Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Up 19% In One Week


Not gasoline prices, thank a merciful deity; the outside temperature.

It's 79° outside just now. And a quite comfortable 50s at night. Shorts and t-shirt weather has returned to SoCal. Time to turn the fluorescent-tan fishbelly white legs and arms back to a healthy melatonin glow, but short of skin cancer. Looks like Vitamin D is back on the menu.


  1. 72 in Folsom today but our lows are in 45-47. Being able to be outside in God's Fresh Air and Sunshine is worth everything!!

  2. And suddenly, it becomes clear why you insist on staying. Enjoy, ol' boy.

  3. Did Mr. Bribem "build back better", the climate?

    I get so confused: is this Putin's fault, or Trump's fault, or Bribem's credit?

  4. Snowing here in the Rockies, normal for March where we never complain about getting moisture, white or otherwise. It'll be sunny and warm by tomorrow. And that Vitamin D? Great for the immune system to fight off The Covid...oh wait...that stopped right before "The State of Uranian" speech by The Hologram who wants everyone to drive an EV but loves showing off his '63 427 Corvette.
