Wednesday, January 5, 2022

When You're In A Hole, Stop Digging

Evidently, I'm not smart enough to know what I read over on Claire's blog the other day:

"I hadn't even read Aesop's attempted takedown of me before I started writing this comment, but wow. He thinks I set up an idiotic either/or when I clearly stated in the post that that either/or was just the beginning of a conversation about other options AND when the main point of the post was to ASK READERS for other options and viewpoints??? 

Jeazy peazy, someone didn't bother reading before blarting."

First, let's summarize where I agree with Claire:

Her either/or absolutely was, as she said, idiotic. D'accord.

We'll come back to that in a minute.

And yes, she was asking for input on the following question:

"The question: What will you do -- or what do you think you and your neighbors should do --if the unvaxxed, or the previously"fully vaxxed" but now insufficiently boostered, are forbidden to access basic life needs? I'm thinking groceries especially."

Firstly, contrary to her assumptions, I read every word in her piece. Secondly, there are two problems with her pique in response to what I wrote back: 

1) It was an exact answer to her very question, which I had obviously read, and without any trouble understanding same.

2) When the author asks a question, and then posts their own answer to that very question, they own that answer. You can't walk it back, or feign faux surprise that someone thought you actually meant what you said, when the words you're quoting are literally and explicitly your own.

So unless Claire meant to illustrate how little thought whatsoever she's given to her own  question (which she nonetheless describes having discussed with her unidentified friend for some good time):

"We went back and forth, coming to no particular conclusions,..."

then she absolutely owns her answer to her own question. Which was

"Fully vaxxed and boostered friends or black marketeers will make food runs for us and we'll continue to quietly refuse to bow to Faucism no matter what pressures are brought to bear."

Riiiiiiight. And food-pooping unicorns will sprinkle cheeseburgers, surf and turf platters, and haute cuisine box meals over the homes of all the sincere boys and girls too, I suppose. This answer has all the seriousness of a conversation with a 3-year old girl having a tea party with her dolls and stuffed animals. When that's your answer to "What will you do...?", you can't come back and gaslight me or anyone else for being so gauche as to take you at your word, and noting in reply that such a proposition is farcical and idiotic. It would be different if she'd posted both answers as two other people, without making any suggestion herself, but that's not what she posted. My apologies for understanding the ridiculousness of her reply so succinctly and rapidly, but there it is. It's her reply to her own question. And it's frankly childish and preposterous, prima facie. If you're going to call something a "think piece", might one suggest doing some first?

We took that for granted as bog-obvious, but tasked for the observation now, we shall belabor the point.

Show the class where and when you've noted any spirit of solidarity present in America between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed? Show all work.

What evidence leads anyone to presume that any such "food runs" will be blithely tolerated by TPTB, their teeming hordes of Karen Vaxxhole minions, or the erstwhile Jell-O Sheriffs at the local foodmart? Once again, show all work.

What experience in smuggling food long-term, in any appreciable quantities, leads Claire to believe random folks will do that any better than they'll wash their hands during flu season?

I ask this because the average American consumes nearly a ton of food per year. That's over 5 pounds a day, per person. So who do you - anybody out there - know, who's vaxxed, that will happily sneak a family of four 20 pounds of food, day in and day out, indefinitely? Where are they going to put it? How will they buy it? How will it be handed off? IAN007, but I'm guessing putting 140 pounds of groceries for the week in a dead drop isn't going to cut it, unless your tradecraft expertise includes a vault of galleons from Gringott's Bank, Ron Weasley's flying Ford Cortina, and Harry Potter's Cloak Of Invisibility. So for those of us not mentally living in Harry Potter World, howzat gonna work, exactly, IRL? Once again, show all work.

Now tell me how it's going to work for 100M of us.

And in what universe do "black marketeers" operate pro bono? So, needing ducats to pay for their efforts, in perpetuity, are you independently wealthy enough to pay the 1000 or 10,000% mark-ups for a box of corn flakes, and everything else? And what about the bien peasants unable to afford such custom? "Let them eat cake"?

You're going to "continue to quietly refuse to bow to Faucism", all right. Delirium and coma will set in after a couple of weeks of extreme hunger, and after three to four weeks, the only sound you'll issue will be naught but the escaping gasses of decomposition, and the munching of thousands of ants and maggots on your festering corpse.

Well-played, Claire, but you'll understand if no one decides to follow your starvation/enforced hunger strike right off the cliff to Fiddler's Green.

Now, had you identified that plan as the fool's errand it so obviously is, we might have left well enough alone.

But then you propped up Feather-brained Friend's answer, and knocked it strawman silly faster than Mike Tyson in his heyday

(Which, for the TL;DR crowd, amounted to 

"1. Attack the innocent 

2. Something 

3.Declare victory!").

We know there are more than two answers, we saw her bleg for other options, but that doesn't change the fact that her answer and the other one were the only two she bothered to present in answer to it.

But wait, there's more!

Later, in comments and responses to her OP, Claire comes out and says

"And no, I'm not going to respond "rationally" to Aesop because he didn't respond rationally to me. There's no point engaging with someone who's already demonstrated that he'll simply misrepresent my position no matter what I say."

Claire, please -

I linked directly to your OP. I'm quoting you here in context, and verbatim. There's no way to misrepresent what you said, I simply took it for granted that you are fluent in English, weren't having a stroke when you were typing, and were sober.

So by all means, be the island of sanity and bon homme in contrast to mean old ogre Aesop. But FFS, try engaging with your own question "rationally". If only for the novelty of that approach.

My rational response was that your answer was recockulous. So was Unidentified Friend's. If I'm at a bar and the bartender throws a punch at me, I'm not going to go back tomorrow and wear a disguise and sneak in, or have someone smuggle me drinks, and I'm not going to attack everyone else at the bar. Those responses are the essence of your answer to your question, and your friend's answer to it.

My answer is I'm going after the guy that swung. Let me know where I lost you in that, and I'll try and simplify it further, if such is humanly possible.

And then (talk about "burying the lede") Claire finally stumbles upon something sensible in her own comments at 7:23 that day:

"And certainly an attempt to deny food to any segment of the population merits an armed and violent response."

Well, hallelujah! Mirabile dictu! Strike up the band! Where was that clarity and laser-like focus when you were concocting the entire post on the topic? Why couldn't you come up with something so simple in all that time back-and-forthing with Unidentified Friend?

In pure redneck eloquence:

"Shit howdy ma'am, if that ain't the most dad-blamed OBVIOUS answer there ever was, I don't know what is!"

TPTB already told millions of us we couldn't work last time around. They aren't sending out CARE packages, and the free fiatbux dollars have dried up. So not working, sooner or later, particularly in Lockdown 2.0, necessarily means not eating, doesn't it?

If Almighty God sends manna from heaven in the nick of time, that'll be a fine thing, but absent miraculous intervention, more lockdowns, more "othering", and more turning Vaxx-decliners into Vaxx Jüden is a train whose boxcars either unload at the showers, or one we refuse to board, and the range goes hot in both directions.

So if you can eventually figure that out, just like I can, and so can any well-rounded 4th grader, why be so reticent to say that up front, and even make that obvious truth the title??

Anyone that tries to starve me can count on the ultimate calorie-reduction plan: The Winchester/Federal Diet. Anywhere between 55 and 230 grains of lead, and their weight problem will be permanently solved.

And that includes Karen, and her government @$$-kissing supermarket management team. Quite possibly served hot, over a barbecue of flaming place of business. Just to remind folks of what the stakes are.

If you think you or your commentariat can improve on that, have at it. My earlier suggestion in reply has the added benefit of disincentivizing becoming a kleine Nazi for The Man, in return for an extra ration of Soylent Green.

But FFS, stop trying to paint me not being wishy-washy, and coming out and saying the obvious truth, as "irrational", when even you can finally come to the exact same position (kicking and screaming, but still...). And quit tippie-toeing around what this is going to come down to, of pure necessity.

You want to contribute? Come up with a plan to shorten the inevitable violence that's going to come, and stop fueling irrational wishes that there's some way to balkanize the country to avoid it altogether. You nor anyone else will paint a white stripe through the middle of a conflict that varies from house to house in a neighborhood, and even room to room in the same household. Civil wars are the bloodiest wars, and family squabbles are always the worst knock-down drag-out curb stomps that ever are. Quit imagining there's a way to sugarcoat that. And wrap your head around the truth you can barely bring yourself to utter without stupid amounts of prompting from the studio audience.


  1. Amen, brother. Some people seem impervious to anything less than a literal clue bat. The harsh nature of reality just doesn't penetrate their skulls until, well...

  2. When Claire first posted that article I read it and thought "what???, the fully committed vaxxed aren't going to help the unwashed and unclean."

    This isn't "hey can I pick up anything for you at the grocery store while I'm out?" kind of scenario.

    Anyone who doesn't believe that once TPTB decree the unvaxxed cannot buy basic subsistence they won't also decree that any vaxxed caught helping the unvaxxed will also lose their ability to buy food is naive and shouldn't be listened to.

    This is the step that requires running the flag up the pole and sharpening the knives.

    1. I think that a year from now it will be the injected whoo are in the need of help. Because the ones who survive the mRNA spike proteins will probably be so disabled that they won't even be able to take care of themselves.

  3. I never cared for any of the Backwoods Home narrative/thinking, even as a young and stupid lad back when they first came out. They by definition are looking to not upset any potential customers with reality. So, I'd say the basic fault we are looking at here is mercenary mercantilism. Not lack of intelligence. The author in question disappointed me with her first book, and never changed. A founding member of the Mounted Glittery Unicorn Brigade.

  4. Agreed, McChuck. And what's worse is that these folks are supposed to be on our side. I guess I just do not understand what there is to discuss in the scenario she lays out. You deny me food, I deny you life. What's the difficulty with that concept? Oh wait, was that irrational, or perhaps too much "warrior swagger"?

    Stupid motherfuckers.

  5. I had to see what the tempest in a teapot was about, so I meandered over to Claire's. The most instructive thing I learned reading all the comments was from your defenders, and there were many.
    Of course they had a few caveats and qualifiers, he's "abrasive", whatever. What was instructive is that since your content is noted to be very detailed, well presented, well researched, even folks that might be a little snowflaky really didn't care about the delivery of said messages. Hard to tell from internet context of folks you don't know, but I think I detected a bit/lot of normie thinking. If true this is great, every little battle to change a normie mind is Large Marge, and to see a normie engage in thinking instead of " he's MEAN" thats a big win. Intellect over emotion.
    Anyway, stay strong.

  6. Life is hard, even harder when your stupid. I wonder if Claire owns a firearm.

    Feb 9 Starbucks will fire you if not vaxinated. Wonder if any of them will follow your and others lead Aesop, I'll be watching.

  7. So now the reason for the "civil war" is when TPTB deny food to people. What was the reason last week? ... ummm I'm having trouble remembering.

    Is there anyone out there that sincerely believes we are on the verge of a hot war? Go ahead and explain how this war will start -- without a unified front. I'll wait.

  8. No, Anonymous fuckstick, the question was "How should you respond if such a circumstance transpired."
    If thinking that many steps ahead is hard for you, go back to the comic pages.

    Are we on the verge of a hot war? Yes.
    Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? WhoTF knows.
    Have TPTB instituted a top-to-bottom banana republic, without any constitutional constraints? Absolutely.

    So getting to back to the actual question, are you gonna quisling along in perpetuity, or get off your belly and do anything, and if so, at what point?
    Do you have the fortitude to act unilaterally, or are you only brave in a herd?

    Pretty sure you've already answered that question, so further reply either way would be pointless. When you find the balls to sign your screeds, I'll take you more seriously.


    Back to the OP, I expect Leftards to be fuzzy-headed non-thinkers. But it's irritatingly frequent to find nominal allies in the same condition.

    And after 30K+ comments here, and no small number of them in disagreement, I'm not running an echo chamber, despite the mewling of the White Knight Brigade. I draw the line at personal attacks, rather than people engaging on the merits.

    But when you make a stupid argument, it's going to be called a stupid argument.

    The difference between saying something stupid, and being stupid, is whether you pick yourself up and learn from the mistake, or just dust yourself off and continue stumbling onwards towards the cliff.

    I don't like pointing and laughing at most other peoples' faceplants, nor having to do so. But ridicule is a powerful tool, and it's far better than regret after you've gone off the deep end, with nothing but the rocks at the bottom to enligthen you. It's too late to help someone at that point.

    The Vaxx is not in my DNA. Neither is suffering fools gladly.

  9. Claire will end up having to eat her cats.

  10. "Go ahead and explain how this war will start -- without a unified front. I'll wait."

    Some history - back in 1855, in Missouri, right across from Kansas Territory, there were a lot of people pissed off at the Federal government. Including one of my great-grandfathers, who had retired from active duty with the US Army, rank of Captain, in 1849... Six years later, he formed an irregular militia, with various people, including Frank James, Cole Younger, and William Quantrill. Jesse, Frank's younger brother, didn't join until he was 14, in 1861. Their first act was to raid the Liberty Arsenal, at Fort Osage, and take all of the weapons and ammunition. That was the year that things kicked off on the Kansas-Missouri border, and continued like that for six more years. The second time they raided the Liberty Arsenal, they took all of the nice new weapons and ammunition, and burned it to the ground, and the US Army officers and men ended up in a Confederate POW camp - that was 5 days before Fort Sumter. And there was no "unified front", everything was very much local. If you could steal a horse, you could ride, otherwise it was shank's mare for you, and that put a limit on distance. And there were lots of these irregular militias, and they weren't really in contact with each other - communications were on foot or by horse. You had a set of principles, and you fought to defend them, and that was pretty much it.

  11. I've been rereading "Now We Are Enemies" by Thomas Fleming recently. It's about the battle of Bunker Hill, but provides an astounding amount of context and historical detail on all the varied little events and trends leading up to the final outbreak of hot war.

    It's really striking how many parallels there are between the situation then and now. In terms of the politics, patterns of social behavior, and the organization or lack thereof for the rebellious side. Two years earlier, nobody had been expecting this level of a break with the royal government, and nobody saw the specific flashpoints coming either. "The colonists won't fight" was constantly repeated. Most people believed it, on both sides (Fleming provides a LOT of specific evidence to back this up). The distinction Bunker Hill provided was that it proved the contrary.

    One of the best paragraphs from that book, toward the end:

    Many of his contemporaries blamed Howe's failure to win the Revolutionary War on his experience at Bunker Hill. There is considerable evidence to support the argument, both in his actions and his words. Again and again in the two years he was commander in chief he failed to follow up smashing victories, or he let Washington slip away because he could not bring himself to send his men against the Americans when they were entrenched behind even the flimsiest walls. Many years later he was to write: "I invariably pursued the most probable means of forcing [the rebel army] to action but with one proviso, under circumstances the least hazardous to the Royal Army; for even a victory attended by a heavy loss of men on our part would haev given a fatal check to the progress of the war, and might have proved irreparable." Before Brooklyn Heights, he relied on siege tactics rather than assault because "it was apparent that the lines must have been ours at a very cheap rate by regular approaches, I would not risk the loss that might have been sustained in the assault." At White Plains, Howe again defended his hesitation by explaining: "If I could by any maneuver remove an enemy from a very advantageous position without hazarding the consequences of an attack, where the point to be carried was not adequate to the loss of men expected from the enterprise, I should certainly adopt that cautionary conduct." Even when the American army had withered away to a skeleton corps at Valley Forge and Howe was a few miles away in Philadelphia with an immensely superior and well-supplied force, he argued that the American weakness "did not justify an attack on that strong position during the severe weather." Surely this was not the daring colonel who had led the way up the Quebec cliffs. This was the baffled general who had stood among his slaughtered officers and men and stared up at the American fortifications on Breed's Hill, thinking: A moment I never felt before.

  12. Your rants make you sound a lot like all the Fed instigators we read about.

  13. 1) It wasn't a rant. It was identifying stupidity as such.

    2) I instigated nothing. I indicated that if given the choice between being starved into submission, or dying of it, I will kill every swinging Richard responsible upon which I can get my hands, and starting most particularly with destroying with extreme prejudice the livelihoods of those who foolishly choose to work for the government in accomplishing my starvation. If this be treason, make the most of it. I think it falls rather historically and handsomely under "self defense", by every definition extant. When last I checked, the first inalienable right mentioned in our own founding documents was "life". You could look it up.

    3) If you're going to write chickenshit pot shots like that, have the spinal fortitude to sign your posts, and own your opinions, instead of cowering behind your keyboard anonymity like a federal glow-nigger yourself, and meriting exactly the requisite derisive response such a scratching post deserves.

  14. Go a few steps further. TPTB declares anyone of any age Not up to their latest stated vaccine shot, is pronounced "Not Vaccinated". Then label all such persons "Enemies of the State" being that, such terrible spreaders of pestilence and disease that we should be shot on sight. For the greater good and the children and if it saves just one life...

  15. What we are discussing here is nothing less than an American Holomodor.
    But we won't go directly to there from where we are now.
    The Regime/Junta will probably start out by enactingthe bill requiring a national vaccine database that passed in the US House thanks to 90 Republicans including"conservatives" like Dan Crenshaw.
    Then they will restrict the hours that the non injected can shop, to specific times of days and days of the week. Because of the new Database as they can do a pos denial or approval of your purchases. And even fine or arrest a non injected person who tries to shop in unauthorized times or locations.
    Then they will say that the un injected are too uncooperative so they will only be able to shop using it delivery service, at which point good luck in getting a appointment, because once people can't shop for themselves, it will be easy to drastically reduce the groceries that they get, or even eliminate them all to together.
    Creating a slow stealthy famine of the uninfected using people's cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias to slowly starve them to submission. Or to just starve them out entirely, because anyone who hasn't been injected by this point is a dangerous critical thinking person.

    The people who engage in genocide or democide tend to do it in a manner in which the victims are allowed to continue to think everything will eventually Beall right. It's easier to kill them that way.
    At the point that the Regime starts to create a famine of the unvaccinated,the only thing that I would be willing to debate is whether it's time for solution 308 or 30-06 everything else is self evident.

  16. I'm afraid, when it comes to where we are with vaxxed vs. unvaxxed, you're right. I shudder to consider it.

    As to the rest, and the two or three low-60s IQ morons who keep trying to post "Buffalo Jump", even the functional assclown retards should bear well in mind that no such inhibition has yet been enacted, nor is likely to.

    I just find it spectacularly stupid to discuss how to quietly wear the yellow star with pride, or talk about which attic to hide in and how they'll sneak food to you, should such a thing ever come to pass.

    If they start a war, they're going to get one, and the range will be live in both directions at that point.

    Why be shy about letting them know that, up front?

    The people in the underground after that?
    Those will be the ones on the other side we bury.
    Some of whom, but by no mean all, we may actually wait until they're completely dead to shovel under.

    We'll be busy, after all.

  17. Some of us have "termited the system"...

    You are welcome.
