ukraine has all the materials, engineers, and plans to make a nuclear weapon. every day they have less of an incentive to not make one. we try so hard to prevent "weerlld wahhhrrr thhreee!!" that we slid right into it sideways. it's just a matter of time now. this meeting in washington is Trump's Chamberlain moment. Trump thinks he's saving the world, but "peace" just for the sake of it with no steel to back it up is just accelerating the countdown.
every time "america first" is tried, there is a world war in 3-5 years. I think it will be sooner this time around.
I feel so bad about this. Yes, the war can't go on forever, but Ukraine has to feel completely cheated and that they've made a huge mistake in trusting us. We're even crying about their duly elected leader in front of cameras so Russia can see. What a disaster.
As someone smarter than me noted, 'America first ' is rapidly becoming 'America alone' and that's not a good thing either.
Probably treading thin here, but from POTUS, to Nuland, to Schiff the RU-UA was not so much a war to win for them as it was cover for the biggest money laundering to ever be seen by mankind. The People on both sides have suffered greatly and Eurocrats wish it to continue. Insane. Given time the whole scam will be laid bare.
I am sure that our actions in re:Ukraine will have absolutely no effect on our relations with other small countries that rely on our nuclear umbrella like Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, and any decisions they may need to make regarding whether to cooperate with us against China or Russia (Japan has a bit of a border dispute with Russia regarding the Sakhalin Islands, IIRC) or acquire nuclear weapons of their own. No effect at all, which is fortunate since we probably need them to deal with China...
That "entangling alliance" was never ratified as a treaty by the Senate. So it was about as trustworthy as Bill Clinton's, who made that promise, wedding vows. We should have left NATO back in 1995. Spending American blood or gold on foreign nations is treason against the American people.
Well, you seemed pretty clear that Russia was and would continue loosing. Are you still saying Russia lost big time, or were you wrong back then. Ps, You should have a public ban list, we know you have a private one.
A lot of people are happy at thought of Ukrainian defeat without giving a single thought to what happens after a Russian victory. The rest of the world will see that aggressive war for conquest is back on the table. An incompetent Europe and indifferent America - maybe not our problem except for our globalized economy entangled with all the countries that might launch stupid wars like Russia did.
Can America disentangle its globalized economy from the world before all those wars around the world break out? Stay tuned.
@Trumpeter, Russia has won nothing. They've pulled their pants down, and exposed their military incompetence for the entire world - particularly China - to see. They've destroyed nearly half their former nominal combat power, and they've set themselves back diplomatically for a century. And just looking at their casualties, they're "winning" about like France "won" either world war. Call me when their flag flies over Kiev, and then tell me how long you figure it'll take them to stomp out partisan activity in the conquered state. I'm figuring only about 100 years, but the Russian state is more likely to fail again before then, and Ukraine will, yet again, declare independence from Moscow. The United States is in the process of demonstrating to every other country that our promises will be abandoned the minute they become inconvenient, and any hope of nuclear non-proliferation went up in flames, forever. I told you both sides could lose this war. Trump is cheerfully adding America to that dogpile.
The rules for comments are posted right on the front page. Engage on the issues, instead of ad hominem, and I tolerate a wide range of thought. For your benefit, and for those with an inability to take the 30 seconds to read them "If one of your comments disappears, YOU fucked up." Chickenshit anonymous commenters get about twice the scrutiny and half the slack as people who sign their work. 80-IQ midwits whose sole m.o. on the internet is to leave flaming bags of dogshit on the front porch are the reason virtually every single blog I know of either has no comments, or moderated comments. They and spammers are literally the reason we cannot have nice things.
There are about three or four commenters who demonstrated repeated inability to abide by the short commenting rules. After literally dozens of attempts to get their attention and suggest they learn to be house-broken, their posts go straight to a spam filter I never see. Best plug-in I ever installed. I haven't looked at it in the last six or eight months, but when last I looked, one serial loser had kept trying almost daily for over a year, and the other two/three had finally gotten the hint, and fucked off to annoy someone else. No one misses them or their carpet-shitting ways. No one. Probably be true IRL when they die too.
You want to run a blog and say whatever you like? They're free for the asking on Blogger. Knock yourself out. I pay $0/yr since ever for this one. Me spending nearly 17 years of my free time to get this one to this point doesn't entitle every jackass with a keyboard to come in and shit all over it simply because they lack the sense God gave a jackass, and can't chin themselves above "moron" on the IQ bar.
Given how Ukraine and Zelensky have behaved, I'm just as happy that they gave up their nukes back in the day. It's probably what keeps the radiation meters from ticking so much.
In the interst of fairness, do US leaders ever lose an opportunity to launder money though? This isn't really a Ukraine, it's an America problem and we need to find some way to hold the govt leaders who do it accountable, elected or not.
Be honest all they ever had was plutonium pits, without the launch codes all they ever had was the pits themselves. A great boon to building the finished nuke, but active usable nukes, they never had them..
the problem is we can spend a little now, or a lot later, of both blood and treasure. we can spend a little on security now, or later have to fight the russians and the chinese for our ships to move on the open ocean without being extorted. that gets really expensive.
That only underlines that you haven't paid close attention. What I won't tolerate is a wide variety of abuse, nor an inability to focus on the topic instead of the host. If that's too hard for anyone, they're not tall enough for this part of the internet. 50% of everyone is in the left half of the IQ bell curve, so I'm not particularly surprised this issue keeps coming up. Nor that stupid people don't realize they're stupid. Dunning-Kruger is a thing.
How, exactly, ought one to behave after four successive invasions by a thuggish neighbor? And how has Moscow not getting the nuking they deserved played out for all their neighbors? Has NATO membership grown because Ukraine is the problem, or because Moscow is the problem? Answer at your convenience.
Clintonian word-parsing now will cut no ice with any number of nations, all of whom we have earnestly assured can count on the protection of our nuclear umbrella. Just like we told Ukraine.
Once you dispense with your honor, you can never get it back.
Trump throwing Ukraine under the bus in the name of expediency is going to go down in history as one of the most despicable actions this nation has ever committed, besides which paltry things like slavery or wiping out Indians will pale in comparison.
It's a pity Ukraine wasn't as utilitarian and honesty-sparing in honoring their assurances to give up nukes as we have been to guarantee their borders. It would be hilarious if Kiev announced that they had been exactly as circumspect in their obligations under the Budapest Memorandum as Russia and the US have proven to be, and told Putin he could withdraw his forces immediately to the status quo ante 2014, and give back Crimea, or say goodbye to any ten Russian cities forever.
And if I were Zelensky about now, the second city I'd nuke, given the opportunity, would be D.C. or NYFC.
We're going to pay for our national mendacity, because this sort of thing never goes unanswered.
Which recent NATO member states were brought into the alliance at gunpoint? And btw, NATO has not moved "one inch west", ever. It still ends at the end of the Aleutian Island chain, as it did since its inception. So you should probably acquaint yourself with a map and a compass, and the functioning thereof, if you're going to type nonsense.
Not counting the news outlets or websites along the full range of accuracy and veracity, I follow multiple actual individuals' handwritten blogs. (Bot news aggregators don't thrill me.) Looking them over, many are current serving or former military and a couple are some variation of high-speed low-drag elite forces ninjas. Or just funny as all. Because life without humor is just despair. So in other words, the same folks I trusted in the military not to wet the bed, sh*t themselves, or otherwise run around like headless Nancys, are the same folks I trust on the interwebz, for demonstrating pretty much the same trustworthiness and circumspectly responsible behavior. Color me shocked.
Comments are fully moderated, due to idiots and trolls. Grown up discussion here will appear just as soon as I have the time to push it through. ANONYMOUS UNSIGNED COMMENTS WILL BE AUTO-DELETED WITHOUT MERCY, and the url added to the spam filter, or mercilessly mocked at the bloghost's sole discretion. If you're too chickensh*t to come up with an alias for online purposes, you're not tall enough for this blog. Pick a name, and stick with it, and you're good. Get cute, and you're wasting your time and my electrons, and your masterpiece will never see the light of day. No warning shots will be fired. If you can't maintain decorum and polite behavior, I won't toy with you, I'll squash you. If one of your comments disappears, YOU f**ked up. If all of them do, it's time for you to go. Disagree with the points made, on the merits, and you're good. Go after me personally, or other commenters, and your comment will never see daylight here. My tolerance for skirting the line is at absolute zero, and will remain there. Don't f**k up.
ukraine has all the materials, engineers, and plans to make a nuclear weapon. every day they have less of an incentive to not make one. we try so hard to prevent "weerlld wahhhrrr thhreee!!" that we slid right into it sideways. it's just a matter of time now. this meeting in washington is Trump's Chamberlain moment. Trump thinks he's saving the world, but "peace" just for the sake of it with no steel to back it up is just accelerating the countdown.
every time "america first" is tried, there is a world war in 3-5 years. I think it will be sooner this time around.
I feel so bad about this. Yes, the war can't go on forever, but Ukraine has to feel completely cheated and that they've made a huge mistake in trusting us. We're even crying about their duly elected leader in front of cameras so Russia can see. What a disaster.
As someone smarter than me noted, 'America first ' is rapidly becoming 'America alone' and that's not a good thing either.
Probably treading thin here, but from POTUS, to Nuland, to Schiff the RU-UA was not so much a war to win for them as it was cover for the biggest money laundering to ever be seen by mankind. The People on both sides have suffered greatly and Eurocrats wish it to continue. Insane. Given time the whole scam will be laid bare.
It’s quite the sight to see supposed right-wing westerners repeating the same bullshit slogans used by FDR-era communists and 70s peaceniks.
“Hey, country X is, like, sooo corrupt! We should let them be conquered by the Red Army!”
Hopefully this will result in the rest of Europe rearming after 35 years of complacency.
I am sure that our actions in re:Ukraine will have absolutely no effect on our relations with other small countries that rely on our nuclear umbrella like Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, and any decisions they may need to make regarding whether to cooperate with us against China or Russia (Japan has a bit of a border dispute with Russia regarding the Sakhalin Islands, IIRC) or acquire nuclear weapons of their own. No effect at all, which is fortunate since we probably need them to deal with China...
-Grey Fox
That "entangling alliance" was never ratified as a treaty by the Senate. So it was about as trustworthy as Bill Clinton's, who made that promise, wedding vows. We should have left NATO back in 1995. Spending American blood or gold on foreign nations is treason against the American people.
I can hardly wait until this evening for DJT to use that famous phrase "There will be piece (intentional spelling error) in our time".
Well, you seemed pretty clear that Russia was and would continue loosing. Are you still saying Russia lost big time, or were you wrong back then.
Ps, You should have a public ban list, we know you have a private one.
A lot of people are happy at thought of Ukrainian defeat without giving a single thought to what happens after a Russian victory. The rest of the world will see that aggressive war for conquest is back on the table. An incompetent Europe and indifferent America - maybe not our problem except for our globalized economy entangled with all the countries that might launch stupid wars like Russia did.
Can America disentangle its globalized economy from the world before all those wars around the world break out? Stay tuned.
Russia has won nothing. They've pulled their pants down, and exposed their military incompetence for the entire world - particularly China - to see. They've destroyed nearly half their former nominal combat power, and they've set themselves back diplomatically for a century. And just looking at their casualties, they're "winning" about like France "won" either world war. Call me when their flag flies over Kiev, and then tell me how long you figure it'll take them to stomp out partisan activity in the conquered state.
I'm figuring only about 100 years, but the Russian state is more likely to fail again before then, and Ukraine will, yet again, declare independence from Moscow.
The United States is in the process of demonstrating to every other country that our promises will be abandoned the minute they become inconvenient, and any hope of nuclear non-proliferation went up in flames, forever.
I told you both sides could lose this war.
Trump is cheerfully adding America to that dogpile.
The rules for comments are posted right on the front page.
Engage on the issues, instead of ad hominem, and I tolerate a wide range of thought.
For your benefit, and for those with an inability to take the 30 seconds to read them "If one of your comments disappears, YOU fucked up." Chickenshit anonymous commenters get about twice the scrutiny and half the slack as people who sign their work. 80-IQ midwits whose sole m.o. on the internet is to leave flaming bags of dogshit on the front porch are the reason virtually every single blog I know of either has no comments, or moderated comments. They and spammers are literally the reason we cannot have nice things.
There are about three or four commenters who demonstrated repeated inability to abide by the short commenting rules. After literally dozens of attempts to get their attention and suggest they learn to be house-broken, their posts go straight to a spam filter I never see. Best plug-in I ever installed. I haven't looked at it in the last six or eight months, but when last I looked, one serial loser had kept trying almost daily for over a year, and the other two/three had finally gotten the hint, and fucked off to annoy someone else. No one misses them or their carpet-shitting ways. No one. Probably be true IRL when they die too.
You want to run a blog and say whatever you like? They're free for the asking on Blogger. Knock yourself out.
I pay $0/yr since ever for this one.
Me spending nearly 17 years of my free time to get this one to this point doesn't entitle every jackass with a keyboard to come in and shit all over it simply because they lack the sense God gave a jackass, and can't chin themselves above "moron" on the IQ bar.
Given how Ukraine and Zelensky have behaved, I'm just as happy that they gave up their nukes back in the day. It's probably what keeps the radiation meters from ticking so much.
In the interst of fairness, do US leaders ever lose an opportunity to launder money though? This isn't really a Ukraine, it's an America problem and we need to find some way to hold the govt leaders who do it accountable, elected or not.
Be honest all they ever had was plutonium pits, without the launch codes all they ever had was the pits themselves. A great boon to building the finished nuke, but active usable nukes, they never had them..
A promise worth as much as "not one inch west" for nato...
since most of what we have given is equipment, for the record, how does one launder a howitzer?
and no "well they sell it to the cartels in mexico" requires proof, and none exists. try again. tucker carlson is not proof, he is a moron.
go look at the "america first" during woodrow wilson. you'd swear trump was using woodrow wilson as a template, only with more personality.
the problem is we can spend a little now, or a lot later, of both blood and treasure. we can spend a little on security now, or later have to fight the russians and the chinese for our ships to move on the open ocean without being extorted. that gets really expensive.
invest in donkeys. I hear the russians are buying, because they're out of trucks.
Looks like moving the goalpost to me. And I can't believe you would say you tolerate a wide variety of thought.
That only underlines that you haven't paid close attention.
What I won't tolerate is a wide variety of abuse, nor an inability to focus on the topic instead of the host. If that's too hard for anyone, they're not tall enough for this part of the internet.
50% of everyone is in the left half of the IQ bell curve, so I'm not particularly surprised this issue keeps coming up.
Nor that stupid people don't realize they're stupid.
Dunning-Kruger is a thing.
How, exactly, ought one to behave after four successive invasions by a thuggish neighbor?
And how has Moscow not getting the nuking they deserved played out for all their neighbors?
Has NATO membership grown because Ukraine is the problem, or because Moscow is the problem?
Answer at your convenience.
Clintonian word-parsing now will cut no ice with any number of nations, all of whom we have earnestly assured can count on the protection of our nuclear umbrella. Just like we told Ukraine.
Once you dispense with your honor, you can never get it back.
Trump throwing Ukraine under the bus in the name of expediency is going to go down in history as one of the most despicable actions this nation has ever committed, besides which paltry things like slavery or wiping out Indians will pale in comparison.
It's a pity Ukraine wasn't as utilitarian and honesty-sparing in honoring their assurances to give up nukes as we have been to guarantee their borders.
It would be hilarious if Kiev announced that they had been exactly as circumspect in their obligations under the Budapest Memorandum as Russia and the US have proven to be, and told Putin he could withdraw his forces immediately to the status quo ante 2014, and give back Crimea, or say goodbye to any ten Russian cities forever.
And if I were Zelensky about now, the second city I'd nuke, given the opportunity, would be D.C. or NYFC.
We're going to pay for our national mendacity, because this sort of thing never goes unanswered.
Which recent NATO member states were brought into the alliance at gunpoint?
And btw, NATO has not moved "one inch west", ever. It still ends at the end of the Aleutian Island chain, as it did since its inception.
So you should probably acquaint yourself with a map and a compass, and the functioning thereof, if you're going to type nonsense.
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