Friday, June 7, 2024



Anonymous said...

OK, like, serious question, because, I can't tell... but aren't the two on the left a couple of dudes?

Tucanae Services said...

First off 4 daughters and the parents are still married is an achievement all its own. Considering the 50% divorce rate in this country.

I look at a man like Clarence Thomas who came up from the mud to become a Supreme Court judge. Dint of hard work got him there. Alot of people either don't know or want to forget that the Left tried to bring him down with Anita Hill. So much for the Left's adherence to 'diversity'.

Aesop said...

@Anon 9:33A,

It's FL.
The pic is proof, if you needed it, that outside the Palm Beach-Miami beach corridor, FL leans closer to the Southern end of the spectrum than the California Girl end of the spectrum.

The upside. though, is they're not crazy Leftards, and will probably settle down to raise families of their own in a house that smells like fresh bread and brownies, rather than raising a herd of cats in a house that reeks of box wine and litter box.

Anonymous said...

"serious question, because I can't tell". You really need to go outside and get around some normal people, for fuck's sake. Great story told in one picture, of a regular white American family's success, raising intelligent young ladies... and that's what you got? "...a couple of dudes?"
fuck, you're ignorant.
Original Grandpa

John Wilder said...

Congrats to them!