Friday, July 19, 2024

They're Not Even Trying To Pretend Anymore

Behold!: Operation Cosplay

People trapped under Soviet communism remarked that what was the most glaring and brutal repression was the ham-fisted obviousness of the lies. They would tell the most outrageously obvious untruths, and demand that you parrot the party line, or be eliminated, and they didn't even care that you knew they were lies, which drove home the point that You. Didn't. Matter.


  1. Personally, I don't think she should have had an option to resign. Beyond egregious were her actions, and a less polite society would have hung her the day after.

  2. I keep thinking about Dec 3 2022, and the little town of Southern Pines, NC, population 16,592.
    Last I heard, there were still no suspects regarding the 5 day power outage.

    That's interesting, since I hear there are a fair amount of military retirees living there...of a certain MOS.

    Maybe, just maybe, some alumni from the University of Pineland could "requisition" a couple of the SS agents that were at the Butler PA, event, and introduce them to some "Special High Intensity Training". Just, you know, see what they can figure out....



  3. Russian citizen: "We know they lie. They know that we know they lie. They lie anyway."

    Getting to be the same here.

    Never, at any time in the history of this country have citizens been so mistrustful of the government, the press and most other public institutions and organizations.

    The pressure relief valve used to be we could vote the bastards out. They've now taken that away through massive cheating, outright fraud and uniparty politics.

    This can not go on.


  4. It's getting to look like the only competent organization close to the feds is the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Look at how many of theirs have just whacked Those Who Needed Whacking. Hopefully, Ms. Director of Affirmative Action will be thought to have something on the Hildebeest.

  5. No USSS briefings on the status of the investigation. Hmmmm.... The news cycle is not that short. Perhaps all of the briefing materials were in the cloud?

  6. Trump scares them. I'd sure love to see their text messages on that day . .
