In their frothing-at-the-mouth haste to install the cognitively impaired pretender on the throne, apparently a lot of incoming freshman classes and briefings got skipped in favor of naptime for Gropey Dopey. And obviously, at the ones he did attend, and managed to stay awake all the way through, he ate the crayons.
That, plus his burgeoning and fulminant Alzheimer's has His Fraudlency a wee bit confused, let alone not up to speed, regarding certain realities.
So before we get to nuts and bolts, a wee historical reminder is in order.
It doesn't take F-15s and nukes to overthrow the government. (As we've seen in plain sight in the last few months, all it takes is taking control of voting machines in a few key states, and the cheerful support of a sycophantic media. But I digress.) Though Gropey Dopey's not quite old enough to have seen it, but well past the age to forget ever learning it, when last I looked, all it took John Wilkes Booth to overthrow the government was a single-shot derringer, and flawless shot placement. One trigger pull un-elected the 16th president from his second term barely more than a month into it, and transitioned him to Eternity at the speed of gunpowder.
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Regime change kit, circa April 1865. Unit cost substantially less than an F-15C, or a W-80 nuclear weapon. Still 100% effective. |
I'm pretty sure everyone actually elected to the presidency since 1865 is aware of that fact.
John Hinckley nearly pulled off the same stunt in 1981, with a .22 revolver.
Someone should tell Gropey Dopey.
{Nota bene, Secret Service and all three-letter federal agency minions: I am not saying I'd ever do anything like that, nor even remotely suggesting anyone else ought to do so either. I'm simply pointing out historical facts. And besides, there are federal laws against that sort of thing, right? So go back to your usual business of lying in sworn affidavits, faking dossiers, banging hookers on the taxpayers' time, and instigating insurrections, and leave the rest of us alone, what say.}
Nonetheless, the fact that anyone, even someone so obviously fraudulently placed in the Oval Office, is talking openly about using the Air Force and nuclear weapons against the US civil population should be somewhat disconcerting, even to the braindead communist propaganda-merchant "journalists" giving Gropey Dopey his daily tongue bath at press conferences.
But with a certifiable loon, who couldn't be trusted with a set of car keys, let alone nuclear launch codes, spouting every random musing that flits through his swiss cheese husk of a mind, don't be surprised if any potential insurrection is deliberately started in places like NYFC, DC, Hollywood, etc., in the fervent hopes that Secret Service codename Dingbat pops a few well-placed nukes on his own talent pool, because he's that crazy and senile.
Just spitballing, but if Biden nuked just those three cities, he could sew up re-election in 2024, and this time be assured that those were actual votes from actual people, for a change. Hell, under those conditions, I might even vote for him.
But as thorn-in-the-side-in-chief Kurt Schlichter (h/t WRSA) pointed out in response to such fevered delusional musings, FedGov hasn't got enough military might to secure DC, let alone 50 states and the District of Columbia, for more than about 15 minutes, if even a small percentage of the populace refuses consent to same.
Not only would any such conflict end after the first volley and counter-volley, but about 95% of all those F-15s he thinks he can whistle up sit within rifle range of the perimeter fence line, and deep in the Red Zone, from coast to coast. 100% of their logistics chain goes through what would be insurgent territory. Most of their families live there too. They'd be out of gas, spare parts, and pilots by Noon Tuesday of a Monday morning war, and there's no guarantee a given number of them wouldn't divert and drop on base HQ and then the White House, starting right after takeoff on the first mission.
Again, just spitballing, but in any civil uprising, 99:1 even the Marine Corps White House guards would walk back to the Marine Barracks at 8th and I, and watch things unfold on TV rather than pick a side. I'll put cash money down that every installation and unit commander from Maine to Guam would order all troops to stand down, and lock the base gates, with all troops inside, before they'd respond to any insurrection. Anybody thinking of responding would have to know their odds of taking a 9mm to the back of the head would be something in the high 90th percentile, from the outset. Unless they intended to breach the gates to facilitate the coup.
You can bet all the transfabulous troops would be wetting themselves under their bunks, and a lot of PC generals would suddenly put in retirement papers rather than eat their guns, because those chickenshits are not that brave.
So be careful what you wish for, Gropey.
You've done nothing but shit on the military for five months (actually, for 40 years, but why quibble?), and you're betting they'll back you to the hilt during a constitutional crisis discussed by force of arms?
Sh'yeah, right. That'd happen. When monkeys fly outta my butt.The mere suggestion would have people rolling in the aisles.
At a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
So it may be high time for Dingbat's handlers to get the hook ready for the next press conference Q and A, and go back to putting Dopey down for naptime every day at about 10AM, like they did during the campaign.
Because the more they let him talk about this, the sooner folks may realize how poor his chances of defense under such circumstances are, and then somebody's going to decide that the lemon is worth the squeeze.
Whatever else is true, whenever things go all weapons-free on the home turf of any member of the Nuclear Club, 8 other countries all unsnap the strap on their nuclear holsters, and things start going pear-shaped.
And somebody might decide it's time to step up to the plate, grab Scalia's pillow, and make a mid-morning stop in the Lincoln Bedroom, to cut to the head of the line.
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Paging Sen. Kneepads to the White House courtesy phone... |
Sporky Time: possibly only one pillow away.
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue,” said Barry Goldwater when running for president in ‘64. LBJ then countered with a television ad showing a countdown followed by a nuclear explosion with the familiar mushroom cloud, and Goldwater was toast.
Strange that nobody remembers that ad and that words have political consequences.
This is from 2018, but they still are out there. So maybe ole Gropey Joe and clan might want to re-think things.
I think you're under-estimating the Left's willingness to get into a fight. They remind me of the South before Civil War 1.0, when they believed that one Southerner was worth a dozen Yankees and expected a two-week victory. As they said afterward "We could've beaten them with corn stalks, but damn it they wouldn't fight us that way."
If Civil War 2.0 kicks off, I think it'll be a lot longer and bloodier than either side expects now.
Mark D
Swiss cheese of a mind? Sounds like Kreutzfeldt Jakob disease layered over near terminal stupidity with just enough feral intelligence to take bribes.
They are tying down the pressure relief valve while turning up the burners.
That usually doesn't end well.
John in Indy
But...but...a few hundred UNARMED people almost overthrew the government on 6 Jan, or so they said... Sigh
No, I'm not.
The struggle isn't going to be citizens vs. military. That fight is largely over the minute it starts. You can't have a citizen-military that kills its own citizens, and you can't have a war starting out in your own end zone. The military, per se, will evaporate if they ever get into this. Their only hope for continued existence is to stay out of the fracas entirely, and hope to support the winner. Otherwise, they self-destruct, in days.
Any LE that takes a side faces the same fate, necessarily, plus starts out outnumbered about like Custer at the Little Big horn. once again, that's a recipe for their own Alamo, and Sam Houston ain't coming to save them either.
The real fight is going to be Left vs. Right, and that's going to be an existential war for literal survival. Street to street, house to house, and room to room. At least half of the country will be dead when it's over, and that's a feature, not a bug. The ones not killed outright on whichever side loses will be strung up, or exiled for life. Half the current population takes us back to 1950 levels.
I can live with setting out to achieve that, even if I don't personally make it across the finish line. We're in a full-blown banana republic now, and it's only going to get worse for everyone until this gets settled, once, and for all time.
I don't think that the feds are dopey enough to try confiscating firearms by force. Joe may be senile, but his handlers aren't.
The scenario that I'm most concerned about is one where the feds announce that anyone receiving social security or other payment from the government must surrender all of their firearms, and consent to having their properties searched. Tabulating the results from the gun store databases, as well as such things as memberships/subscriptions to gun organizations and periodicals, would provide a weighted priority of confiscation list.
I've also seen discussion of in the event of a rebellion, the states that are pro-2nd get their funding zeroed; no more welfare, SS, disability, and so on. Thus endeth the rebellion, pronto.
There is also the fact that a growing number of employers are telling their workers that owning firearms or belonging to pro-gun groups violates the company's policies. One potential client told me that subscribing to Firearms News was prohibited, not to mention groups such as GOA. Another contract worker was told by another company that owning archery equipment violated policy, and was given 48 hours to dispose of all of it. Not wanting to lose a lucrative contract, he did.
I have a large collection of "toys", and I am seriously contemplating selling all of them while the market for them is good. I hate to, but by selling them in the near future, I would get something for my money, rather than turning them in later for nothing.
As if.
The congressweasels won't even vote to decrease Social Security.
Whaddya suppose would be the result if they tried what you suggest, and the next week, we were suddenly short about 58 senators and 390 congressweasels, due to a sudden outbreak of 50M seniors spreading high-velocity lead poisoning?
Business CEOs? Pfft. Get woke, go broke, get croaked. Fragging doesn't only happen to 2d LTs in combat.
Let us remember the wise words of Guido the Killer Pimp in Risky Business:
"In a sluggish economy, never, ever fuck with another man's livelihood."
"Freedom's just another word for 'Nothin' left to lose..."
And as has been pointed out multiple times and places, "After the first one, the rest are free..."
It presumes Social Security would 1) still be in place; and 2) that people would submit to it. Why we do not make being able to survive without counting on Social Security more of a priority is a marvel.
As to businesses - in general, they have no right to know what one owns. If someone talks about it, that is on the person doing the telling.
As I was reminded due a training this year, you really are best off in the current work environment by showing up, doing your job effectively, talking to no-one, building the relationships you to get things done (but only about business), and going home to live your real life.
I saw this post this morning and was, "Hrrrrm?"
The President* just declared war on 1/3 of his citizens? That's spiking the ball before he passes the 50-yard line.
With all the troops in all the armed forces he *could* take a drink from the Missouri. But he couldn't hold the Missouri. The Ozark boys would make Vietnam and Afghanistan look like a school field trip.
And that's just my kneejerk response.
The lawfare response would be far worse.
Any employer, client, or anysuch, who deigned themselves worthy to dictate the conduct of employees about their lawful business, would find themselves in receipt of lawsuits for ongoing civil rights violations of the Thirteenth Amendment, promoting a hostile work environment, stress and mental cruelty, harassment, and various ancillary charges, all easily assuaged by a settlement in the mid-seven to low-eight figures, all in. Per count.
They would further be sued under state and federal employment law for past due overtime, for requiring conduct 24/7/365 without benefit of pay for same, and all back wages from date of hire forward, at double time for all hours per day after the 12th hour, and triple time for sixth and seventh days, times weeks worked since ever.
They'd back water so fast it'd leave skidmarks on the CEO's carpeting.
And even should any or all such legal machinations be rebuffed, I would have no problem imagining anyone so impinged would take it as a moral imperative to hunt down every member of management from direct superior to CEO, and the entire board of directors, and their combined families, just to drive the point well home that their purview ends when one's employee punches out for the day, for anything but illegal conduct and moral turpitude. (Unless you're going to make such purview a condition of employment, at 600% of the going annual salary, in perpetuity. Then we can talk.)
Company thinks they won't pay that? Imagine the diligent pursuit of Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men, or Tom Selleck in Quigley Down Under, and you'd be on the right track.
And if it was for something like archery equipment, crossbow bolts would likely be used, and the resultant trophies skinned and mounted over the victim's own mantles.
People would tell stories about what happened to such a company's management for centuries afterwards, to frighten their children into a level of moral exactitude that would impress Jesuits.
We kicked King George the fuck out of this country over 200 years ago, and (formerly great) Britistan has never really recovered nor recouped the consequences of that response.
No one has any divine rights to dictatorial tyranny over anyone else. In an A and B conversation, employers will rapidly decide to C themselves out. Or else, set their affairs in order.
Give them up in cartridge at a time. Don't worry about whether or not you're going to lose everything. You will if the globo socialists win. If we win, you can keep everything. It's all or nothing, this next war is for all the marbles.
Aesop, tell us how you REALLY Feel LOL :-)
A couple points of order please. As C level Suits get there by being YES MEN and Lickspittles their main decision each morning lately is it wear the BLM tie or the Gay Pride Tie to "Support their Corporate Culture" today.
They Fear only being canceled by the "Woke" mobsters.
How do you reconcile your above statements with the CURRENT bit of Court nonsense FORCING Hospital Workers in TX to Get the "JAB" or be FIRED? Seems they LAWYERED UP just as you said and instead of the C-Men leaving skid marks on the CEO carpet the COURTS effectively told the Aggrieved NO-Jab workers that their Employer HAD Such power to demand it?
To make it more personal HAS YOUR Employer gotten so Bold as to demand that YOU Get the Jab or walk away yet? It's coming Aesop. Our ever so clever Gropy Dopey's Handlers cannot Force it but they CAN GET their Lickspittle Businesses to DO SO.
I suspect there is NO Current FEAR in the Hearts of the Yes Men and Courts about 3200 FPS Ballots as of yet.
I happen to agree with your quote "Let us remember the wise words of Guido the Killer Pimp in Risky Business:
"In a sluggish economy, never, ever fuck with another man's livelihood."
BUT UNTIL the Powers that Be become "Woke" to the SNAP of a near miss of that 3200 FPS voters registration card THEY WILL NEVER LISTEN to Guido's wise words.
Exhibit #1 the COVID Lockdowns DESTROYING many folks livelihoods. AND despite plenty of evidence that lockdowns didn't work CONTINUE to play the Tinpot Dictator Act of the "Delta Variant' SOON be be followed by the Epsilon Variant" and so on.
Aesop I KNOW you've read Animal House. The Pigs are OVERJOYED to write New Rules on the Barn wall for the Sheep to follow today.
Yet to date I can count how many 3200 FPS ballots on the hand holding my coffee cup. OH MY they are ALL pretty busy getting warmed up by that coffee cup. My Bad.
When is it time to make BACON? I suspect it's when it's your own job canceled as it is with everybody else on this list. We still have things we fear to lose, like family?
I'd love to sit with you at my firepit, I'd bring out some good beer and brats as we solve the worlds problems watching the moon rise.
But until "Freedoms just a WORD for NOTHING ELSE to Lose" most of us will bite our tongue offline and sit quietly though the "Struggle Sessions" of CRT and such crap.
The Electronic Python and it's Media Sluts continues to slowly crush us to Marxism. Nobody seems to talk about how to cripple and or shut it down.
That is the elephant in the room folks.
For all our guns and bluster Americans are a pretty passive bunch and let corporations get away with a hell of a lot but again this isn't spicy time so who knows?
I agree with you on the military staying out issues for the simple reason if they don't the risk of the Chinese just nuking us out of existence is too high.
1) That court order is only the first inning. That ballgame isn't anywhere near over yet. And I don't like their odds when it gets to the Fifth Circuit.
1a) If my employer tried that horseshit, the lawfare described would go into full effect. They would also be made fully liable for the full consequences of that requirement, up to and including death. Choices have consequences. Given that we've already seen the number of adverse reactions, down to newborn infants, the cost of the jab to the company would rapidly eclipse any imagined benefit, and those skidmarks would be laid down, to a metaphysical certainty.
2) The "evidence" that lockdowns didn't work is zero. Let me know when anyone can control for 100 different versions of "lockdown", ranging from "none" to "partial" (no one did full lockdowns, ever, anywhere, outside Wuhan province, China), and then control for the 200 variables not examined, and get back to me. Every paper published is advocacy in search of funding, not science. Sorry, but that's how it is.
2a) BTW, if lockdowns don't work, how come no one on the MV Death Princess transmitted COVID to anyone on shore? Not once? Because "lockdowns don't work", right? No one's explained that bit of magic to date. Sound bites aren't science either.
3) Marxism isn't a python, it just pretends to be. It gets pushed back one Moldylocks punch in the face at a time. When then no longer avails, you move to more permanent methods. Greece figured it out in the '40s, and Chile in the '70s. Environmentalist Karens should be ecstatic: a few million helicopter rides offshore, and the threatened shark populations of the world's oceans would rebound tremendously. The fact that they may very well be the passengers in many cases should let them depart the world feeling fulfilled and satisfied that their sacrifice will not be in vain.
4) You want to slow this down? Start printing up the names and home addresses of the CEO, board of directors, and senior executives of wherever you work, and stick them up on bulletin boards throughout the workplace. That would include inside bathroom stall doors, and all elevators. Feel free to include a pic or two of them on a day off, with their kids, or out and about. You'll be amazed how quiet they get about silly ideas after that.
If not, have them distributed as fliers to employees windshields. They'll go from "woke" to "silent" at Ludicrous Speed.
It's always a short mental step from "We know where you live" to "Don't do anything you'd have to worry about tomorrow". Starting with anything wholly unrelated to the business' bottom line. And including every bit of woke horseshit ever shot out of the southern end of a northbound horse.
Guido is always right, and he always wins. If CEOs are smart, like I think they are, they won't make Guido come back there.
And BTW, if my employer decreed jab or X, X would be "wear a mask at all times".
(FTR, I'd come to work every day in a Level A encapsulating suit after that, which would do wonders for patient confidence in the institution. I repeat: skidmarks backtracking.)
And I'd suddenly have developed an allergy to all the vaccine growth mediums. I have no doubt that somewhere around 50% of my coworkers would too. And there's a critical shortage of nurses now.
I have a black belt and a Ph.D. in administrative violence.
You can't fire me for a medical condition, (actually, you can, but it'll cost you about $10M, after taxes, by the time we're finished, which is about 5 times what they'd pay me to just do my job, and leave me the fuck alone until I retire) and the conga line of lawyers who'd take my case on spec for mid-ten figures if they tried anything remotely retaliatory, and turn it into a class action ADA federal lawsuit that would break the piggy bank, would stretch from here in SoCal to DC, by breakfast tomorrow. There would be hourly infomercials on 57 cable channels by next Friday.
There's always a workaround to silly games. And I repeat: King George III was kicked RTF out, and Louis XVI was beheaded. The Divine Right of Kings ended two hundred years ago. It's not coming back, and it didn't transfer to my timeclock employer. Ever.
Micheal I'm not Aesop but it is health care and COVID 19 is considered maybe wrongly to be an especially dangerous disease. We've always allowed a lot of leeway in those matters.
That said if those people quit , the system is screwed, Expect the US in a few years to have incredible levels of mortality.
Now as to fixing it, to get there is to stop running away from use of power and authority. Until you embrace the notion that beer and brats an being left alone is for your grandchildren if you are lucky.
Learn to organize and put group idea;ls above your own needs for a while or you lose, And note this is what terrifies the State and its why they use "White Supremacy." as a hammer. The Right White and Friends must be kept from organizing and having common goals and identity at all costs
Ultimately you are faced with a subversive ideology and you must set rules at every level. Your guys decide what the social rules are and you make people obey them.
A caveat though, if the US survives the Bosnia X Rwanda portion and somehow doesn't implode you are still going to have to deal with economic issues.
This is another matter but however it comes out, you win and the cost of labor is through the roof. Its along and dull post for one's own blog not as a guest but if you want to be left to your traditions, take power and use it. Just understand, you broke it you own it.
Well, for openers, a lot of community organizer and diversity compliance supervisor jobs won't be coming back.
Grave diggers and mortuary technicians will be a growth industry though.
Ain't that the sad truth.
5 stone games oddly enough I think I understand your thoughts.
As a medical sort that has served all around the world including Bosnia during the ethnic cleansing and have had my face rubbed in the ugliness of people AND oddly enough the kindnesses I have a question.
I've noticed from my travels as well as my love for history that poor nutrition and bad living environments made ALL disease situations vastly WORSE than for the Upper Class well fed populations.
SO WHERE is the COVID MASS DIE OFF in the Homeless?????????? If it's such a REAL WORLD (aka NOT Media Driven) Plague Where is the Mass Die Offs in the Homeless? AND Where is the MASS Inoculation Campaign FOR THEM????? THEY are NOT Driving Up in late model cars to roll down their windows for their Sheeple Shots are they?
Where is the Mass Sickness from such a INFECTIOUS Disease in the Antifa and Burn Loot Murder, Gay Pride parades and such?
COVID IS Dangerous to a select percentage of medical Co-morbidities for the vast majority of information I can dig up. For folks with a decent IMMUNE System seems to be a Flu.
YES Aesop I HAD IT. My Wife Had it, Half my friends HAD it, Tested and everything. We are primary health care for a fragile 95 year old and He's chugging along just fine.
I expect EVERYBODY in the USA has been exposed by now. Yet compared to ANY of the Plagues of yesteryear we HAD A BAD FLU SEASON.
COVID was and still IS a Bioweapon designed along with the gaslighting of the Media to EMPLACE a fraudulent CHINESE OWNED Government via FOR the "SAFETY of Mail In Voting" and it did it's job well.
Petty Tyrants and Medical Frauds like Dr. Nazi and the COVID DISINFORMATION CENTER (CDC for those who didn't catch that reference) RODE that Disease like a rented Mule.
The Economic DAMAGE to the independent stubborn small businesses has been nearly fatal while the Politically CONNECTED to the Democrats Big Businesses have Hoovered up all the moneys spend to "Fight" this dread plague.
Just like the Pigs in Animal House THEY Rewrote the RULES weekly, even Daily to keep the Sheep confused and arguing between themselves.
Just like Orville's 1984 they re-wrote the language and Memory Holed into the flames of GOOGLE anything that wasn't Proving "The PARTY is always RIGHT".
What's NEXT? The HUNGER GAMES? Where the Powers that Be DECIDE to Turn ON and OFF the Electricity as so to get their MESSAGES out but enslave the peoples?
Marcus Tullius Cicero defined a traitor as the plague over 2000 years ago with these words: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
I suspect the Chinese KNOWING if they openly brought in "Peacekeepers" would find themselves in Afghanistan SO they are creating a situation where WE Kill Each other off FOR THEM. That rifle behind each blade of grass AGAINST each other.
China doesn't want us as subjects or slaves per say they want us DEAD in a manner that doesn't irradiate for decades+ the land and resources of our once prosperous nation. Chinese have plenty of population to occupy the new territories.
Thus the Useful Idiots Media Driven lets create Bosnia X Rwanda situation.
The American Revolution did NOT Defeat the British Military aside from a few small battles. They became SO UN-Profitable to the British Government that they walked away to later return in 1812 Foolishly to try again.
The Afghan goat herders didn't win against the British Empire, later the Soviets and NOW the Americans they simply stubbornly kept being UN-Profitable to them and they left the field.
Survive and be UN-Profitable to those that seek to conquer us.
Beautiful screed, Michael.
And to Aesop: Lockdowns in the real world (outside a cruise ship with no one allowed off the ship or an island nation like New Zealand thousands of miles from anywhere) do not work.
A highly effective treatment for this virus already exists. It's called Ivermectin, and the PTB are furiously trying to squelch knowledge of its effectiveness, but they won't be able to much longer.
End it all today. Lockdowns, mask mandates, limits on gatherings, the effrontery of decreeing who is an "essential business", compulsion to vax, the whole shebang.
#FIREFAUCI? No. I have something fiery in mind for him all right, but I don't want to get this blog in trouble.
Tell the class where, outside of Wuhan China, where an actual lockdown occurred.
Show all work.
Arguing ineffectiveness based on a total dearth of actual experimentation is nonsense.
The cruise ship, BTW, wasn't a lockdown. it was a lock-IN. And it spread the virus wildly, in a matter of days, which is when they ended that experiment, thankfully before they killed 3%, instead of just 2 people.
I repeat, you never saw a "lockdown", anywhere in the Western world, for so much as five minutes.
They simply never happened.
NYFS was running the subway daily, with millions of riders, for months, which is why they spread the virus citywide.
No matter how much the entitled class whines, closing Starbucks and Whole Foods isn't a "lockdown".
Once again, when someone doesn't set up the equation properly, the answer resulting is never going to be correct.
The commies: "Real communism has never been tried."
Aesop: "Real lockdowns have never been done."
froginblender: "Please overlook entirely the gaping logical flaw in my nonsensical screed, and allow me to insert a small reductio ad absurdum fallacy to further cloud the matter, as a cherry on the cupcake."
Well-played, sir.
Step up to the plate, and kindly specify where and when "real" lockdowns were tried (outside of Wuhan, China).
Or slink away, having your foolishness unmasked for anyone to see.
This is an either-or problem.
Sorry if your that hits inside your perimeter, but there it is.
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