h/t WRSA
Dept. Of We Told You So
This pic, times 2000 miles of southern border, plus every single official U.S. Port Of Entry, all of which has innumerable illegal alien dickheads streaming through unchecked, unvetted, and unhindered, 24/7/365, all with Gov. Abbott, the TX DPS, 25 GOP governors, or fuck-all ANYBODY doing Jack or Shit to stop it.
While everyone salivates over the kabuki standoff at Eagle Pass bridge/Shelby Park.
Big fucking whoop-dee-doo.
Just. Like. We. Told. You.: You're being flim-flammed and bamboozled, with your eyes wide open.
UPDATE: Courtesy of Anonymous in Comments below, here's video from the pic above:
Like. We. Told. You.
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This entire "border standoff" has been a Washington Generals™ production. |
Having the border open is one thing. Allowing the invaders to fade into the cities is another. Illegals aren't wandering into small businesses looking for work, or making any effort to follow the laws of the United States. They acquire easily obtained public assistance because bureaucrats are told that's what they should do, buy cars with cash from those that don't care how they don't have licenses, or insurance, for the cars they use, steal without remorse from gringos that have more, endanger citizens of Hispanic decent by their actions, and expect society to ignore their infractions.
I don't think any administrative actions will solve this problem. It will be solved when not speaking English causes an individual great harm, those that harbor invaders find their lives are miserable, and people not only not accept the invaders they take action to protect their lives. It will be ugly, but it always is.
The border is not the problem. The border is a symptom of the problem. The actual problem is in Mordor On The Potomac.
I got family in Del Rio. They say that there are no openings that they know of.
And they would know.
I'd check that statement about the open border gate.
Fair enough.
The gates in AZ have been welded open.
So, which official U.S. Ports of Entry in Texas from Brownsville to El Paso have been closed indefinitely, and are turning away crossers? Where are the lines of trucks being halted backing up to Vera Cruz?
Nothing? Nowhere?
Where is BP sending all crossers back to Mexico? So many as one...?
Eagle Pass is nothing but a sideshow con job, for both sides.
I'm sincerely sorry if that's news to anyone, but there it is.
The flood of illegals continues unabated.
When Texas shuts down their entire border with Mexico (which comprises about 50% of the U.S. total) then and only then is anything noteworthy happening.
The rest is kabuki theater and happygas.
Hence the total lack of interest by FedGov beyond cursory lip service.
It doesn't matter.
Video of that section of the border wall.
I'm not saying you are wrong here, just that you need to be careful using examples that re lies. It undermines your message and ruins your credibility.
Make sure of your sources. Verify.
Otherwise you are no better than that leftist on twitter repeating some fashionable meme as a cause.
Remember when I said that Drones are the future weapon of war and would change everything and you strongly disagreed and called me names? Yeah those were the good old days.
Look at the video clips on X from Anon 3:36A, then get back to me.
I could be wrong, but it looks to me like I nailed it, and my credibility is A+.
@Anon 7:17A,
1) IDK WhoTF you are. Try signing your posts.
2) I never said drones weren't "the future of warfare". In fact, I went around and around with The World's Foremost Canuckistani Drone Expert on three different blogs, including this one, saying exactly the opposite, showing him incident after incident of the weaponization of drones. His butthurt over those losses was legendary, as was handing him his ass on a platter half a dozen times.
So if you're going to mis-remember what I've said on a given topic 180° opposite to what I actually said multiple times, either sign your posts for the roasting you deserve, or get back to work writing horsesh*t copy at CNN. And probably, cut back on the booze, and up your Alzheimer med dosage.
Do you know this dude? I don't.
Remember, Abraham Lincoln himself posted on Twitter that not everything posted on Twitter is true....
You may be right. Or you may be suffering from Confirmation Bias. Unless you have reason to trust the poster, and/or have verified it yourself, you Just Don't Know.
Again, you may be correct, but you have not verified anything.
Agnosticism is a poor substitute for critical reasoning.
But feel free to link to the videos of TX NG manning those empty gates, (there should be dozens of them by now if that's the case) and I'll reconsider the likelihood of what's going on.
I've been to the border, and I know how it goes there since 2004, and long before that.
This is consistent with that, which is why there's no FedGov activity in response, because they know it's all just for show.
If Abbott was doing anything but theater, the shrieking would be heard by dogs in space.
This is just the GOPe version of Anderson Cooper standing in a four foot hole, in water that's really only a couple of inches deep.
BTW, there isn't much fence after 1/2 mile either to the east or the west, after that it is barbed wire or nothing. so the gate being open may or may not be an issue. There are likely other barriers south of the fence that are deterrents.
For a better view, which I doubt you have, enter this into Goggle Earth for a view.
29°20'49"N 100°54'01"W
Pan east and west. Especially east as that is where your Twitter dude 's video shows. Point though, how do you know his video was taken today or recently?
Google Earth is great, provided you realize it's only a snapshot in time, anywhere from 1-5 years ago, not a live satellite feed from the NSA.
And the X video is recent, because the TX NG and their humvees weren't blocking fed access to Shelby Park until recently.
Yeah, the guy on X could be bullshitting too, but that fact could be shown by anyone with a cellphone going down there right now and dunking on him, and he'd eat the mother of shit sandwiches into forever.
When I see 10 of those videos showing Abbott has sealed the entire area off, I'll re-appraise the situation.
But he's never done that, and he likely never will.
When I went down there in my state, we got 10 miles of border fence. We didn't quit because we'd stopped illegals crossing into CA, but because we'd stopped illegals coming through an entire town. They continued 5 miles east and west of us, but the point was, that was 5% of the CA border, and we got it closed with 6 guys, a video camera, and one landowner who gave a shit.
I got more of the Mexican border sealed in three years as a private citizen than Abbott has sealed in his entire lifetime, including as governor of TX, even with an entire division of the National Guard at his disposal.
That's how I know he's just bullshitting now.
If he wanted to seal the border, he could do it with one phone call.
But he'd have to be serious about it.
He's simply not; he's just play-acting.
MY point of sending you the coordinates was to let you see that there isn't that much "wall" there, and that there is lots of space between the Rio Grande and the wall, and to make sure you had a better view of the area. So, for instance you could count the gates in the wall where he claims that he took the videos "Half a mile away"
We don't know when that video was taken, or how long the border wall gate was open if it was taken when it is claimed. There are, oddly, f=very few details like time and date. Or how long it was open. Funny how that works, innit? The best lies have just enough details to make it seem true.
It may be that you and your anonymous dude are correct, or it may be that he is giving you as much bullshit as you claim the FedGov is. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW. You are as far away as I am. and have no way to verify, nor a reason to believe him except your confirmation bias.
I've seen the border area along the Rio Grande, including on Google Earth. Even a detailed examination doesn't suggest any great impingement on illegal immigration. Events, and caravans of thousands, point to exactly the opposite reality.
BTW, according to Google, the imagery on that section was taken in 2015, eight years ago. Which is a wee bit of out-of-date. But when that imagery was recorded, the border fence extends about a mile north of the park gate, and 6/10ths of a mile south, stopping adjacent to the Camino Real Port Of Entry. Beyond that in either direction, there's fuck-all nothing but the Rio Grande itself stopping anyone.
1) There isn't much border wall anywhere, along over 1900 miles of border. So putting concertina at one city park is farting at a hurricane.
2) FedGov is letting people through the actual Ports of Entry along the entire border, already, 24/7/365. See #1, above for what that's worth.
3) The utter lack of anyone at the gates in the video indicates no one is there, period.
(You can spot the BP trucks and vehicles on the border - at least back in 2015 - just like you can see them along the entire border, because they always occupy the same spots, day and night, just like out here. Ask me how I know.)
Just like the total lack of BP presence at hundreds of other gates, in the places where there is anything like a wall, including numerous ones long since reported from firsthand observation to be welded open, going back months.
4) The other hole had no gate whatsoever. Just a 20' wide gap.
5) It may be that monkeys fly out of his butt too. But unless and until someone, anyone, can show that the whole area is locked down tight, based purely on the last 40 years of that never once having been the case anywhere from Brownsville to San Ysidro, my "confirmation bias", informed by thousands of hours right on the border, watching literal miles of it without a BP agent in sight for hours at a time and days on end, and after filming BP agents on post on the border sound asleep in their vehicles during their shifts, and BP doing "catch-and-release" for anyone not smuggling drugs for literal decades, is that no one is doing anything meaningful to stop the current flood of illegals.
(Feel free to link to every video from that same area showing anything like the opposite. If it were so, I doubt thousands of nearby residents would shut up about it. I'll feature every single one you can find.)
And that video on X was obviously made since the middle of this month, since before that time TNG wasn't manning checkpoints at that park to keep the feds out. So it's pretty damned recent. Like this week recent.
6) That means Abbott isn't accomplishing anything either, exactly as noted, and this is all one big dog-and-pony show, just like damn near every other media event going back at least to the turn of the millenium, if not all the way to the early 1950s.
7) I know government and the media lies routinely and reflexively, and can point to only 50,000 specific examples just in the last decade. Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus is the legal guideline there.
OTOH, you've got naked gainsaying and agnosticism going for your side of the ledger, and a healthy dose of devil's advocacy.
But, either of us can go to the nearest Home Depot, and perform a casual observation: are all the illegal alien day workers there gone? Are there less of them? The same number? Or more of them?
Color me shocked! I see more of them, every day, hereabouts.
Just as more ERs in my area (we're all on the same radio and computer alert network) are routinely "closed to sat(uration)", something which formerly was rather rare, but the last year or two has become routine, and for days on end.
All this when, officially, Califrutopia is supposedly losing population.
Which we are, if we're talking about legal citizens.
Yet somehow, magically, housing is tighter, there are more people hanging around on street corners, and traffic is notably increased.
Almost like somehow there are thousands and thousands of people magically exceeding the losses to migration out from the People's Glorious Republik hereabouts. Where could they be coming from, seemingly overnight, the last couple of years??
You can wait until you can see the wave with your own eyes, and hear the tsunami warnings all the way up the Mississippi Valley. That's your prerogative.
I'm calling the invasion an invasion, and nothing Abbott or anyone else is doing (and what they're doing is exactly nothing) - particularly the kabuki theater at Shelby Park - is accomplishing Jack nor Shit to even put a measurable dent in it.
I don't have to drive to Eagle Pass in person and see it with my own eyes to know that, to a metaphysical certainty.
Wow! All these open gates and not even one illegal getting through...
One? No.
3,000,000+ in the last three years.
And those are just official government guesstimated numbers.
@Anon 4:35 ... and the dude with the camera just happened to ride around there exactly when all those illegals took a lunch brake ...
This was clarifying for me. YMMV.
File that video under "Duh."
Now show the areas with no buoys, no concertina, no fence, no wall, and no BP presence. Then tell us how that works.
BP, on their best day, sees 1-3% of crossers.
They catch less than half of what they see.
Do the math on that.
And even in areas where they are present, they all go back to the station at shift change (at 8AM, 4PM, and midnight) the exact same time every single day.
No, really.
So we would routinely see groups of 30-50 pop out of the bushes and cross 2 minutes after BPO left, carefully brushing out their tracks, and be halfway to San Diego by the time the new shift took up position.
This happened three times a day, every day, for YEARS.
See if you can figure out how 40M illegals got across that border, even before Biden threw the gates open.
Abbott's nonsense is just spray-painting the bullshit, and telling you it's gold nuggets.
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