Saturday, July 20, 2024

Happy Peak Of Western Civilization Day!

Your parents and grandparents were bigger badasses
 in one day, than you've been your entire life.


  1. Thanks. The date has been bugging me all day. I just could not remember what was the anniversary. For the record, I watched on a giant screen in Tommoeland.

  2. ...and we did in less than a decade on vehicles designed using slide rules.

    Boeing has had the "Starliner", basically a larger more modern version of the Apollo capsules that went to the moon and back, IN DEVELOPMENT FOR 16 YEARS, and they screwed that up beyond belief, leaving two of our citizens STRANDED on the apace station 261 miles from home since Jul 11, 2024. Boeing is supposedly "still working on" fixes to the failed maneuvering system.

    With the amount time that has transpired since the maneuvering mechanical problem was identified, would you trust that POS vehicle to return you to earth without burning up on re-entry?

    Me I'd be publicly BEGGING Musk for a rescue. Oh NASA would fire me? Yah, f*ck off. I'm not flying on your POS capsule ever again anyway.

    Remember, this flight was supposed to be for certification of the entire "Starliner" program. It was eventually supposed to return us to the moon and maybe go to Mars. Fat effing chance of that happening anytime near to the original revised, revised and revised again and again flight dates. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire program was canceled and we never heard about NASA going anywhere on a rocket ever again.

    Who wants to bet the maneuvering system was designed and tested by a DEI crew?


    1. Nemo, you know it was the "brilliant negress mathematicians" that designed it. ...duh
      Original Grandpa

  3. Thanks for the terrific reminder. I honestly fear that future historians may well come to this conclusion.

  4. "Two countries still use the Imperial Systems of measures. One of them has been to the moon and back."

    I agree that 1969/70 is the peak of American technical prowess.

  5. Nemo,

    It appears your observation is coming true. Dragon has been given the green light to retrieve the astronauts. The Boeing Basket Case is floating in orbit, detached from the ISS. SpaceX is so far ahead of Boeing at this point its like a rerun of the Patriots/Titans game.
