Monday, June 12, 2023

Unintended Consequences

Move along. Nothing to see here.


  1. if certain of our 'politicians' ended up like this, things would start to get better quickly.

  2. If only they read their oath . . .

  3. Along with a lot of our media types. Here in Cincy, we have some of the most obnoxiously woke types around, and they love to try to get people in trouble with their employers for wrong think.
    During the Covid nonsense, I made some copies of Bracken's "What I Saw at the Coup". highlighted the section about the talking heads being executed, and carried them with me as I walked around a local mall while wearing a sportshirt from one of my former clients, but no mask.
    The station clowns saw me, and decided to put me on trial. This not bad looking woman(could have done without the 20 pounds of makeup...) harangued me about not wearing the mask, and asked me about my employer. I told them who it was, and she said that she would like to contact them to see what they thought of my behavior. I still carry a Palm Pilot with client info, so I looked up this client and gave her the contact info, along with a copy of Coup. I never stopped smiling, which infuriated them, and told them that I enjoyed talking with them.
    Alas, I forgot to tell them that I haven't worked for that client since 1998, and they went bankrupt in the late 2000s. They did broadcast the Inquisition, and my friends thought that I was having way too much fun.
