Sunday, November 29, 2020
Sunday Music: Momma Told Me Not To Come
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Leftards Start Losing Their Collective $#!^ in 3, 2, ...
Robert Barnes of Barnes Law was first to break the news with a link to the opinion of Judge Patricia McCullough via Mark Levin. Now, in another surprising move, the PA Trial Court has ruled the 2020 election was likely unconstitutional in PA and that gives the state legislators the power to choose electors.
That's one governmental power they'd darned sure better exercise.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Dear PTB:
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Appeasement Isn't In Our Nature...
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
The Spirit Of Rebellion

Monday, November 23, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Sunday Music: Down At The Twist And Shout
Saturday, November 21, 2020
"On dispersive ground, therefore, fight not. On facile ground, halt not. On contentious ground, attack not. On open ground, do not try to block the enemy's way. On the ground of intersecting highways, join hands with your allies. On serious ground, gather in plunder. On difficult ground, keep steadily on the march. On hemmed in ground, resort to stratagem.On desperate ground, fight."
Friday, November 20, 2020
Iron Sharpens Iron; Nothing Sharpens Mud
A thought:
So Menards (and Home Depot) both were early adopters of the "Mask Mandate" where I live in Indiana, months before the state-wide requirements for masks came into effect,,..
But they don't disinfect ANYTHING.
Not carts, not credit card machines, nothing.
The Virus is transmitted via touch and via airborne at a similar rate...
Yet again, we have the requirement for masks, but nothing else. Much like in a restaurant, or a bar, where one is dangerous when walking to and from the table (or the bathroom) but not when eating or drinking.....
The local grocery stores, all of them, including Wal-Mart, DO at least make the attempt to sanitize the carts and other common touch surfaces.
Much like the TSA, it is all Theater.
Checking temperatures is theater. Absolutely.
Masking works. (I'm open to counter-argument: just provide the names of the first world hospitals that don't require masks in general surgery, and in fact actually prohibit them, and you win.)
Failure to disinfect: that's just stupid laziness.
Gilligan FTW, Example #3042.
Aesop: Show me evidence that they work, and I'll believe you. If they were effective, we should have stopped this disease already as most mask mandates have been in effect for about 10 cycles of infection....there should be little or no cases if masking the population was an effective deterrent to the spread.
So go ahead, prove it. Or shut up.
Your history shows you are big on talk, but not much else.
You win. Pasteur was wrong. So was Lister. Semmelweis too.
Wait, no they weren't.
Here's the critical flaw in your reasoning, from just that reply:
"If they [masks] were effective, we should have stopped this disease already as most mask mandates have been in effect for about 10 cycles of infection."
Let's change a few small words and phrases, and see if it gets clear for you:
"If [gun laws] were effective, we should have stopped this [gun crime] already as most [gun control] mandates have been in effect for about 10 [years]."
You're arguing like the guy who thinks passing a law = 100% compliance, because everybody obeys the law, always, at all times and places. Like they don't ever.
People run red lights 100 times a day. Should we get rid of stoplights, because they don't work, and they're inconvenient? Laws against murder have been in effect since Hammurabi, and yet people still murder each other. Using your "logic" shouldn't we get rid of murder laws too?? Because they obviously don't work!
And then, knowing people don't obey laws, and having undone your own underlying rationale for why mask mandates should have worked, you argue against yourself, to throw out all mask laws, because people are people.
All I'm suggesting is that you take a breath, and pick one side or the other.
Do masks work? 150 years of medical history says yes.
I haven't been everywhere, and I've only worked in 30-40 or so of the 6000 hospitals in this country, for most of three decades, and not in such a cosmopolitan venue as Indiana. So something world-class may have gotten by me that you alone have figured out, unlike hospitals in Rome, Paris, London, NYFC, Tokyo, or anyplace else, going back to when Victoria was a young Queen of England. So I can believe your skepticism and scientific acumen, or my lying eyes.
You're not going to win on that point, ever, because it's counter-factual.
Does the lack of perfect 100% compliance mean that the law (or any law) is of no value? That idea is pure hogwash. Perfection is not the standard, and never was.
People are Gilligans. Not every single one of them, but it only takes one Gilligan to keep the castaways stranded for the entire run of the show.
Funny on a '60s sitcom; in real life, amidst a pandemic, not so much.
The Gilligans have been driving this pandemic since Day One.
You probably get the concept that "We have to win every day; the terrorists only have to get lucky once."
That's how virus propagation works too.
So, given that 50% or so of those with this infection are asymptomatic, and can never be detected as infectious (except by testing, daily, 330M people in this country, which we haven't come close to accomplishing even given 10 months), do you figure the better way is to pretend this infection doesn't exist, and throw out all restrictions? Or is it to ask you to make the superhuman sacrifice of wearing a mask in public among people, and keep the flying germs from your coughs and sneezes to yourself amidst everyone else, instead of flinging them outwards 10-30 feet at 100-300MPH?
We only do two things in the hospital, 95% of the time: wear a mask, and wash our hands. And lo and behold, doctors and nurses aren't dropping like flies from Kung Flu, anywhere, despite working literally inches from people with full-blown COVID for 12-hour shifts, for the last 10 months.
That's your proof.
Is there hokum and security theater going on?
Hell YES, by the metric fuckton!
Are some evil nitwits arrogating totally unconstitutional authority and powers they don't have to themselves?
Hell YES!!
Does it piss me off too?
Go after that pointless nonsense, and I'll march in your parade and subscribe to your newsletter.Just please stop throwing out the baby with the bathwater simply because it's a minor inconvenience to put a mask on in public places, amidst other people.
Somebody telling you that you need to wear a mask all by yourself, 20 miles out of town, alone, is a farking moron.
Somebody telling me they don't want to wear one at the supermarket at noon on Saturday "because masks don't work" is an even bigger one.
Both statements are absolutely true.
And that, B., is the difference between simple pugnacious gainsaying, and making the point.
But your response serves me right for thinking you were ready to change your spots, and be reasonable and rational. Sorry to have troubled your single thought. No, really. But might I suggest that next time, you try two or three thoughts, all at once. The exercise with the increased weight will do your mind well. Not to mention, your blog.
But lest you feel cheated, I made something for you in shop class.
So, You Want To Steal Elections?
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Democrat Math
![]() |
"Bitch, I already got welfare cards in 47 names! Showin' folks how to get 500 mail-in ballots apiece wasn't sh*t!" |
Sunday, November 15, 2020
The Great Backstab Continues - Beware the Ides Of November
Sunday Music: What A Fool Believes
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Pincer Movement
Friday, November 13, 2020
Amazing Coincidences
"Once is happenstance;Twice is coincidence;Thrice is enemy action."- Ian Fleming
Ruh Roh
Pity we haven't used that approach in the Persian Gulf anything like recently.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
How To Get What You Don't Want

Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Veteran's Thoughts, On The Day
Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics
Young (under 65) healthy people are not being killed by the doom—or much of anything else.