us waiting. Dark Green, Light Green--don't matter.
"Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They’re aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They NEVER GIVE UP!"
Sadly Aesop he is a man of Honor in a system WITH OUT Honor. That makes him a bit blind to a knife in the back as Socialists are inclined to deploy.
They see him as a Threat and I suspect he will be "Found" and "Punished" for child porn on his laptop or something.
Or he will have a fatal "accident".
I hope and pray I am wrong but the Deep State will not allow a modern day Washington arise with such a clarion call to arms.
Paul McLeary
Aug 29
Update on LtCol Scheller situation: USMC says tonight they’re “taking appropriate action to ensure the safety and well-being of LtCol Scheller and his family” indicating concern over his mental health
(Arkancide and Epsteined are so Clinton. Isn't there an ObamaBiden term? Or maybe Schellered will soon be introduced.)
They're gonna disappear him... https://mobile.twitter.com/paulmcleary/status/1432124076689088514
I'm on the other side of the country Aesop, but I'm with ya. I'm old and slow, but I can still pull a damn trigger. There are more of us than the other side would care to contemplate, and that scares the s*** out of them and keeps them awake at night. They say we're domestic terrorists, racists, sexists and whatever BS label they want to pin on us. But we know better.
I am still waiting for a black swan event. Is this it? Doesnt look like it
I've been reflecting on how to avoid being an easy casualty, but how does one defend against planted evidence and crooked judges? Whether I'm Honorable or not, the system tell lies so big that I don't see how I can refute them without having a system of equal size behind me. Any thoughts would help.
The game is rigged; don't play their game, by their rules, in their venue.
Play your game, by your rules, in your venue.
And as a guiding principle, Kill all they send.
Former paratrooper; All in and ready!
Its the old soviet trick of taking him into custody and claiming he is metally ill. They have memory holed him and they will drug him into oblivion.
pkerot, no, this isn't it. It *could* be it. But it isn't it. You know why it isn't it? It's because them with the Be Cool/Kill Them All switch haven't thrown the switch. It's like they're waiting for the other side to throw the switch for them. Isn't that a hoot!
Instead, they continue to be reeled in then let out then reeled in again like a fisherman playing with his catch. Like I said what seems eons ago, time is on the side of the socialists. They can keep reeling until Jesus returns. It's a sport, it's fun, it's a life ambition to troll and reel.
I am reminded of a time way long ago. I played with a drunk who wanted to kick my ass. He had the capability. But being even just one step ahead of him I played him until he didn't know which was what and I grew bored. Perhaps that is what will finally be it' the other side will grow bored in playing. Then we'll strike. Oh yeah, suuuuurrre.
I'll leave it to others to recount the absoeffingly treasonous acts done in bulk over even only the last 100 days. If that isn't enough to flip that switch then I guess we can all be silent pallbearers for the greatest country ever known.
Your first act may be to break him out of the lockup they're holding him in.
@Doc J: Whatever he does he must NOT let them take him to Bethesda Naval Hospital, otherwise we might have another Admiral James Forrestal moment - where he "fell" to his death from the 16th floor, not too long before his brother arrived to take him home. (Remember, Admiral Forrestal was taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital because TPTB were "worried about his mental health", even though they were no longer in any way responsible for him.)
Thanks Wes Rhinier for the Twitter link - https://mobile.twitter.com/paulmcleary/status/1432124076689088514
For the time being it sounds like they (the people who ordered the mental health eval and say they are “taking appropriate action to ensure the safety and well-being of LtCol Scheller and his family”) are looking into if his wife was in the process of leaving him or if he was having some sort of mental breakdown / manic episode.
He did say some things that sounded like a threat in his second video. Yes they could be taken to mean to start a movement to overturn things through civic and political action, but they also could be taken to mean kinetic action against leaders, etc.
I'm with him if he wants to lead people into battle but saying things while he is pissed off and in a bad state and making threats he can't follow up on is not a good thing.
Perhaps he can get into politics (Representative of a district he can win in NC) and build up a base of political, financial and physical support and lead a community of people willing to follow him that can say F-U to Fed dictates and be able and willing to back up their Freedom from tyranny with at least the same ingenuity, tenacity and determination that the Taliban just demonstrated against the US Gov.
But first we need to be sure that the LTC is not just having a crazy episode. That aside from being obviosly very upset (as many of us are over this) that the good LTC is on an even keel and he can seriously lead and deliver over time and is not just having a mental health episode at the moment due to Bipolar Disorder, Family Stress or PTSD, etc.
Hopefully the LTC has some serious support close to him (as in people willing to be physically with him and keep him on track and give him good advice and guard him from harm if necessary).
I'm going to hope and pray that those close to him truly do want what is best for him.
He passed the psyche eval, he said.
Hmm, that lines up all right. They do say that that which doesn't kill you is committing a grave tactical error. Thanks.
In the new DSM they put in a psych thing called anti authoritarian dis order, basically if you believe in the 2nd Amendment, or don't trust the government, things like that you're anti authoritarian and thus mentally ill
One note Brother,
Two actually
1. Shouldn't it be "Forest Green" vice "Olive"?
2. GREAT to be able to comment again
Boat Guy
Had to wait for the trolls to shuffle off to their under-bridge.
Welcome back.
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