Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Music: Operator

Top Twenty story-song hit for Jim Croce in 1972, from his third album (of five), about a year before his sad and untimely death.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Geopolitics Primer For The Pre-Pubescent

Admiral Nimitz would like a chat with you, Ensign BabyDuck.

Some folks ought to bear well in mind that the people telling you to shit your pants over everything have been shitting their own pants every day since they were born, and they probably still wear plastic pull-ups.

Adjust your alarm settings accordingly.

FIFY: Cartography Edition

h/t WRSA 

There are more actual living, breathing Trump voters in New York F**king City than there are soldiers in the entire U.S. Army: that's active duty, reserves, and national guard, combined.
You could look it up.

There are more Trump supporters in Los Angeles and Chicongo than there are total people in any one of 36 entire U.S. states.

If those facts are news to you, you're an innumerate retard, and not tall enough to participate in discussions on the Internet without adult supervision.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Not A Vaccine, And Never Was

h/t WRSA

We have happily disagreed with Denninger when he has tiptoed into medical waters over his head, which has been frequently, and we will likely do so again, but this post is not any of those times.

In so many words, two judges out of three at the 9th Circus have ruled that the COVID-19 mRNA shots are not vaccines, and therefore there is no basis under U.S. law by which they may be required as a condition of employment nor any other compelling rationale, and that any such requirements necessarily constitute a violation of the individual's personal right to make medical decisions for oneself.

TL;DR: Suck it, Vaxxholes. Strong message follows.

You are heartily encouraged to hie thee hence and RTWT, as this decision affects not just the Death Jabs, but pretty much every other so-called vaxx currently in existence.

Any injection which, unlike the smallpox vaccine (no longer given since that disease was eradicated in humans decades ago), does not prevent acquisition and transmission of a disease is merely an elective medical treatment, and as such, entirely within an individual's sole personal right to accept or reject all by themselves, solely as their own counsel and conscience dictate.

1) Giving TPTB the middle finger is now back in style.

2) The lawsuits for damages for employers who held to the contrary are now green-lighted, and are going to be a growth industry for the next 80 years, including against former military  service members vs. the DoD, and anyone else terminated for their refusal to take the Jab.

O frabjous day! Callou! Callay!

The case will likely end up in front of SCOTUS because of the DoD component when someone files and cites this decision (which was on behalf of LAUSD education employees), but it's unlikely to be reversed at any level.

Meaning countless employers who went all Gestapo in 2020 are about to take it right up the ass, sideways, with a rusty chainsaw, and deservedly so.

Mandated medical treatment just had an oak stake driven through its heart.

And the court just ruled what we've said all along:


Never. Not once.

And in case no one clued you in, no one's looking for a vaccine, either. At least, no more than OJ was ever out looking for "the real killer".

Think about that.

The government's medical authorities knew everything the 9th Circus ruled was true, years ago.

So ask yourself, that being the case, why they pushed the Jab button so hard, for so long.

From where I'm sitting, it looks like the Suddenly™ Effect was intended as a feature, not a bug. And that five year timeline to developing pericarditis kicks in starting next year. I hope not, because I don't like to think about work without 2/3rds of my colleagues. But choices have consequences, and some mistakes in life you don't get to make twice.

There could be an awful lot of "Help Wanted" ads coming soon. Pay close attention. Time alone will tell.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Demographics Is Destiny

This is why the "We'll Just Kill The Cities" Posse isn't your friend, they're the guys whacking the dragon on the snout with an axe handle.

It's from the same mentality that came up with "We'll Just Shoot The Wounded".

Their "solutions" aren't simple, they're simplistic.
Which is what you get with simpletons.
They know just enough to be dangerous (mostly to anyone standing close to them), but not quite enough to be really bright.

So, you're going to bottle up the cities?
Let's try that with just one example.

The population of the metro area of Kansas City MO is 2.3M.
The population of the metro area of St. Louis MO is 2.8M.
That's 5.1M people, right there.

The entire population of the state of Missouri is only 6.2M.

Which means the population of just the two largest cities in the state, the ones you're going to "bottle up" (on flat land, mind you!) is the exact 82:18 ratio we mentioned.
Those two cities outnumber every swinging Richard in the entire rest of the state by over 4:1.

I think they might have something to say about being "bottled up".
I think they might even be inclined to say it with guns. (And ropes. And so on.)

Let's be generous, and spot you the farcically optimistic killing ratio of 2:1.

So a week later, there are only 2.9M of them.
And there are exactly 0 of YOU. 

You've been removed from the gene pool forever, down to your grandkids, to the last toddler.
Long before they're even getting hungry, let alone starving.

Well played, Checker Champions.
40% of the population now has 100% of the resources. Including what used to be yours.

But you won't care, because you're all dead.

Recruiting converts to your cause is going to be quite the uphill slog there.

So perhaps you might consider ways to get potential allies onboard with a brighter campaign strategy (which would be Any One But Your Plan A), instead of becoming The Assholes That Everyone Else Wants To Kill Off By Day Two.

Just a suggestion, mind you.

Word To Your Mother: As we just pointed out in Comments to the prior post, there are more Trump supporters in the L.A. metro area than the population of any one of 36 entire states.

There are more actual Trump voters in NYFC than the total number of troops in the U.S. Army: active, reserve, and Nasty Guard, combined.

So there aren't any "blue hives."
That nonsense is for idiots who think the maps made by your enemies are the actual terrain.
The reality is that the entire country is different shades of purple.

Uh huh.

And the greatest trick the Leftards ever pulled was to make you think our side doesn't exist.
Using maps that wipe out the existence of 25-49% of entire cities and states.
The Truth is, there are one helluva lot more people out there who think like you do than they're comfortable with. If it weren't true, they wouldn't be so pants-wettingly obsessed with trying to derail another election.

Don't be the thousands of morons obediently getting on the train boxcars under the watchful eyes of a paltry half-dozen armed troops.

Do. The. Math.

Can You Dig It?!?

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Swamp Gas Keeps Bubbling Up

 h/t JW

We thought we had thoroughly shat upon the notion of a national breakup into nifty sub-countries hard enough to highlight the perpetual unlikelihood of the prospect - at least beyond the initial 15 minutes.

But it seems there are always those who cling to the notion that they will get to keep their little patch intact, while the rest of the world burns, because someone shook Tinkerbell and sprinkled Magic Pixie Dust and therefore, it will be so, because they think happy thoughts, and God loves them best of all.

Not just "No", but "FUCK NO!"

JW threw this idea out as a trial balloon at the end of a post, but there's no shortage of earnest monkeys who will latch onto such a thing and begin humping it with all their might.

So for those Baby Ducks:

The idea of "balkanization" after a civil war/national divorce/banana is pure codswallop.

The why isn't difficult to suss out.

Let's start this small, and go bigger.

Everyone knows it takes two people to go to the courthouse to get married. But it only takes one to get divorced.

(This is why, with all due respect to JW and the Mrs., marriage is exactly like a hand grenade: anything that requires a ring to keep it together is not your friend.)

War and peace have exactly the same calculus:

It takes two nations to maintain the peace.

It only takes one of them  to say "F**k that!", and suddenly you have a war on your hands.

So, you're going to balkanize into separate territories.

How has that idea worked out with the two-state Israel/Palestine plan?

How about with the two Koreas?

North and South Vietnam?

East and West Pakistan?

Two Irelands?

How's the "two Chinas" policy looking these days?

So, knowing that track record, you're going to split America That Is into separate Leftard and Liberty pieces, and you figure the Leftards, who can't help finger-banging anything they see because they think they know better than you, are going to merrily leave other people in peace, rather than jam their fingers into other guys' pies up to the armpits?

Srsly? Anybody thinks that??

Riiiiiiiight. that'll totally happen. When monkeys fly outta my butt.

You may have no desire for D.C. 

Rest assured D.C. has designs upon you, along with the cheerful support of vast hordes of dependent minions in every metropolis in America - you know, the urban locii where 82% of Americans currently live - who will cheerfully and gleefully come to get you and what you think is yours, simply because they can.

People have lived so long under the protection of a republic that safeguards the minority, and the smallest minority, the individual, they've completely forgotten what happens when might becomes right.

People in Alsace, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Poland should be consulted before anyone proposes to build castles in the air based on the allure of "balkanization". What looked like a great plan in 1919 didn't work out so well by 1939.

Suggestions to the contrary are merely normalcy bias writ large.

And you don't even notice that any hope - including your own - for any piece of the puzzle living happy and peaceful afterwards depends on the good wishes and honest intentions of the exact folks you despise the most right now. If you're going to gamble like that, the Powerball grand prize has better odds. Just saying.

The same thing happened in Korea. And Vietnam. And the Middle East. And on and on.

In the rest of the world, that time is known as the Overture.

Idiots claiming balkanization as the permanent end state, rather than the prep phase, are going to have one helluva shocked face when the curtain goes up on Act One.

Pray, don't be one of them. 

So, inevitably, even a semi-peaceful "divorce" quickly becomes an existential hot shooting war. 

(Side note: How did Ukraine trusting Russian promises to guarantee their original borders work out?)

So this, as always, becomes a cage match, where two sides enter, and only one leaves.

There will be one America with one people when it's done.

Not 2, or 4, or 9, or eleventy.

And anyone who thinks the Canuckistanis or the Mexican'ts, or any other country is going to take advantage of the situation should best look to the response when the cops show up to a domestic violence call: both parties attack the cops more often than not.

Now imagine the US with Blue Helmets or any other silliness. Everyone living here would exterminate the interlopers before we returned to knocking off the native-born enemies.

This will be rivers of blood, mountains of skulls, and oceans of tears before it's over.

One side is going to be smaller when it's over.

One side is going to be extinct.

Which is which will be determined by who wants it more. Period. Full stop.

You think the two (three/four/seven/eleventy) sides will live and let live?

Show your work.

Change my mind.

Start by sharing with the class how the same excremental fucktards who made anyone want a divorce, are going to respect it afterwards, and let you live in peace.

Even if you never wanted a communist paradise, and never voted one in, you're going to have to shoot your way out of one, and back to the republic you miss. And I've yet to see anyone, anywhere come up with a better template than the one instituted in 1776, but there have been dozens and dozens before and since that example all done far, far worse. You will garner enthusiasm for those lesser attempts in the single digits, on your best day. Wrap your head around that reality good and tight before you think to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Which is why I'm also far beyond sick of the asinine city/country wrangling. The people who can add without taking off their shoes already know the vast majority of the country are city folks. (That would be 82% urban, for Common Core grads.) Some of you Baby Ducks new to that bit of intel had best step up your efforts to befriend your ideological allies in Cities you Don't Like (which, word to your mother, they don't like either), instead of shit-talking them for not living in Bumfuck, Bugtussle, or Hooterville. They will be the exact people who'll monkey-wrench Leviathan when the time comes, from inside the citadel walls.

Or, not.

Your job, and as exactly what all insurgencies require to succeed, is to be the place they can recruit, relax, re-arm, refit, recover, and recuperate. America is the one nation that can be its own "foreign power". No one else is coming.

But if you keep pissing off and pissing on your city cousins to where they sit things out, like far too many of the dim-witted seem to pine for fondly, there a bare 18% of you sit, out there in flyover country.

Your move, bumpkins. But don't take my word for it. Call a seance, and discuss with the spirits of Bobby Lee and Stonewall Jackson what a martial contest looks like at 82:18 odds, when you're the 18. The brighter lights out there should be (and are) already looking for ways to make friends, not enemies. You can get to a peer war if you learn to make friends, or simply content yourselves with being the baby Harp seals in the upcoming hunt.

I imagine the hardest thing to do was to teach the caterpillar that in order to become a butterfly, he just had to die first.

Slaughter your delusions, instead of yourselves. Stop hanging your hopes, dreams, and plans on fairytales and fond wishes, and start doing some hard work. Starting with some hard thinking, and hard thoughts. We're running out of time to make enough like-minded friends. 3AM friends. And FFS, quit taking leadership lessons from a herd of cats. Learn to work and play well with others. If only from an enlightened sense of self-preservation.

In closing, I cannot help but observe the number of witch doctors out there, and the dearth of medical common sense. Anyone with a lick of medical acumen knows that amputation is the last option, not the first choice. And that when there's a cancer, you don't give it a sacrificial piece of the body in hopes that will satiate it. You kill it, all of it, down to the last molecule. With fire.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Music: Uptight

Stevie Wonder was 13 when he wrote this, 14 when he recorded, released, and hit #3 with it, and 15 when he got his first two Grammy nominations for it. Next year it turns 60, Stevie will be 75, and this is still one of the most energetic R&B tracks of all time.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Original Michael, Not Plop-And-Run Michael. Allegedly.

Lookie here: French Maquis, holding an intersection with
no US or Allied troops visible, and armed with German
weapons. Must've bought them on Amazon, huh?

Different guy, same Straw Man gas.


Divemedic recently posted a quote of an "X" take on what The Coming Unpleasantness would look like.

Part of the comment stream follows:


joe · June 5, 2024 at 5:41 pm

yes, because once it kicks off, you won’t be able to order any ammo over the internet, they will close down the gun stores, and it won’t be a fun time at all…

    Aesop · June 5, 2024 at 10:59 pm


    Ain’t nobody gonna be “buying” ammo.
    They’re going to get it the same way the French resistance got grenades and machineguns: off the bodies of the guys they whacked.

    All that po-po militarization we’ve had since the 1970s?
    That’s your supply points.

    The cops are rapidly going to learn to travel in full fire teams and squads, or there aren’t going to be any of them after the first month.

    Either way, they’re going to be fewer and farther between.
    Which makes score-settling a target-rich environment.

    The military isn’t going to fare too much better, and they’ll be outnumbered by all sides about 99:1.

    Think Beirut, Sarajevo, and Chicongo, simultaneously.

      Michael · June 6, 2024 at 5:13 am

      Aesop, please.. French Resistance? Aside from Hollywood and WW2 Propaganda films the Germans when asked about the French Resistance said, “WHAT French Resistance”.

      Please give dates and links of their “successes” before Allied Troops were already marching through Paris. Most was shooting up “Collaborators” with the Germans, I.E. those that simply did business at the coffee shops and such.

      Odd how the shooters ended up owning the dead folks’ shops.

      Sort of like all the keyboard warriors bragging about long ranged snipers doing this and that. AH, Snipers need INTELLIGENCE of who, what, where and when the target is available. Otherwise, you’re a random shooter.

      IRA DIDN’T have nearly 24-07 Electronic Surveillance. HUMIT was all they had to deal with, and the British over reactions pissed off most Irish enough they did not say anything. WE have “SEE Something, SAY something and get a Reward”.

      It’s not hollywierd Aesop. It’s a far more than 3 way purge situation.

It's DM's house, and his rules, so he chose not to append the reply I delivered to that (and I don't blame him for nipping it the bud at his site), so I'll re-create it to the best of my recollection, from memory [addenda now are added in brackets, but didn't appear in the original reply, AFAIK - none of which ever saw the light of day online in any event]:


In your haste to reply to what I didn't say, you've wet yourself again.

It escaped your notice, but kindly excerpt for me where in my reply I touted any "successes" of the French Resistance. I'll wait over here while you look for what isn't there.

Now go look up the resistance in the rest of Europe [Reinhard Heydrich would be a good source for you to consult], and the Philippines. Then look up where both Mao and the KMT got their weapons in China. Castro in Cuba. And on and on, throughout history.

The fact is that resistance movements quickly shift to taking away the arms of TPTB, because they can, and it's what's readily available.

Policing under such situations devolves rather quickly to large teams, or not at all. 

[BTW, those Germans who can't recollect the French Resistance are the same Germans who couldn't recall what happened to the Jews throughout Europe from 1933-1945 either; and who were so vexxed by the Resistance situation in Occupied Europe they issued the Commandobefehl in 1942, so their historical testimony on anything is rather suspect, and universally self-servingly delusional.Read more widely.

Oh, and snipers don't "need" intelligence, they gather it. You could look it up. They're almost never sent out as guided missiles with a hit list. They go out with a few boxes of ammo and a pair of binoculars, addressed "to whom it may concern", to hit Targets Of Opportunity. And they take a radio so that they can let artillery and air strikes join in the fun. If this is all news to you, you're woefully uninformed.

We saw firsthand in this country what two @$$clown "snipers" could do with just a .22 from a car trunk hide in D.C. [Their longest shot was from 100 yards. People shooting 500 yards? It's Sarajevo, and everyone's on the menu.]

And One Shot Paddy and just a few hundred of his friends tied down an entire  regiment in Northern Ireland for 30 years time, and the Brits were no closer to getting rid of them at the end than they were at the beginning. And all that with a surveillance state that Orwell warned of, and checkpoints every mile on every main road.

They had "See something, Say Something" in Belfast too.

It fell out of favor after the first kneecapping. After that, "nobody saw nothing", for an entire generation.

So if you're going to sharpshoot me, you're going to have to do a lot more boning up."

Or words largely to that effect. 

Michael's unfortunate obsession, as I've told him online times and blogs without number, is his knee-jerk itch to fact-check and "correct" everything I write on any other board. Unfortunately, rarely with the chops to pull it off.

I have literally pleaded with him to explore the course of action wherein he self-restrains, and confines his remarks to the given topic under discussion, ignoring what I write, unless of course I address him directly, which I avoid like the plague on general principles. I'm never hurting for content, so you can take a wild guess how little I wanted to post this, but here we are, yet again, because someone has a decided lack of self-control.

I bring this up again, here, because he'll see it, to a metaphysical certainty, and to underline that kicking him around rhetorically like a red-headed stepchild all over the internet is neither my intent, nor the best use of my time or his, let alone other people's bandwidth.

He refuses to start his own blog, prefering evidently to hijack other people's work to his own ends, but he nonetheless has my sincerest best wishes in blurting out all the things he thinks he knows that aren't so. Yet if only to spare himself further embarrassment at how he always comes off in these exchanges, and to stop hijacking other people's blogs and comment streams for his personal compulsion, I really wish he'd figure out a way to address a given topic on the merits, without involving me in any way, nor taking it upon himself to be nothing but an unlooked-for hemorrhoid in every comment stream in the blogosphere. If only for the sheer novelty of that approach.

It would be a refreshing change from his unfortunate current obsession, and perhaps move a new tenant into his head than myself, because living there rent free 24/7 has to be one of the least appealing things of which I can conceive.

And I can't miss him if he won't go away.

Probably not the kind of attention he was hoping for.

"O Hell No!!!

That's a 6/6 on the Iglesias Scale

It's unclear if the contestant was confused, and thought the contest was "Miss As Big As Alabama"; was looking for the circus sideshow hiring office; or just wandered into the contest by mistake while looking for the buffet.

But American Miss Pageant officials: Your pageant is broken, and your Alabama judges are blind, drunk, high as fuck, or all of the above. Apparently, they didn't learn a lesson from the bankruptcy of Sports Illustrated after they lost their collective minds last year. Possibly because their editorial staff all moved to Alabama to judge pageants.

I don't care if she "has a great personality". If the only place you fit in a crew cab pickup truck is inside the bed, you don't belong in a beauty pageant, you belong on a weight loss fat farm pulling a wagon loaded with hay bales around a field, while the teamster dangles a cupcake in front of you hung from the end of a pole, until you can sit on a folding chair without turning it into a yoga mat.

It's not all bad for her, though. Hormel and Jimmy Dean are said to be in a bidding war to make Miss Land Whale the spokesmodel for their pork products, Dubuque is rumored to be coming out with their new Canned Ham On A Popsicle Stick in her honor, and the American Heart Association is basing next year's "How To Have A Heart Attack By 30" campaign on her.

Unfortunately, she'll have to travel to the national pageant by train, since no passenger aircraft are currently rated for her, while cargo airliners would have to use tie down straps to secure her to a cargo pallet to get anywhere by air. National pageant officials are already calling engineering firms to get an upgrade on the stage construction requirements.

This is what happens when you embrace psychotic delusion as "the new normal", instead of slapping the sh*t out of total morons spewing fluent nonsense.

Apparently The Theme Is Diversity Friday at the MSM. Challenge Accepted.


Nobody Touched Nothin'

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Harsh Truths

At least when Eve sold out, she got an apple out of the deal.

Enjoy the box wine and cats. Mind the Wall.

Look Deeper

h/t Divemedic

First post-conviction poll.
Trump still leading by about 1%.

Some people look at this and think:
a) They're gonna (have to/be sorely tempted to) whack Trump, and
b) This makes another margin-of-cheat election steal a slam-dunk cinch.


I look at it and think:
a) If they whack Trump, they get a shooting civil war in about 72 hours.
b) If they whack Kennedy, they get a hat trick, everybody yawns, they don't need to cheat, and Poopypants wins a walkaway landslide without breaking a sweat.

If Kennedy doesn't have food tasters, and isn't wearing Level IV armor under his suit every single day, he'd better start.

BTW: whenever the opportunity presents itself, always lie to pollsters. The less elections go the way everyone expects, the harder they have to work to cheat. Fooling people to keep them honest is as American as the Hidden Ball Trick in baseball.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

And Now, For Something Completely Different

Michael? Back so soon?

Now, rid of the latest attention-whore idiot illustrative of the mouth-breathing class of internet troll, we can assemble the two or three pearls we promised to dig out of the metric buttload of diaper spackle from the previous exercise, and string them together to make some use of them.

Learn the difference between strong sentiment, and Incitement

Thomas Jefferson mused that the Tree of Liberty needs watering from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. No one batted an eye, even with early 1800's sensibilities. That, friends, is "Just saying...".

Spewing that "I'd really like to strangle Federal Judge Shitforbrains!", OTOH, is liable to get you an earnest chat with federal marshals, at the very least.

Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball.

The J6 protesters will not be participating in anything going forward, owing to a prior engagement.
Don't be those guys, for at least two reasons.

1) Incitement is illegal. And you've seen, in only the last week, how far the law will be stretched to go after perceived enemies of the state.

2) Nobody is telling anybody to start shooting anybody else. When it is time, you'll be able to figure it out for yourself with little outside input.

Until #1 becomes #2, you ought to heed some wise advice from a seasoned Doctor of Law. Ignoring the magnificence of the cinematic effort, you really should watch that clip, and take it to heart, until you could recite it from memory, and bear it well in mind - until this clip ascends to pre-eminence.

A Civil War Would Be A Disaster - But not the worst disaster, the last disaster, nor the only disaster

Bumbling around in the recesses of poor Michael's mind, along with incoherent psychosis, was the genesis of an actual coherent thought or three, had he the wit to nurture and tend them until they were ripe enough to pluck.

To wit: he confused and conflated Civil War with TEOTWAWKI. If you think they're the same thing, share with the rest of us how, in April of 1861, everyone fled to the countryside, and abandoned all the cities. Go ahead; I'll wait over here at the bar while you work that out.
Then tell us how the same thing happened in England during their Glorious Revolution. How about Paris, circa the Reign Of Terror? Or anywhere else, ever. Spain, 1930s? Cuba, 1950s? Vietnam, 1946-1975? Indonesia? Yemen? Congo? Rhodesia? SAfrica? Korea? Japan? China? Look in vain, because that's not what happens. Life goes on. One or both sides may experience tough times. Some places or all places may see such. But nobody says, "Holy shit! Civil War! Run for the woods, quick!"

I outlined the difference between city and rural in a civil war.

The problem, when (not if, to about 4 decimal places) we have another one, it isn't going to be state versus state, nor city versus country. It's going to be street to street, house to house, and in some people's homes, room to room.

And some people will get careless, or stupid, and a civil war will become the second- or third-most dangerous problem.

The currency could collapse. In fact, probably will. Could happen even if we don't get to a civil war in time. If this is news to you, yet another cinematic benediction comes to mind.

In fact, worst of all, we could have a civil war, and our side could even win that war, and we could still become Weimar/Zimbabwe/Venezuela. 

But wait! There's more!

Someone in any Unpleasantness could get careless with matches, and next thing you know, the power grid goes POOF! Like fog on a July morning. In Death Valley. The cheeriest predictions for a grid-down "problem" are 90% casualties. But what's a paltry 300M dead, between friends, right?

A civil war, in either case, would become the lesser problem in about one pantry. So even if you have both, war isn't the biggest threat to you and yours, and even giving Uncle Government a snappy raised arm salute, and a daily tongue bath, is no guarantee things will be rosy even for the sycophantic Useful Idiots.

Planning For Almost Any Disaster Looks Pretty Much Like Planning For Only One Disaster- Get your Priorities in Order

In all foreseeable problems, some things will be more important than others, but most things will be important Every. Single. Time.

Water. Food. Shelter. Warmth. Medicine. Weapons. Power. Communications. Intelligence. Allies. Trade Goods.

Without them, you can't do anything. In fact, without most of them, you will not be able to do anything, including survive.
With them, you can likely do as much as your means will allow.

Which leads to another brilliant bit of cinematic exposition. (Clever readers may detect a trend here.)

Planning Is Useless; But The Planning Process is Invaluable

That is a direct quote from General of the Armies and former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, but all he ever pulled off was D-Day, ending two wars, and the greatest peacetime boom in history, so what does he know?

Because as we noted earlier, plans go to $#!^. And the more elaborate the plan, the greater the number of points of failure, and the higher the odds that it will fail.

But failure to plan is planning to fail. Because the planning process shows you where all those places are where things could suddenly go pear-shaped.

So the important thing isn't to have any plan, let alone a perfect one, it's to have a perfect planning process, so you exhaustively expose ever single point of failure, and come up with - at the least minimum - Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency Courses Of Action.

Peace Is A Nice State To Live In - But It's Rarer Than Hen's Teeth

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

You need People.
You need Priorities.
You need Preparations.
You need a Planning Process.

Do those things, and you have a fighting chance with whatever comes.

Do them not, and other people will be splitting your gear after you're gone.

With 10 or 20 more IQ points, and better social skills, Michael might have dug all that out on his own, instead of wanting someone to hold his hand for him, lead him to it, and then cut it up into chewable bite-sized baby food so he could swallow it.

But some people would rather dig in their diapers than break a sweat, and do hard things.
Either way, you get the rewards you deserve.

Michael's Long Overdue Departure On The Short Bus - At Last!

"You talk big. You talk sedition. However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than immediate violence. Great! Then what? Does everyone become a war lord? How does this work?

I know that what we have isn't perfect. I know what we have has been corrupted. Changes need to happen and they cannot happen soon enough. However, until there is a plan on how to progress from war to peace and someone that knows how to lead in both war and peace, you're just spitting into the wind and if you're lucky, you're stacking up bodies. That's about one of the dumbest plan, non plans, I have ever heard of." 

You talk big. You talk sedition.

I've done no such thing. In fact, you have touched on so little of anything I actually said, it begs the assumption that you never read any of it, and this was simply you shaking out your diaper spackle according to the voices in your own head. Prove me wrong: go to the post which lit the fuse on your tampon, and pull the quotes that support your farcical contentions.

You can't, because it never happened. QED

However, I have noticed that nobody seems to have a plan other than immediate violence. Great! Then what? Does everyone become a war lord? How does this work?

At this point, your reading comprehension is so much a question leading to the irrefutable conclusion that you haven't read anything, further blather from you only underscores the likelihood. Quotes and links, or it never happened, and we're back to merely dealing with your delusions. AGAIN. You need help. This is not your therapist's office.

I know that what we have isn't perfect. I know that what we have is corrupted. Changes need to happen and they cannot happen soon enough.

Boilerplate bullshit for the Bubbas. What we had wasn't perfect 257 years ago, on Day One. It was far past corrupted by the turn of the previous century. What we have now is so far from fucked, you can't even see FUBAR in the rear view mirror with a telescope. So quit soft-peddling the absolute descent into Banana Republic farce as "not perfect". It's a rotten, moldering corpse on a hot day in the sun, with a smell so pungent it could knock buzzards off a gut wagon at 100 yards, and you'd have to soak it in Listerine, Betadine, and Lysol for a week just to get a decent maggot to think about putting on a bib to dine on it.

And if changes need to happen, and cannot happen soon enough, the last thing any intellectual lightweight like you should be doing is sitting there with his fingers in both ears up to the palm, and his head so far up his own ass he could see out his bellybutton, sitting there like a baby in shit with his pudding smeared all over his face and a dipshit grin, proud of his latest accomplishment in baby-hood.

However, until there is a plan on how to progress from war to peace and someone to lead in both war and peace, you're just spitting into the wind, and if you're lucky, you're stacking up bodies.

1) What was the plan on July 5th, 1776, for moving from war to peace? Show your work, and link your references.

2) What was the same plan on April 16th, 1861. Show your work, and link your references.

3) What was that plan on April 5th, 1917. Show your work, and link to your references.

4) What was that plan on December 8th, 1941? Show your work, and link all your references.

Because Stevie Wonder can see from space, at night, that you aren't the brightest light on the Christmas tree, so if you can think of something so obviously important, needful, sensible, and indispensable, there must be copious examples from our own history you could point to in mere mouseclicks, right? RIGHT?? Michael? Anyone? Anyone...???


Well, shit howdy, boy, looks like you all you did there was change which cleated foot is stomping on your jangly bits, didn't ya? Let's help you out on this, and call in some expert testimony.

Having studied the topic diligently and at length, we can call such maxims from memory in moments, and apply them practically in real time; but being a thoroughgoing idiot yourself, you can be forgiven for such words and concepts being entirely alien to your thinking (we use the term loosely).

That's about one of the dumbest plan, non plans, I have ever heard of.

Entire libraries are full of the things of which you have never heard, so your unfamiliarity with it is not a particularly withering sobriquet of derision.

"Call me a coward or whatever name you want. Tease me about voting moar harder. Warn me again about how we will all be fed into box cars and taken to the prison camps to be shot or burned. If that's what you think is going to happen, you really don't have a clue about what a Civil War is."

As you wish:

You're a coward. An idiot. A moron. A fucktard. A gross ignoramus with delusions of intelligence. It isn't true because I said it, it's true because everything you wrote demonstrates it, beyond all argument. You're just about bright enough to vote moar harder! And then you'll be shocked! Shocked, I say! when it doesn't solve the plethora of problems coming at you. You'll be rounded up, shot on sight, or, if you're "lucky", loaded into box cars, taken to a concentration camp, brow-beaten into submission, starved, worked to death, and then actually beaten, until you eventually die or are killed as another useless eater, unworthy of even life itself, and all the while you'll be waiting for the day you can write a sternly-worded letter of complaint to your congressweasel for the outrage.

Like happens after every Leftard communist coup since ever, which is exactly what they've been telling you in plain English they want to do to you for literally YEARS.

Time to bring out another expert to enlighten you:

If that's what you think is going to happen, you really don't have a clue about what Civil War is.

If that's what you think ISN'T going to happen, you don't have a clue about what Civil War is.

You wasted an entire essay illustrating in glorious technicolor your ignorance and delusions, and you think at the end of that, anyone is looking at you as anything but an object lesson in "Don't Be THAT Guy"?!?

Best wishes with that plan, knucklehead. Thanks for phoning in your take from the left end of the IQ bell curve.

"What you have ain't a plan. It's a wish and a hope and tough talk. You have no clear vision of where you're going and you want everyone to follow.

Hard Pass "General"."

Since it sailed right over your head (having it permanently implanted up your ass to the shoulders for years and years will do that), what I wrote was never intended as a plan, never advertised as a plan, never attempted to BE a plan. The wish was that it might, finally, with President Trump - the leading opposition candidate to the regime in power now on the edge of a farcical and unprecedented jail sentence that could conceivably "accidentally" result in his death - get even the most thick-headed moron, like yourself, to stop being one, get off their ass, pull their head out of it, and induce them to start doing the basic, sensible, common sense things that any jackass could see as needful, all on their own, by themselves, simply because they possessed the barest and most basic instinct for self-preservation, and weren't afflicted with a terminal case of Shit For Brains.

I asked no one to follow me in any way, shape, or form, nor elected myself the leader of anyone with that, nor any other, effort.

So you may continue in your 80-IQ delusions, and go to Hell in whatever way seems most fitting to yourself, with my sincerest benediction.

And to a metaphysical certainty, with a surprised look on your gobsmacked face, right up until oxygen deprivation to your vital organs converts you from a bio-organism into fertilizer for the more industrious worms and microbes on the planet.

Because I can only tell you the truth, but I can't make you smart enough to think. And a sincere thanks, Michael, for illustrating in ways I could never do why most of the efforts to get the attention of and induce any common sense behaviors by the Undecided Stupid People are about as useful as peeing on an electric fence, and nearly as painful to undertake.


Apropos Of The Day

 h/t Mike

Today is the 20th Anniversary of Vengeance Gone Mostly Right.

We recently purchased a tabletop metal bulldozer (sadly, not a Tonka™). We shall be, as we have time, adding metal plates to match the configuration of a Killdozer to put on the shelf in Mr. Heemeyer's honor.

Michael's Thunderjug Of Wisdom, Pt. IV

Michael rides the thunderjug, taking his ease on the republic's flag,
before wiping his backside with the Constitution.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us turn our pages to First Stupidians, and continue the disassembly.
"Do we really want a Civil War? Do we storm the government buildings and hunt down the good with the bad? Do we hang them all because they just happen to be in a government building when we happened to show up for the war? Do we actually hunt down the 3 letter agents that we know are living in our neighborhoods and hang them and their families because they just wanted to put food on their table and into the mouths of their children? Do you want to be both judge and jury? Do you have evidence that these people are corrupt or are you just lumping them all together because they still work for the govt. and if they're still working for the govt. at this point then they're all bad? Is that how you want to do this?"

Do we really want a Civil War?

No. Idiot. Nor has anyone called for one, from our side. But even though you aren't interested in a war, the war is interested in YOU. 

The Leftardian lunatics have been beating that drum for at least five years, and practicing the song lyrics for something closer to two generations, at minimum. If this is news to you, perhaps it's hard to tell with your head wedged high and tight in a small, dark place. We suggest vaseline and a crowbar, and the assistance of friends, as necessary, until you hear a satisfying POP!, and the darkness begins to clear up.

Do we storm the government buildings and hunt down the good with the bad? Do we hang them all because they just happen to be in a government building when we happened to show up for the war?

Yet again, no one has suggested that. Your army of Straw Men is growing into Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Terra Cotta Army

Point of Order: Who are these "good" government workers to whom you refer? Show your work. Otherwise, you're appealing to Facts Not In Evidence. The name for those, in the trade, is "fairytales". They make a poor basis for considered analysis and laying out courses of action.

Do we actually hunt down the three letter agents that we know are living in our neighborhoods and hang them and their families because they just wanted to put food on their table and into the mouths of their children?

1) Nice try, Officer. You've just crossed the line between "just saying", and "incitement". Better luck next time, and tell your Special Agent In Charge to train you better next time. You are a No-Go at the Entrapment Station. Fucktard.

2) Point of Order: Both BLM rioters and SS konzentrationslager guards "just wanted to put food on the table" and "into the mouths of their children". You must have been sick the day they covered that the "Just following orders" defense was shredded to doll rags at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946, and they hung the people trying it. "For the children" was the excuse for everything in the Clinton Criminal Regime, from ripping a Cuban refugee child at machinegun-point from the arms of his American family, to torching the women and children at Waco "for their own good", and shooting a mother carrying her child by an FBI sniper at Ruby Ridge. But thanks for carrying water for the entire federal three-letter agency apparatus, and outing yourself so succinctly and thoroughly. That was done with the consummate precision of shoving a loaded pistol into your waistband and blowing off your own dick. Bravo. Call 9-1-1 for that, and get a tourniquet on it.

Do you want to be both judge and jury?

Tell you what, sport: look at the judges and juries in any one of 100 recent trials in the last decade, and tell me I, or ANY Man On The Street (outside of Portland or NYFC) couldn't do a 1,000,000% better job of delivering justice in every case than the current chicanery and jackassery masquerading as a justice system. Show. All. Work. We would be better off if we simply rounded up the closest 12 people to any crime, held the trial, and performed the hanging at the curb, than anything the products of our law schools have delivered in pretty much my entire adult lifetime. Committees of Vigilance should be the custom, not the exception, and at the rate we're going, "due process" is soon going to be a bullet. And that situation hasn't been what anyone wanted; it's been foisted upon us by the exact people who swore oaths to do things the exact opposite way. But Nature abhors a vacuum. Which begs the question of how your head hasn't long since imploded.

Do you have evidence that these people are corrupt or are you just lumping them all together because they still work for the govt. and if they're still working for the government at this point then they're all bad?

Not at all. Just as in Mexico, we can tell the honest ones, because when they become whistleblowers, they're fired, killed, declared mentally incompetent, or exiled to Slobovia. You keep harping pretty hard on the "honest govt. worker" Theory. Everyone else is just going along to get a pension. Do yourself a huge favor, and look up the legal concepts of "Accessory After The Fact" and "Misprision Of Felony". Both hard felonies under federal statutes, with real time in federal pound-you-in-the-@$$ prison. And if they talked this over with anyone at any time, they're guilty of "Criminal Conspiracy ". Now, google the number of prosecutions and convictions for that, since ever. I'll wait. So yes, they're pretty much all guilty but the whistleblowers, top to bottom, QED, just going by law on the books for hundreds of years.
So you were sick the day they covered that at Fed Academy, just playing stupid, or what?

It's probably hard to see that clearly with your government paycheck smacking you in the face twice a month, isn't it, Officer? But you wish to imply, as the Devil's Advocate, that there are good ones still hiding in there somewhere? Who stand around impotently, and chewing on their fingernails and clutching their pearls for decades upon decades as Leviathan rapaciously devours the population and the Republic itself with all the pity of a shark attacking a crippled seal? Abraham's haggling with God over the fate of Sodom comes to mind. So does the happy ending of that event. 

Is that how you want to do this?

Michael, this is why you fail. You attempt to put words into my mouth I never said, then disagree with your own concoctions rather than reading what I wrote, and responding to that. This is why I refer to you as Idiot, Moron, and Fucktard. Because words mean things, and you clearly can't manage yours, address a point intelligently, or even construct the simplest of arguments on your own behalf. You keep ginning up out of whole cloth your own retarded arguments, and then merrily gallop off on your ass and tilt at them, with all the glee of a 3-year-old knocking over his Lego knights and MicroMachines. Word to your mother: the internet is not a bigger real-life version of "Grand Theft Auto", where you get to drive through everything willy-nilly and do whateverinfuck you want, for fun and points. If you're going to make an argument, you first have to address what was actually said, which you've all but ignored, at this point for three of your five paragraphs, and then make counter-arguments to Actually THAT. You want to step up to the plate, drop the bat, catch the pitch yourself, run through the infield, check the fielders into the boards, throw the ball into the outfield bleachers, and then claim you just threw a touchdown and deserve 6 points.


This is why my responses to you look exactly like pushing a crippled retard off a cliff. Because that's pretty much exactly what's happening.
And we're only 60% of the way there.
Amaze-balls that you went to all that effort just to come out in favor of Fedtopia's kakistocracy.

And for comedy relief, occasionally one of your fellow retards pleads for mercy in the comments, and/or wishes they could drag you back onto the short bus, and go back to your group home.

Cheer up, Skippy: You sat in the bear trap all on your own. So you may be missing your ass when we get you out, but at least your IQ will be a point or two higher going forward. At least until you heal up some.

Do Original Michael a solid though: next time, pick a different signature.