Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Probably Not The Impact They Were Looking To Make

h/t WRSA


  1. The "red state/blue state" trope isn't very useful when thinking about this. Look at this map and think about red areas and blue areas: Now, think about logistics. oil and natural gas go through pipelines, electricity is generally made away from cities and transported by wires, and railroads go through challenging terrain in those red area, before they end up in the blue areas, and so do highways. A little bit of thought might change unreason and reflexive thinking into a more reasoned response...

  2. On any given November the States of Texas, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania field more arms individually than are stationed in military posts in CONUS. The arms used by these individuals are with sufficient practice good to 300yrds and can take down a beast twice the weight of a man. More importantly if Ukraine has proven anything massed formations of individuals are not needed to be effective, merely small teams well versed in the terrain hitting soft targets can bring a bigger force to halt.

    The bigger the toys, the longer the logistic tail, hence the greater the vulnerability. I pray it never comes to this.

  3. The information of stream 47 is correct but remember that that trouble goes BOTH directions.

    Got trusted friends to cover your back? Plenty of non-friends even in deep red states, some SOUND Like Patriots but not your style when the chips go down.

    Got ALL your rule of threes covered? 3 days without safe water your battle rattle is salvage for others better supplied.

    Amateurs talk tactics, smart folks talk about logistics.

    ALL Killhouse rules are in effect, read and grok them. The several year final exams don't grade on a curve.

  4. “ How did blue states having "the folks who know how to fight and win" work out for you in
    Afghanistan? Iraq? Somalia? Viet Nam?
    Stop me if you've heard this one..”

    Ehhhhh… but you’re winning in the ‘Kraine, right?


    I love watching retards argue. You never disappoint, General Aesop…

  5. You love being the retard arguing Glen. It's the one predictable thing about you.

    But tell the class, Field Marshall von Podex, exactly which U.S. divisions are currently engaged in fighting in Ukraine. Take your time. Show your work.

    It's it wasn't for total jackassery, you'd have nothing to say at all.
    Your title as King Of The Dipshits remains secure.

  6. TL Davis has a substack about why the right, "conservatives" the Regressives can never win against the leftists. Too many social "norms" about civility and higher moral high ground are great inhibitors and a strength for our enemies. The "You Firsters" and the "I Have A Family" were never on our side.

    As for the "Red State" "Blue State" I never understood that Fox News addicted affliction when the Communists have always been the REDS. The Patriot Act of the Clinton Admin. soundly rejected by the Regressives and was wholly accepted when Fuher Bush Jr. was in office. The Regressives still don't get it.

    I believe that for the first time our "Republic" has the entire establishment willing to liquidate the American population for the greater good of their democracy.

    To the hilt? I feel like all of my training and preparations have been on past tense of the calendar and we are waiting for the "GO!" signal from higher. YMMV.

    I don't use the google email for replies, etc.

  7. I could respond to that but we both know you’re a faggot and won’t print it, right?😂

  8. @James,

    Don't count people out who're only willing to use violence as a last resort.
    It may be the last thing they want, but it's still on the list.
    The people for whom it is never an option are the problem.

    The colors were switched deliberately by the media for the 1992 elections.
    Prior to that, the Democommunists were always red, and the Republicants were always blue.
    To-may-to, to-mah-to.

    1) wrong again.
    2) I never hesitate to print your stupidity. It's just that there's an endless supply of it. Your brilliant response that the Moskva was sailing home under its own power after minor damage was an instant classic and personal favorite.
    3) If you had any more military experience than playing with plastic army men, we'd perhaps think your bloviations were worth the trouble to refute. But you're so far beyond your depth here, you couldn't get your head above water with scuba gear and a handy submarine.
    4) If there's anything you know about anything, please, whatever it is, stick to that.
    Parroting Putin's blabber about having destroyed 500,000 Ukrainian tanks just makes you look sad and pathetic, and the main reason I leave most of your replies on auto-spam filter is because without the raw scatology, ad hominem, and your inexplicable and awkward gay mancrush on me, there's nothing left to see.
    Your freshness date online expired about three years ago, which is why your own blog and a couple of others are the only places online that even tolerate you. You're a one trick pony, and you're turning those tricks for 5¢ each. And that's 5 Canadian cents. It's just pitiable, and I refuse to keep kicking the retarded kid just to scratch your itch for attention here. Go back under your bridge, nurture your grudges about the cruelties of your misspent life, and leave the rest of the world happily ignorant of your very existence.
    Console yourself with the knowledge that no one will ever miss you if you won't just go away.

  9. I note that Afghanistan is not currently controlled by Russia or the USA...nor is Vietnam...
