Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Look Deeper

h/t Divemedic

First post-conviction poll.
Trump still leading by about 1%.

Some people look at this and think:
a) They're gonna (have to/be sorely tempted to) whack Trump, and
b) This makes another margin-of-cheat election steal a slam-dunk cinch.


I look at it and think:
a) If they whack Trump, they get a shooting civil war in about 72 hours.
b) If they whack Kennedy, they get a hat trick, everybody yawns, they don't need to cheat, and Poopypants wins a walkaway landslide without breaking a sweat.

If Kennedy doesn't have food tasters, and isn't wearing Level IV armor under his suit every single day, he'd better start.

BTW: whenever the opportunity presents itself, always lie to pollsters. The less elections go the way everyone expects, the harder they have to work to cheat. Fooling people to keep them honest is as American as the Hidden Ball Trick in baseball.


Michael said...

I wonder if the Deep State might want to give the "Victory" to Trump BUT a barely won so No Mandate level.

Leave him and his patriots holding the bag as the whole house of economic cards burns up.

Americans mad at MAGA, the professional whores, err politicians wash their hands and "Save" the country by installing a E-dollar and Chinese style (re-labeled) punishment social score to keep MAGA patriots under control.

A twofer or better for the Techno-Feudalism that the World Economic Forum (You'll own nothing and be happy motto).

Classic Hegelian Dialectic of creating the problem to offer the salvation of an already planned response to the "DO SOMETHING" panicked crowds.

This whole response is null and void if our idiots in charge generate many extra sunrises across our globe for poking the bears anti-ballistic early warning radar systems.

Anonymous said...

You think Kennedy's 9% is going to Biden?

Tommyboy said...

If that is a solid poll it doesnt look so good,
This stuff kinda makes one wonder WTF will REALLY happen between here and say January, lotta real estate in there, popcorn ready, cold drinks, check

maruadventurer said...

Kennedy is a bigger problem for the Dims than the GOPers. Its the ole FJB, I can't stand Trump, so I vote for RFK in defiance.

I look at it all and say Trump is keeping good company. All the Founders were considered traitors to the Monarchy, aka worse than felons.

Dan said...

Poll results are irrelevant. They aren't conducted to learn anything. They exist only as a means to sway the weak minded. They are elections. The results of the November election was decided 4 years ago.

Michael said...

Dan if your statement is correct:

SNIP The results of the November election was decided 4 years ago.

Does that mean that they ALLOWED Trump to win over the Witch?

If so, why so many years of attacks from the Rinos and Demoncraps?

Looking forward to your reply.

Aesop said...

They aren't meaningless, but they also aren't the election.
The bigger problem is, the election isn't likely to decide who wins or loses.

And yes, more of Kennedy's votes come from Biden than from Trump, and go back to him if he's somehow out of the race.
That's what makes him more of a threat to the Dems than to Trump.
And why the more votes he pulls, the better for Trump.
He's core Left, not Right nor Indy.

He may not realize that yet, but the DNC certainly knows it.
Look to what happened to outsiders in past elections for a hint.
And with Kennedy, as I said, a hat trick is pulling to an outside straight, and not beyond the realm of the Deep State's calculus, esp. if with vote finagling, they perceive that cat's out of the bag too much to double down.

"You don't do the last thing, you do the next thing." - Basher, Ocean's Thirteen

Survivormann99 said...

No president has done as much damage to the United States of America as Joe Biden has done--with the possible exception of President Jefferson Davis.

Tucanae Services said...

A twofer or better for the Techno-Feudalism that the World Economic Forum (You'll own nothing and be happy motto). -- Michael

WEF will have to WAFFLE with me. I got the deeds, mineral rights, titles to everything I own. Ever wonder Sir why the Revolution was lead by Rich and Poor? Its because the Rich had the FU money to play the game.

I am no Musk or Bezos but I will not trickle it all to the WEF.

Michael said...

Tucanae, with respect can we discuss your "independence"?

BTW I don't know what WAFFLE means, please explain.

Are you self-sufficient? Own water production, energy, food, medicines, healthcare and such? Ample supply of anti-drone equipment and such? Or are you expecting "Rule of Law" and the US Military to protect you?

You might want to discuss independence and rights with the American Indians who had their crops destroyed to force them into POW camps known as Reservations, UNTIL those reservations were found to have value. Rinse and repeat. The ONLY Indian Rights-Treaties that are honored are by active defense in courts and that there is little more that can be taken from them.

All that said, odds are no. Let me introduce you to:

Meyer [sic] Amschel Rothschild, who founded the great international banking house of Rothschild which, through its affiliation with the European Central Banks, still dominates the financial policies of practically every country in the world, said: ‘Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.’
Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Rothchilds distain for laws *might* be because lawyers WORK for Money? How many Benjaman's does this cost, sir?

How do you pay for the services and products you need, sir?

If you need legal services, how do you intend to pay for them? Perhaps legal services to fight some lawfare against your RIGHTS to that deed and such?

Were you going to cut off a slice of your deeded property to pay for things?

The World Economic Forum might not have armies, but they OWN folks that do.

Thus, my often concern that reducing the American Dollar into Monopoly Money by unlimited money creation (used to be printing but now its computer keystrokes) makes us into Zimbabwe with nukes. Linking this to our discussion we are selling Americas Independence for pretty paper pictures?

Pre-coffee thoughts sorry if less than coherent. I hope you got the gist of my concerns.

John Wilder said...

Dems that vote Kennedy will stay home rather than vote for Biden. Reps that vote Kennedy will not vote for Biden, may split for Trump.