Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Today on the Duh! Channel...


Anyone, anywhere, claiming for any reason because of this, that "Masks Don't Work" is simply an irredeemable fucktard. That's as nice as that can be put. Reality burns people's asses like that.

Tell these folks your genius epiphany that "Masks Don't Work":

Let us know how that goes for you.

What this does merit telling people, to a metaphysical certainty, is that 

Masking As Public Policy Doesn't Work. And Never Will.

That, you should write on your palm with a Sharpie, lest ye forget.

O, If Only Someone Had Told Us This Years Ago, Before This Got All Pear-Shaped!

Oh, wait. That exact thing happened, right here, April 22, 2020, @ 8:13PM PST.

We told you why and how masks work.

We told you why masking policy would never work.

As we noted with another blogger, saying "Masks Won't Work" is as retarded as saying "Airplanes Won't Work".

Airplanes, since Orville and Wilbur Wright, obviously work.

Everyone knows this.

Masks have worked for as long, or longer.

But not everyone should have an airplane.

People get this, because they've seen people drive.

So pretty much everyone knows without a chalkboard lesson why everyone can't operate an airplane.

But the Utopians out there, particularly the fucktarded government variety, are now shocked to discover that, exactly as predicted, everyone can't operate a mask.

(Anyone who went through military basic knew why this is so, after going to the Gas Mask training course even one time in boot camp.)

Wait...People are total shitheads?!? Yes, we told you so. Most folks know that in their bones, but we tried to bring some of the slow learners along. In vain.

So, after an entire blistering pandemic of fail, even the most ardent fucktard utopian in evidence has to admit the obvious: people are too stupid, as a group, to use masks.

(Like centuries to millennia of folks drinking water they just shit in didn't reinforce the concept of human stupidity for all time.)

You may now adjust your expectations of society appropriately, for all intents and purposes.

Under those revised expectations, for The Usual Suspects:

If you ever decried the use - including citing beyond-fucktarded "surveys" - of simple surgical masks or face diapers, or wore one, to protect the wearer (including yourself*), here's your sign:

*{Triply so for anyone wearing one in the car alone, or while out walking or running by themselves in the sunshine. IQ is a constant; the world population is increasing.}


Midwest Chick said...

Actually you’re half right. Masking policies definitely don’t work. However, for preventing a person from either getting or giving a respiratory virus, they don’t work either. Doesn’t matter what kind of mask it is. There is no evidence that they work. They didn’t / don’t work on the flu-oddly enough also a respiratory virus. They didn’t work on SARS or MERs.

The sheer size of the virus vs the porosity of a mask is pretty clear. Mosquitos vs a chain link fence.

If a mask won’t keep out smoke particles, then logic indicates that they won’t work against something smaller. None of these viruses are solely carried on spit which is big enough to be stopped by a mask, until the pores are filled and then nothing gets through, not even air. That minuscule portion of spittle borne virus isn’t even a factor in this equation.

I find it to be disingenuous to try to say that people are too stupid to use a mask properly to try to validate your premise. It smacks of elitism, actually. And the fact that we are supposed to put aside decades of knowledge and evidence due to THIS virus makes no sense.

Masks work in certain situations—like keeping your spit in and blood and fluids out of your nose and mouth, but not when it comes to protection against a virus.

maruadventurer said...

The classic of course is the dipshit that has the mask on covering only their mouth with nostrils exposed. Guess they get extra points for doing it in the car. Talking of cars, it amazes me even at this late date I still see examples of DWM (Driving While Masked).

Aesop said...

@Midwest Chick,

You blew past the warning sign.
Please go back and read it:

1) You saying something doesn't prove it. Ponder on that.
2) Masks work: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0843-2
Actually 100x-1000x better than nothing. QED
Read it and weep.
And AFAIK, to date, that's the only modern test of simple face masks the way they were designed, testing the exact point at issue. There are 2000 b.s. "tests" that didn't do that, or anything close to it, and left variable gaps big enough through which to drive an entire pandemic. The plural of b.s. is still not "data".
Pick a study, any study, that purports to show otherwise, and I'll show you the pandemic-sized tunnel(s) in methodology. It's literally so easy a caveman could do it.
After I did the first twenty or thirty during the pandemic, it wasn't worth the bother. It was like playing tic-tac-toe.
3) The masks in question were not designed to "keep out" smoke particles. They weren't designed to keep out any-effing-thing. Refer to the previously-referenced warning sign. They were designed to keep exhaled mucus in. As previously noted, and confirmed by valid testing, they excel at that.
4) Amazingly, almost as if the manufacturers weren't raving idiots, any pores on those masks aren't aligned. Exhaled virus-laden spit particles don't ricochet nor change direction mid-flight like Lee Harvey Oswald's "Magic Bullet", and they don't sail through the masks.
Go back to point #2, and soak in the math.
5) What you find anything to be that disagrees with your preconceptions is immaterial to the discussion. Anybody who didn't see 50 examples a day, while out and about, of people with masks worn down around their chin, over full beards, dangling from one ear, with holes cut out for the mouth, with their noses hanging out, or removed to pull off gloves, wipe noses, or cough, while subsequently finger-banging everything in sight, every day during the pandemic, was either walking with a white-tipped cane and dark glasses, or deliberately ignorant of the phenomena observed routinely, serially, ad infinitum, in every zip code in the country where masks were required, for the duration of such requirements. Google Images probably only has 1000 such exemplars ready to hand, and those are just the still photos people bothered to record.
6) It's not elitism to point out that people are jackasses about safety. Theirs, yours, and everyone's.
Wander over to just the YouTube channel Idiots In Cars, and have a look at several hundred hours of video proof, then report back to us about mean societal safety intelligence. If you think they were better with masks than with motor vehicles, I have a bridge for sale cheap. Send cash.
7) This virus has celebrated its fourth birthday; please explain in light of that to which "decades of knowledge and evidence" you allude.
People have been wearing simple masks for prevention of outward disease transmission for more than a century.

Aesop said...

8) Yet again, you want to make masking policies about personal protection from a virus. Really, by all that's sacred to you, go back and read the warning sign one more time.
Masking policy only works if no one's an idiot, because simple masks are worn by you to protect everyone else from you, and theirs are worn to protect everyone else from them. Thus "protection" is indirect, to everyone but the wearer.
They only require absolutely perfect compliance, and total masking 24/7/365.
(Sh'yeah, as if.)
You're looking at the wrong end of the problem: it isn't a virus-sized hole, it's a Gilligan-sized one.
One Gilligan fucks up the whole deal.
We have an entire nation of Gilligans, and thus masking policies depending on unicorn-powered solutions and magically perfect compliance were NEVER going to work.
Like we told you.
9) The certain situation you mentioned - keeping your spit and snot in your own space, rather than flung outwards for yards at 100-300MPH - is all simple masks are designed to do. Engineers and non-morons call that "working". You just undermined all your earlier premises by granting exactly that point.

90% of TPTB were too stupid to know even that.
The other 10% knew it, but didn't GAF, and implemented the policies to achieve lemming-like control, knowing it wouldn't do any good, except to stroke their egos and exert draconian compliance. (Google "The Stanford Prison Experiment" to see how that was going to work out.)

That latter 10% should be dug out like ticks, and burned at the stake in front of live audiences. The other 90% should simply have their heads shaved, then be hot-tarred and feathered whilst naked, and run out of city limits on a rail.
Pour encourager les autres.

People that knew masking wouldn't work are realists.
People that think masks don't work are simply the left side of the IQ bell curve, which will always exist. The best society can do for them is use fire and a stout cudgel to push the middle hump of the curve as far to the right as can be reasonably accomplished, and let Darwinian selection take care of the slow learners.

Mind the hot poker.

LSWCHP said...

Oh boy, do I have a "mask didn't work" story.

Sometime near the start of my first enlistment I had to do the gas tent with CS.

We dutifully trooped in, the guy put the crystals on the cooker or whatever the hell it was (this is 40ish years ago), he shouted "GAS GAS GAS", we donned our masks and all was well.

Except for for me. I was blinded, choking, spluttering and drowning in snot and tears. Clearly I hadn't performed the drill correctly, so I had to do it again. Same result. I must be a retard, so do it again. Same result, except by this time I was a completely fucked unit. Like seriously incapacitated. I managed to communicate to the staff that I wasn't going in the tent again, no matter what the ordered me to do.

At this point, the genius running the show checked my mask and discovered that there were no filters in it, so I'd had 3 sessions of directly breathing highly concentrated CS gas in a small enclosed space for a minute or so each time

I'm surprised I managed to survive that little evolution. And now, later in life I have permanent sensitivity in my lungs. Warm to cold air transition, cigarette smoke etc will often have me coughing my guts up for a couple of minutes.

Try persuading the veterans health people of that cause and effect. LoL. Thank you for your service, now please fuck off.

Aesop said...

I feel ya.
My last year in, I was issued a shiny almost-new M17A1.
In great shape, except the dumbass who had it last had pinched the metal faceplate on the front, leaving a near-invisible crease, and breaking the seal.

First trip to the gas chamber, suck in to seal it, and get a concentrated stream of pure CS.
And more with every inhalation.

Sucked it up, literally, and gutted it out.
Then went straight to supply the next day, and turned it in for a new, functional mask.

This is why we test our gear. Trust no one.

Anonymous said...

Actually hanging garlic around your neck 100x-1000x better than nothing.

The standard to insure safety is 6 log 99.9999. A cloth mask is about 00.5. A good N95 face mask properly sealed to your face so their is no leakage is in theory 95.0000 Which sounds really good but still would allow enough virus to pass through to infect you. But worse is try breathing through a properly sealed N95 mask.

Imagine a TV show where they put you in a jungle without food or water or even clothing and you have to find water or die. Sure enough, as expected someone tries a sand filter or some other wizard idea that is 100 times more effective than no filter and we are all surprised that they get deathly sick from drinking infected water. Wait, what happened to the idea that "at least it helps?" THAT is the problem. Good water filters "work" where "work" id defined as looking through a microscope at the filtered water no organisms can be found. NOT found only 5% or 100 million virus. "Worked" means ZERO. Which means "masks don't work"!

smelter said...

When I was in boot, as a right guide I was one of the first in the blockhouse and crammed back in the back. As it worked out, there was a sliding door like what's used at railroad freight warehouses I was next to and it had about a half inch air gap with very slight air movement into the block house.

They put the CS crystals on the hot plate and told us to recite the second general order, you know, " I will walk my beat, beat my meat and fuck anything within 15 feet", prior to donning masks. With me being where I was I got a decent amount of gas but not near the dose those poor folks next to the hotplate did.

They opened the steel doors and everyone unassed that blockhouse asap. From then on there were several times having to don masks for real. When the all clear came and my unit was told to secure and un-mask I'd tell the clown giving the instruction/order, "You First". And I always took very good care of my mask and MOPP gear. As nasty and uncomfortable as it was wearing that stuff, I'd take it every day with a smile when confronted with the alternatives.

Anonymous said...

The garlic was a joke. I hate explaining jokes.

Prove an N95 works! OK Stop wearing all that expensive PPE in Ebola wards just wear an N95 because they "work". You first.

Drinking microbes is really bad. You need just a couple to get infected and for some of them you only need 1. You may not like the mask/water filter comparison but it is a damned good one. Inhaling germs and virus is also really bad. There may be millions in a single sneeze or cough but you only need 7-15 virus to get infected. Using your basic math skills how many of "millions" of virus are left after passing through a 96% filter.

If masks worked why would anyone be forced to wear one? Let those who are in fear wear them because... they work. Problem solved.

You can call names and act a bully all you want to but the simple fact remains that the masks didn't prevent anyone from getting covid. It is likely, statistically, that 95% to 99% got covid so where was the effectiveness of masks in all that?

Aesop said...

A joke requires Truth + Humor.
I hate explaining that to people who fuck up the basic recipe.

You're still trying to substitute flawless perfection as the standard, with N-95s. Ebola travels through mucus membranes, which includes eyes. So you're, once again, being deliberately stupid with an invalid comparison.

The rest of the gear is to keep from dragging contamination outside the containment zone, and giving it to yourself or others. Getting Ebola an hour after you walk out, or spreading it to others because you dragged it around on your clothes because you were stupid, is still stupid. So another invalid comparison. You're racking up quite a trendline there.

Drinking microbes is exactly what isn't happening with masking.
You're trying to compare a guaranteed vector with a potential one.
This is the difference between pulling money out of an ATM, and buying a lottery ticket.
So, yet again, another shitty, inappropriate, and deliberately misleading comparison.

Using your basic math skills, exactly those "millions" of virus were studied in the test documented. The number that made it to the collector 6' away wasn't 4 percent of the total expelled.
It was one.
You could look it up.
Not 2. Not 7-15. Not 4%.
So failing marks for reading comprehension.

If seat belts work, why is anyone forced to wear one?
If not smoking near gasoline works, why is anyone prohibited from doing so?
If guns kill people, why would anyone point one at someone they didn't mean to kill?
Tell the class how many times that exact jackassical stupidity happens, in just this country, every year.
Anything over none means your "logic" fails. Yet again.

I'm not being a bully by pointing out juvenile antics and leaps of illogic, in service of an unprovable point:
Masking policy was never going to be followed, which was a hole big enough to drive a pandemic through.
TPTB, knowingly and unknowingly on that point, pursued the policies anyways. Which makes most of them stupid, and the brighter ones maliciously evil. Take the win to the bank, and stop trying to go one step farther, and claim, with jackassically simple-mindedness, something that cannot be shown, and furthermore has been specifically disproven.

The effectiveness of masks is documented, and you cannot gainsay that, which is why you keep playing Logic Twister Gymnastics to try and shoehorn in invalid comparisons while ignoring actual testable and proven hypotheses, as if apples were oranges simply because you think they should be.

It doesn't work like that.

Masks work exactly like parachutes do.
When you don't wear either of them properly, or at all, they have a 0% success rate.
That doesn't ergo make the failure the parachutes' fault, no matter how much you wish it were otherwise.
Yet you and a legion of Gilligans keep trying to square that circle, and are stumped when they can't find the angle.

Most people get this without belaboring the point by beating their heads bloody against reality, but there's always one earnest idiot, almost invariably anonymous, who wants to come here and be a cat toy in service of proving that logic is not their best game.

Go bandage your wounds, and try harder at thinking.
You are a No-Go at this station.

CT Ginger said...

The medical staff in the OR wear masks to protect the patient. They don’t wear them to protect themselves. The covid virions are far too small to be stopped by a mask but the mask will stop droplets on your exhalation from infecting others. Masks WILL NOT protect you

stupid said...

I think, from your context, that you're saying masks don't work to protect the wearer; they do work to protect others from you. If that's correct, I still have 3 questions:
1) why did you wear them at work when you never had covid to spread?
2) how did you never get covid in the hospital while wearing an unprotective mask?
3) did you incorrectly use the word 'decried' in 'if you have ever decried the use of masks to protect the wearer'? (It seems to me 'decried' means 'disparaged, criticized, spoken negatively of')
sincere questions, in the course of trying to get straight what you're saying...

stupid said...

p.s. I agree -
'Masking As Public Policy Doesn't Work. And Never Will.'
+ 'A joke requires Truth + Humor.'

Anonymous said...

No I am not trying to substitute flawless perfection (which is just another name for "doesn't work" Yes it works at a 95% efficiency (only if you tape it to your face) in a situation where only 99.9999 is sufficient. It's as simple as that. You can put lipstick on it, insult everyone who disagrees with you but the bottom line is still "it doesn't work. OK, it works "a little" Did I mention that it must work at least 99.9999 or it failed. A little just doesn't cut it. You can write all the diatribes you like and declare victory and that everyone else is ignorant it changes nothing. IF the masks worked there would have been no pandemic. Simple as that.

Aesop said...


1a) how do you know I didn't have any COVID to spread...?
1b) for a year or more, there was no rapid test, and non-symptomatic carriers are always in the mix
1c) it was a condition of employment, non-negotiable

2) I wasn't wearing an "unprotective" mask. I was wearing at minimum an N95, sometimes a full-face PAPR, and occasionally a P100 pre-filtered all-hazards CBRN mask; along with impermeable splash gown, gloves, face shields, etc. Availability of PPE waxed and waned. I was never using a simple face mask to stop COVID from getting to me. See #3, below.

COVID patients were wearing a surgical mask, to keep their snot in their own snot locker, even in negative-pressure isolation rooms.
I never got COVID because masks work, when worn and used as designed.
No vax, halitosis range three years running, 0 sick days, no COVID.

3) No. I use language with precision. Anybody carping (e.g.: "masks don't work") about simple face masks "not protecting the wearer" (exactly as they've never been intended to do) is an idiot of the first magnitude.
"Masks don't work" = "I'm an idiot. Look at me!" with 1:1 correspondence.

Aesop said...

@Anon 6:52P,

Keep on arguing in circles and assuming your conclusions: the term for that in logic is "gainsaying".
Colloquially, it's simple horseshit.

You pointed out yourself that it would take a larger threshold than 1 viral particle to induce an infection, then because you stupidly didn't read the test referenced, you now want to backtrack because they work better than your cited standard.
Thanks for playing, but you've lost, and there are some lovely parting gifts for you: clown shoes, and a bright red sponge nose.

If the masks had been worn flawlessly, pigs would fly. It's as simple as that.
They weren't, and never could be.

You keep trying to make it about the masks. It isn't, and you're demonstrably wrong on the point, so you try and move the goalposts. Fail.

The masking policies were idiotic, for far simpler reasons, having to do with human nature and cupidity, not scientific limitations of the equipment.
Your asinine refusal to recognize those reasons as all that was necessary to insure failure demonstrates the truth of them better than any point I could make.

You want better treatment?
A) Bring better logic skills and on-point arguments.
B) Read the posting policy on the front page. "Mocked mercilessly" isn't a euphemism.
C) Sign your posts. Anonymous lackwits are scratching posts here. Whack-A-Troll is a hobby exercise.

(less) stupid said...

although the sarcasm & mockery sacrifice clarity,
I think I've made sense of what you're saying:
1) anyone who says (all) masks don't work, is an idiot
2) anyone who says (surgical) masks protect the wearer, is an idiot
3) anyone who believes masking as public policy will work, is an idiot
so there is no contradiction, because you (and they) are referring to different things in the respective statements.
p.s. I had read that you never got covid, and that you wore masks, so it was interesting to read exactly what kind of PPE protected you.

Aesop said...

There's never been a contradiction, except amongst the idiots.

Who are legion.