Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Mr. Potato Head


This idiot's intelligence peaked at below-average in the prime of life, and now, wracked with the Swiss-cheese memory problems inherent and head-slappingly obvious in acutely advanced Alzheimer's, it's a wonder his underwear isn't worn outside his trousers most days. But it's no wonder at all that his nap time starts at 11AM each day. He's only got so many neurons, and once they fire, he needs 16-20 hours sleep for the next 30 seconds of camera time.

This is crippled FDR, except now with the camera lingering on him as he limps into his wheelchair, and frequently falls onto his face. It's elder abuse, FFS.

He manages to gaffe this once, then doubles down and totally fucks it sideways with the attempted save. He's literally got shit for brains, and nobody in office says anything.

It gets worse.

The DNC continues with twin nightmares:

In one of them, Biden doesn't live until 2025.

In the other one, he does.

The republic is in for a disaster either way.


  1. I'm surprised President Potato has lasted this long!

  2. He's "literally" got shit for brains?

    To quote Indigo Montoya, "I don't think that word means what you think it means."

  3. Michael in nowherelandMarch 16, 2022 at 10:47 AM

    I think the only reason he has lasted this long is the crash course the are giving Kamal is obviously not working and they don't have a plan C that they can pull off.

  4. @The Old Guy,

    Actually it does. Exactly what it means.
    Or maybe tapioca.
    We won't know for sure until the post-mortem.

  5. Sr. Cabeza de Papa Tiny Tim said it best. "God Help us everyone."

  6. Ain't no one seen a wreck like we fixin to have.

  7. I have to admire whoever is playing Dr. Frankenstein behind the scenes managing the meds they shoot him up with to get on camera. They've got it down pretty well now, animating a brain dead corpse to make appearances, even if what he babbles is incoherent.

  8. Remember Andropov? Soviet leader who allegedly died in office and his corpse propped up for several weeks? Biden Mk1 It's past time Biden 'dropped off'.

  9. Weekend at Bernies. Except he's ambulatory.

    If what I read awhile back is true, it gets worse.

    There are two factions here - Biden (the obamatrons) and Harris (the clintonistas).

    That's why you haven't seen him put out on the ice flow. They cut him loose and all the power players behind the scenes change.

  10. Catch a vid of him from 15 years ago. I didn't like him, but he wasn't so . . . confused. This is elder abuse.
