Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Republic Restoration Starter Pack

 h/t OddJob


  1. Good first step. What do we do with them and the others next?

  2. The orange pant suit is a nice touch. I am thinking something in the 2,500 fps range. 3 strand, 13 round turns 'round the standing part, and a tree limb will also work.

  3. James, buzzards gotta eat too. Dump the D.C. offal in the desert.

  4. Yeah, I guess during Trump's 1t term (hopefully), one of his mistakes was backing off Hillary and extending an olive branch to the Left, whose Pink Pussy tribe couldn't accept Trump's victory. The Left was shocked that people actually thought differently then they did.

    The 2nd time, I hope Trump sez screw the Left. They treated him bad the entire 7 years and they brought it on themselves. I'm not looking for lies, just straight up investigations and charges brought on people who broke the law and got away with it.

  5. Don't tell my wife this, but I'm partial to staking them out on fire ant mounds and getting the ants worked up a little by kicking the mound(and running like heqq). Making a few cuts on the miscreants will add to the zeal of the ants.
    The only possible drawback I see is that the ants will kill them too quickly, but it will be a painful way to go.
    I know someone who advocates tying them up and setting killer bees on them, but that is too risky, and the bees are not reliable as executioners.
    As to the Plague Nun, she prefers rope, tree/lamppost, some assembly required. A gentle soul, she is.

  6. Volcano.
