Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Music: While My Guitar Gently Weeps

I love this version of George Harrison's classic, covered at his 2004 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame by Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, and - shortly after hack rag Rolling Stoned failed to list him as one of the 100 greatest guitar players of all time - Prince. In case you forgot, or never knew, Prince had guitar chops, his unbelievable lead (beginning at 3:28) on this clip is the highest-watched section of the entire video, and he parks it in orbit.


Birdog357 said...

My understanding is that he hid it during all rehearsals and did what he did as a giant middle finger to rolling stone. And the world is a better place with this masterpiece in it.

B said...

That is one of my favorite video music clips.

John Wilder said...

Hadn't heard this one. Thanks.

SecessionIsTheAnswer said...

Absolutely spot on Aesop! Our world and especially music is a lot poorer now that Harrison, Petty & Prince are no longer rockin! Definitely miss those guys.

Anonymous said...

Parks his guitar in orbit too. Watch for the overhead toss at 6:09 into it.

Ed Lasko said...

Great video! Watching the pros enjoy Prince's masterclass is fantastic!

RandyGC said...

Great song, I will listen to just about any version of it.
And it is the only Beatles song that I will voluntarily listen to, the only one I have in my song collection. I never knew what made it stand out until I learned that it was written by Harrison, lead guitar was Eric Clapton, and Lennon was relegated to background.

(Unpopular opinion I know, but I was never impressed by the Beatles and their range from light weight pop music to hippy drug tunes. For me the British invasion was The Stones, Who, Cream, Burdon.....

I realize they were "ground breaking" in production etc. for folks that are musicians and understand the nuances, which isn't me. The only way I can carry a tune is home from the record store in a bag)

(And for Imagine alone, anything with Lennon associated is tainted and guilty until prove innocent)

Nomex flame suit on. Standing by for incoming ;-)

Trailer For Sale Or Rent said...

I read somewhere the supposed back story of Prince's decision to change his name to that symbol. Seems he wanted out of his contract, the record company wouldn't budge with Prince owing them two more albums, so Prince decided to make these the two worst-selling albums of his career. I mean, it's not like Prince didn't make the record company a ton of money over the years.
He changed his name to that symbol, became overwhelmingly obnoxious about it, made the two albums, and changed his name back to Prince.
I don't know if this story is true or not, but I hope it is.
I tip my hat to him for doing that magnificently petty middle finger act.

Aesop said...


D'accord, mon ami. GMTA.
My favorite Beatles music is Himesh Patel stealing their catalogue in Yesterday (2019), or any of their solo work.
In the day, when they were a thing, they did nothing for me.

SecessionIsTheAnswer said...

Totally agree with you on the film Yesterday. A little known film gem that definitely didn’t get the attention & accolades it deserved. Patel was great.

So my point is that we are talking about music & lyrics that are 50+ years old, I think that speaks to genius of Lennon, McCartney & Harrison. Were they flawed individuals, ah yeah, but their music transcends their human failures.

And on a related matter, if you have access to The NY Times (yes paywalls suck) there is an excellent article there regarding the 9 hr Prince documentary film by Edelman who does amazing work. Apparently the film exposes the highs & lows, genius & flaws of the unbelievably talented Prince, so the estate is blocking the release of the film. That’s a real shame as those who have seen it, say it is excellent! I hope Netflix which apparently commissioned the doc, grows some stones and releases it, but the odds aren’t good.

Anonymous said...

This comment is my roundabout way of saying that Birdog357's post about Prince hiding this until showtime sounds exactly like something Prince would do.
A truly epic GFY, indeed.

Mike Hendrix said...

Spot on, Ase. Prince was actually one hell of a talented musician all the way around, whether you dig his style or not.