Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Today's Lesson

 h/t BCE

Anybody who thought anywhere in Ukraine was a safe space since the end of February, signify by standing on your head.


  1. The Russian military has most of the flaws and few of the strengths of the old Soviet military. They still enlist conscripts on 2 year commitments, every 6 months. They still don't have any centralized training for most troops. This means that the regiments have to teach a new crop of young idiots absolutely everything, every six months. Wash, rinse, repeat, with a yearly major exercise. And that limited amount of training only happens in the better units. You know, the ones that actually feed the troops and don't rent them out as day laborers.

  2. I spent 10 years in the Australian Army starting back in 1979, a highly professional crew. I'd say it took 2 years of regular training before I could be considered more dangerous to the enemy than to my mates.

    People call us "grunts" as though we're stupid and any fool can be an infantryman. I guess any fool can be, but they will soon be a dead fool.
