Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Dumb Shit Time

 h/t SiG

Daylight Savings Time, perhaps a good idea for five minutes when everyone milked cows and worked on a farm 80 years ago, is just insufferable dumb shit today (hence DST:Dumb Shit Time), an insufferable idea whose time has come, and looooong ago gone. The sumbitch who thought of it should get to rot in hell an extra hour every day for eternity.

So, after hearing the will of the people, your elected Grand Nitwits voted unanimously.

Not to end it. F**k no, that would have been too easy.

They voted to make it permanent, forever.

M*****f*****g jackassical dipshits.

WhoTF asked for that?

Literally No One.

This is High Jackassery of the Foullest Sort.

If Emperor Poopypants had the wit to veto this monstrous bit of shitheadedness, he'd go up 20 points in the polls, getting him almost to 2% approval. (DNC, call your office.) And we could let those @$$holes take a whack at voting us into nationwide STANDARD TIME (hence the name) instead, forever, amen.

But instead, those senatorial halfwits (but I repeat myself) will send this bill over with a case of pudding pops, and Gropey Dopey will be in a sugar coma when Jill, or some personal attendant, autopens it into perpetuity, and we'll never be rid of this God-damned asinine travesty.

And who sponsored this idiocy?

Marco Screwyoubio, of course.

If ever there was a Manchurian Candidate who should have been deported to Cuba, he is surely it. Thanks for nothing, Floridiots. Now we're even for Fineswine.

Government, doing what it does best: Screwing EVERYBODY, FOREVER.


  1. The original law states that DST cannot be made permanent thus replacing standard time.
    We can have both, yikes, but cannot, by law, have permanent DST.

  2. From your lips to God's ears.

    Rubio's never been very bright.

  3. I must be stupid, I'm not getting it. Your link says "ending the twice annual changing of clocks". So, they make DST the year-round time? So ... it's just like not having DST at all, except one time zone over? Noon is not when the sun is directly at the apex, but an hour to one side?

    I'm not seeing the problem. I don't care whether the sun rises when the clock says 5 AM or 6 AM, I just wanted the switching to stop.

  4. Marco Screwyoubio - that’s hilarious.

  5. Agreed, Rollory, I don't get it either. It's the switching that's stupid. I'm all for getting rid of it. Here in Indiana, for years, we didn't change time twice a year, and we did just fine. Then our Mensa candidate governor decided we had to "because everybody else does it", to which my father would have responded, "And if all your friends jumped off a cliff,would you follow them?"

    This was a surprise to me when I heard about it yesterday, I wasn't even aware that the Senate was considering it.


  6. I just want the switching to stop also, along with the taxes that were implemented to fund WWII. And lifelong government trough feeders.

  7. It's nice getting off work and having enough daylight left to mow or garden,, meh,both..

  8. The laptop work-at-home crowd seems to be fond of year round DST. Out here in BFE, the ranchers usually work from Can to Can't, so whatever the clock says is close to irrelevant.\, except when they have to go to a meeting. (Too damn many of them, I'm told...) I'm retired, so barring medical appointments too f'n early in the morning, it doesn't affect me much.

    OTOH, when I had to commute to work, my preference was to be able to drive without headlights in the morning. After the Arab oil boycott, full-time DST was inflicted in January 1974, along with the despised 55 mph federal speed limit. I had a 'tween semesters job at a Motorola plant outside Chicago, and the morning commute was a stone bitch. Rolled into the parking lot just as the sun rose (8:30AM), and there wasn't much sunlight when I started back home.

    As I recall, the DST clusterfuck was dropped after several school kids got run over in the morning. 55 mph limits lasted longer, proving that the Good Idea Fairy doesn't give up without a fight.

    I can live with the current situation. With year round standard time, I'd see first light at 7:30 in January, 4:30 in June. Sunset would be 4:30 in December--looks like 7:45 PM in July. I'm not fond of the switch, but I can live with it. If we had to select a single one, I'd prefer noon when the sun says it is. Standard time for the win.


  9. Unfortunately, there are in fact many who want permanent DST. Why, I'll never understand. Wonder if any of them have looked at an almanac and realized they'll be driving to work in the pitch dark, 3-4 months of the year.

    DST is stupid, but it was limited to the summer months for a reason.

  10. Farmers are the least likely DST proponents. The animals don't care what the clock says, they expect to be cared for on a set routine.

  11. I was still riding the school bus in the 70's when Jimmah Carter tried this crap. Black as Hitler's heart when the bus came on winter days. I believe that was the reason it got dropped at that time ie danger to kids gathering for the bus in the dark. I was also a farm kid and farmers hated year round daylight savings time. No matter what you're somewhat tied to the clock (getting those kids to the bus) and your day starts before sunup at the best of times. Unfortunately all the bad ideas seem to come around again.

    1. I believe Nixon was president when DST was made year round. In 1974, I was in middle school and remember it was short lived when people realized the Earth still pitches on its axis and what was great in summer was not good for us kids going out to catch a school bus in winter. Groups of kids standing on the side of the road in inky blackness. Of course, that was back when we had bus stops, now the bus goes down dead end roads and stops at every driveway.

  12. I'm driving to work in the dark year-round, DST or Standard. My truck has headlights, so it doesn't matter to me. I like having the sunlight in the evenings, the only time I can get out & work on the property on weekdays, but OTOH, I'd prefer noon be when the sun is at its zenith. It isn't as if we're getting 'extra' time, either way: the sun is out as long as it's out, & it wouldn't matter if we went all WWII Britain & did double-daylight saving time.
    --Tennessee Budd

  13. Every time I hear the argument trotted out about increased heart attacks due to time change I have to think if that's all it takes to kill you, maybe youre spent already.

  14. @Glypto you're probably right. I tend to blame Carter for things that Nixon did. Like the department of education. Jimmy Carter is still going to hell for giving away the Panama canal though.

  15. I thought the same thing, but I think most of us are 'over' switching the clocks. It's supposed to take effect next year, so no spring ahead in 2023. That's only if the democrats vote for it. Unless it's taken up with the house after the midterms, should the GOP win it back. So sad, if it's good for the people, vote for it, unless it was the other sides idea.

  16. Taking effect next year means we do switch the clocks forward next spring, we just never go back to standard time. That's why it's beyond retarded.

    When it's pitch dark at 4PM from Thanksgiving to Easter, people may get a clue.
