Tuesday, December 31, 2024

A Life In Summary: Jimmy Carter, R.I.H.


A couple of folks in back-channel comments wondered if/when I'd offer my thoughts on the too-late departure from Earth of Mr. Peanut. I feel the picture above does better justice to summarize him than could any mere words of mine.

I all likelihood, minus the appliances, it also best represents the only tribute I'll leave on his gravesite, and may find it necessary to make the trip, if only out of heartfelt obligation to two Army officers slain in the Korean DMZ, which sacrifice was later shat upon on his watch.

Hanging members of the American military out as sacrifices is the one perennial constant of the Democrat Party, and its ilk, throughout American history. We can only hope yet another douchebag-in-chief finds it a dry heat.


Anonymous said...

Waitasec...wasn't Ford president when that happened?

Aesop said...

Ford responded with Operation Paul Bunyan.
Mr. Peanut, upon assuming office, waffled and kowtowed to the Norks, and sought total withdrawal of all US forces from Korea.
The Army literally had to sabotage that plan to get Congress to kill it.
He was the most waffling chickenshit coward in the Oval Office in a century.

Stealth Spaniel said...

I thought he was the WORST PRESIDENT in history; until Bush, Obama, Biden.

Steve said...

But he meant well and had a good heart and he truly was a member of the church choir........

Survivormann99 said...

Had Jimmy Carter chosen to become a pastor of an Atlanta megachurch, his career would likely be fondly remembered now.

Instead, his role as President has become the example against which Joe Biden's presidency is measured--which obviously isn't flattering.

There probably isn't a better example in the public sector of the Peter Principle at work. From Wikipedia:

"The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another.[1][2]"

Mikey said...

A good friend of mine was a forward deployed MP guarding the Z when Paul Bunyan happened. He says he thought he would surely die.


Thanks for clarifying a very shameful period in our current history. The Romans had a saying: "De mortuis nil nisi bonum" - Of the dead, speak nothing but good. But truth is its own defense. Carter was "put" into office by the Tri-lateral Commission demonic minions David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brezinski. Just another clueless puppet performing for a stupid, clueless electorate. Sad.

Skyler the Weird said...

Mr Peanut Allowing Samoza and the Shah to be overthrown left repercussions that reverberate to this day. Not to mention giving away the Panama Canal.

Skyler the Weird said...

Carter, unable to sleep, is wandering through the White House gazing at the portraits of past US Presidents when an apparition of Teddy Roosevelt appeared. “Why so glum?” Teddy asked. Carter then recounted all the mistakes he’d made, the failures in foreign policy, and the faux pas in decision-making during his administration. Teddy, attempting to console, tells Carter, “Not to worry. Being President of the US is a big job. You have to expect some setbacks. Whew! For a minute there, I thought you were going to tell me you gave away the Panama Canal.”

John Wilder said...

Horrible president.

Trumpeter said...

One of the worst presidents we had. But we have had bad presidents before and after. Americans found love for Jimmy because of his post presidency. Other than Regan and Trump, all US presidents since Eisenhower sought money at the corporate trough when they got out.

Jimmy sought to serve the poor.

Anonymous said...


beau said...

with Viet Nam and The Great Society as his distinguishing 'achievements', it is hard to find any prior POTUS that is worse. carter - bad; johnson - the worst ever.

maruadventurer said...

I have called Carter 'Ole Yellow Sweater' for the last 40+ years. That POTUS address turned my stomach -- https://pastdaily.com/2016/02/05/february-5-1977-sweater-weather-at-the-white-house/

Luwanee said...

Remember Rhodesia and Maduro??

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget mortgage rates north of 20% and Carter's admonition that Americans should learn to expect less.