Saturday, June 15, 2024

FIFY: Cartography Edition

h/t WRSA 

There are more actual living, breathing Trump voters in New York F**king City than there are soldiers in the entire U.S. Army: that's active duty, reserves, and national guard, combined.
You could look it up.

There are more Trump supporters in Los Angeles and Chicongo than there are total people in any one of 36 entire U.S. states.

If those facts are news to you, you're an innumerate retard, and not tall enough to participate in discussions on the Internet without adult supervision.


B said...

Sorry, I can't buy that, at least not for Chicago proper. Maybe the 'Burbs, but not the city itself.

Well less than 20% voted Red. Biden won by over 82% Even with fraud (and I doubt that they bothered there, they didn't have to) the margin was overwhelming.
If you assume 2.7 MILLION people in CHicago proper, then that's somewhere less than a half million that voted "red".

Still less than Wyoming and Vermont. Close, but not there.
Also they aren't, mostly the kind of folks you would necessarily want in a firefight. City drones, mostly. Not fighting types.

Tucanae Services said...

Aesop, the maps are correct in one regard -- election results. Unlike the Euros who utilize proportional representation, the US is essentially 'winner take all'. That is how the maps err. From an able force perspective you are correct. The only thing I might have reservations is the sane ones in the room will hold out far longer in not responding much to their determent.

Aesop said...

I very specifically said "Trump supporters", for those two, not "Trump voters", as I did for NYFC.
So out of curiosity, what was the turnout in either or both cities? Probably rather low, both as a percentage of registered voters, and as a percentage of possible voters.
Demoralization changes elections. That's why the Left does it.
Chicongo, btw, was a bone. the L.A. area is about 3x the population, which jacks the totals for the two combined way up.

The bone is unchanged: there are more Trump people in losing contests in purple cities that there are in entire pro-Trump states.
Bodies are bodies, and numbers are numbers.
What would any savvy commander give for a fifth column behind enemy lines that tallied in the hundreds of thousands to millions, if things got sporky?

Mapmakers pretending things are all-or-nothing is not the same thing as it being that way in real life.
An even greater error is the idiots who forget how many enemies don't live in "blue hives", but rather right up the street from them, 24/7/365.
For the thousandth time, if things go kinetic it isn't going to be state to state, or rural to urban, it's going to be street to street, house to house, and room to room within the same house, in all 50 states.

Rick said...

Ok, let's assume our host's numbers are correct for every state.
(I only know about the 7 Western conterminous states. I will say his numbers are correct for those states, the possible exception being OR.)

The real problem is too many Rs/conservatives/on the right usually stay silent or at best are nonchalant about state law and/or national politics.

So there are the numbers but too many stay quiet, including noting voting.

lol no said...

Good. They can fight for their own fucking shithole cities. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Anonymous said...

I find the county by county maps much more useful than the state by state ones.
If you can find ones by census district, they are even better.
On the flip side, don't forget that many big city conservatives or Trump supporters are very liberal compared to rural areas.

Aesop said...

@lol no,

Howzat going to work out for you when they have the opportunity to do your shithole rednecks a solid? Or, not.

Learn to make friends, or face the music alone.

Your call.

Precinct maps.

The map in the meme was counties.
Which are largely wrong.

Maps should be in shades of purple from red to blue.
Then people would see where the problem areas really are, and how small they are.
They'd also find out that the territory they think is solid red, isn't anything close.
And then, just maybe, stop talking smack, and start thinking like grown-ups.

I can dream, anyways.

Sven said...

My county is red in the poles, but I always check percentage. 60% red with 40% blue. That's just voters. Pretty sure if you mixed that, it would be a nice color of purple. My neighbors in a 5 mile radius (minus the town approx 3 miles away) are all red, minus I'd say five. But still nice enough, at least the ones I met out of the 5. I've been getting requests from a lot of towns folk about self sufficiency and self defense. No issue helping them. As I get to know them, I get friends and allies. Also sources of info. These people are learning that we need to work together and are looking for people to help them. Several friends in a urban/suburban area are worth more than one or two maybes in the middle of nowhere. There are areas you gotta stay away from, hives if you will. But I can guarantee you there are plenty of people near those areas that want help from those of us labeled as reds. Helping is better than abandonment. Abandonment leads to more enemies.

Just my experience.

Anonymous said...

Name the 15-20 cities where Rep. actually account for up to 49% of the vote. Major urban areas are 75-25 Dem.

Aesop said...

@Anon 1:34A,

Thanks for putting stupid on display:
Look at precincts, not entire cities, jackass.
I'll even throw you a bone, and give you anything over 90% as lost.

The point is that anything with more than a 10% minority is up for grabs in a civil war.
The IRA was 0.005% of Northern Ireland despite being part of a 30ish% minority, and yet they ran the Brits ragged for 40 years.

They are now the plurality of Northern Ireland, and they're winning with uterii instead of bombs.

But math like that is hard, so you'll turn everyone in a city where you could have 20-45% allies 100% against you, and the cities are where the bulk (82%) of the people in this country are.

So you can't even do basic math, and like the Confederacy in 1861, you're going to lose because you can't count.

Worse, you're going to be shocked when the 10-20% of people who think differently than you in your precinct map do the same thing you couldn't figure out in your little patch, and you're way to busy at home to worry about those big, bad, awful cities.
Until they come on out and put their big fat demographic ass on the scale, and end you.

Let me know how fighting the American Cong on your own porch works out for you, Einstein.
At least it explains why you're too chickenshit to own your droppings.