Friday, June 7, 2024

Nobody Touched Nothin'


Skyler the Weird said...

I've been watching For All Mankind on Apple and in the Alternate Universe inhabiting Left Wing Screenwriters brains it is the brave black women, gay black men, and the wise Latinas that overcome white supremacy and get us to Mars with lots of help from Communist Russia.

SiGraybeard said...

It seems they're still docked to the ISS this morning, so it hasn't lost so much helium that the capsule deflated. That's a good start.

I can't say I'm filled with confidence, but I was never really confident the mission would succeed.

Aesop said...

Props to the crew, but I wouldn't want their life insurance premiums.

Anonymous said...

Boeing got another black eye last night on Greta's Newsmax show at 6. She had a guy on who claimed to be a former fuselage QC inspector for a sub contractor. The guy stated that every fuselage component he inspected had defects that shipped to Boeing not repaired. The defects were signed off by management and not noted on the shipping doc's.

He claimed to have been fired because he wrote up too many defects.


Tucanae Services said...

Even though we have the plans for the F1 engine, we don't dare try to build them anymore. Each engine had to be tuned like a fine watch to operate in the Saturn V, but alas we have lost the talent pool that made that possible. SpaceX Raptor engine is better but it is illustrative of how degraded America's ability has declined.

John Wilder said...

Boeing has . . . failed.

maruadventurer said...

I am waiting to hear something like this --

"Hey Elon, we need to book a flight on Dragon capsule sometime next week. 4 seats, economy class."

Anonymous said...

Let's pray Boeing's attempt to save face here doesn't cost us 2 astronauts. Bring that deathtrap back empty and on auto or dump it and burn it up on reentry. Remember, even if the helium is OK and all the thrusters function, they still had issues with the parachute system on previous unmanned flights.