Sunday, January 2, 2022

This Is How We Win

Liberty is not ordered by mail from Amazon. Freedom grows on trees exactly nowhere, at any time in human history. The colonists didn't vote King George out of office. The Redcoats weren't thrown out in the midterms. Their removal was by shellfire, musketry, and bayonets. If you thought liberty was going to descend from heaven indefinitely on a velvet cushion as the gift from a benevolent deity and thoughtful forefathers, you're in for a severe disappointment, exactly as some of you have already sussed out. Freedom will not drop out of the skies until communists and tyrants (but I repeat myself) do so as well.

To get those things, you have to go out on the plains of tyranny and kill the predators, if you want the red meat of freedom in your bellies. 'Twas ever thus, and ever shall be. You may not be the ones doing the trigger pulling or helicopter passenger unloading, come the day, but you damned sure better be down with those who are. If you can't find 3AM friends, you had better be one, and looking for the opportunity. And if you get the chance, even fleetingly, to join in the festivities, you'd better take full advantage of same. Or you'll regret it, all the way to the boxcars, and while sitting in exactly the very camps you imagined would never return. Of which your unsleeping enemies now speak openly.

If that's too hard for you to wrap your head around, let alone do, you won't have to ever worry again about what to think, or do, or how to live your lives. Because the chances are surpassing excellent that someone else will make those decisions for you every minute of your miserable remaining existence. Ask the rest of the Anglosphere (formerly-great Britain, Oz, NewZ, and Canada) how that's working out for them this very minute. As usual, we're the only ones left, and things here are looking sketchy at best, and ominously doubtful. Pretty much as in all such times.

If you're not up for such an animating struggle, stay on the porch with the little dogs. Maybe you'll be the unwitting receiver of the blessings of liberty anyways. Maybe not. And in the meantime, "May your chains rest lightly on your wrists, and may posterity forget that you were ever our brethren."

And those pictures, above? That's how you can tell, beyond all argument, that we are not amidst any such armed conflict, no matter what anyone else imagines. When they cease to be memes, and become every day, then maybe the fencesitters and thumb-up-the-fundament types will finally twig to the notion that unless there are two sides trading lead, it's not a conflict. It's simply a slaughterhouse.

It's your life, your freedom and liberty. Either fight for it tooth and nail, while you yet have the means, or accept that you'll die without it. (And voting a crop into existence is about as likely as pissing on the furrows by way of irrigation. Never worked, never will.) Unlike weeds and thorns, freedom isn't going to spring up of its own accord.


  1. No change, no change, no change. Battery six in effect.
    Boat Guy

  2. Replies
    1. So was the Declaration of Independence.

    2. Enough concerns from the generation who failed to maintain freedom. Go clutch your pearls in peace, old man.

      May posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

  3. Molon Labe.

    I speak fluent historical truth.

    If anyone considers that incitement, bring friends, and leave the married men at home.

  4. BZ

    Appended to original post

    Sink all floaters


  5. I think it was Calvera (Eli Wallach) who said, "It's like I told you, you have to answer for every good deed." One of the great evils of this, and any other time, is that the tyrants and other monsters believe they are doing good.

  6. Letting rotten produce remain amongst the unspoilt spoils the latter. One rotten apple in the heap is all that's needed - or not needed, depending on one's perspective.

    The late great Mao Tse Tung had astutely pointed out that political power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Authoritarians of course want all political power for themselves. And their rotten produce.

  7. Timely. Rightly makes my point about 38's/44's/45's and cast boolits.

  8. Well said (nods in Jack Hinson)

  9. "If this be incitement, let it begin here."
    Bring the married cucks too, hopefully before they've procreated.
    Boat Guy

  10. Nailed It!


  11. "Those who expect to reap the blessings of liberty, must like men undergo the fatigue of supporting it!" Thomas Paine

    Keep your powder dry,


  12. What I should have written is "If this be incitement, make the most of it"

  13. I recall someone once said something about summer soldiers and sunshine patriots...

    They are shrinking and the lead hasn't even begun to fly.

    Keep it coming Aesop!

  14. There is an alternative to the proposed Rule 308 being implemented, granted that would be mighty pleasing, and to those generally on the receiving end, well deserved.
    It will take mass participation but I'm thinking the best way to preserve what we do have is for the entire population of oppressed people to simply start saying NO to everything these putzes come up with. Do not Comply, do not participate, do not acknowledge, do not submit, do not condone. Simply say NO and continue to live your lives. Take away all their power and control over you by refusing to obey their false dick-tates, mandates, orders, and edicts.
    Remember, the founders of this country went to war over something as simple as putting a tax on their tea.mWe can do this.
    Long Live Our Republic.

  15. The problem with enn ess's comment is that the power hungry will go completely off of the deep end and begin violent enforcement if ignored. Just look back at history. Their ego will not permit them to accept being ignored and disregarded.

  16. Whiskey-Tango-FoxtrotJanuary 2, 2022 at 6:26 PM

    A Fucking Men, Brother.

  17. Generalissimo Francisco Franco where art thou.

  18. You're right. Not yet midnight . . .

  19. At 64, I'm too old to play Army, but if this shitshow finally kicks off, I'd be glad to help with logistics and other support.


    1. At 64, I'm too old to play Army,

      Damn brother, I’m 60 and have had two strokes, spinal surgery and shoulder reconstruction. Don’t think for one minute I’m laying down. In a half mile radius of my home I know who they are and what they are. I’ve gone walking at night and know where the ring cameras are and have them marked on my map. I may not be around at the end of this, but my cover fire will not be put to waste for my children and their friends.

  20. enn ess,

    how about asking the people that continue to say 'NO' in Amsterdam, or NewZ or Australia. Go ask them dammit, go ask them while they are getting their heads beat in by the fucking police and military.

  21. I cannot argue with your logic. It will, whether we like it or not, eventually turn to violence. This one will be for all the marbles. Sometimes it's better to go down fighting, than to exist as a slave.ife is NOT too sweet to be purchased at the cost of chains.

    Leave the married men at home, this Jew don't get on no train.

  22. I don't get the "This Is How We Win" memes - it looks to me like tyrants executing dissidents. Do we win by being martyrs? I don't think so. Do we win by identifying with the tyrants? I don't think so. Maybe more representative pictures would be, for example, the Russian sniper picking off Nazi officers in "Barbarians at the Gates", or Afghan insurgents blowing up Humvees, or French Resistance ambushing German tank columns?

  23. @Anonynmous 3:23P,

    After three tries to post that, I'm putting the final attempt up.
    It's obvious you "don't get this".

    So before you do anything else, I would urge you to track down your high school civics and social studies/history teachers, and punch each of them in the mouth for failing to instill in you the rudiments of an education. You were robbed, and the handicap will sting your entire life.

    The "dissident" in the first picture was a Viet Cong communist terrorist guerrilla, executed personally by General Loan of the South Vietnamese National Police, during the ongoing recapture of Saigon, Hue, and multiple other embattled South Vietnamese cities from the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong infiltrators. Loan opened the little prick's head kinetically with an AP photographer shooting film as fast as he could, because during the recapture of these cities, it became rapidly apparent that the NVA and VC invaders, in their brief control of them, had rounded up non-combatants en masse, based on compiled lists of government officials, and had executed them and their families, including women and children, and dumped the bodies in mass graves throughout the cities. These included numerous family members of his own police forces. The one in the photograph had just killed Lt. Col. Nguyen Tuan, his wife, six children, and Tuan's 80 y.o. mother.

    The second photograph is a representation (no actual photographs exist in the public domain) of the salutary activities of Chilean General Augusto Pinochet in having communists given flying lessons over Chile in a manner similar to what was pictured, which directly resulted in the thriving, democratic, and peaceful non-communist Chile of the modern day.

    The final picture is the actual execution by the people of Romania not of "dissidents", but the Ceauçescus, Nicolae and Elena, the genocidal communists who had ruled over Romania for the last 15 years of Soviet domination, until the fall of the Communist Bloc, and after their capture attempting to flee the country and subsequent conviction of crimes against humanity and the people of Romania, after which they were walked behind the courthouse, stood up against a wall, and machinegunned into eternity, same day, by three among the hundreds of Romanian soldiers who volunteered to do the deed. It happened on December 25th, 1989, and remains to this day the single greatest gift to the people of Romania they were ever given since the original Christmas. By public acclaim there, the only regret is that those two could only be killed once, and not by slowly pressing them feet first under a steamroller.

    If you think people will be inspired by a picture of an international socialist killing a national socialist, you've spent too much time on a college campus, and not enough in America. If your sympathies lie with goat- and boy-fucking Afghani jihadis planting IEDs, rather than the American troops they were blowing up, fuck yourself sideways with a rusty chainsaw. And if you think the French Resistance ever attacked German tank columns, I have a bridge to sell you cheap. Trains, yes. Tanks, fuck no. They were guerrillas, not imbeciles.

    We win by shooting the communists in the head, by tossing them out of helicopters in flight, and by putting their leaders up against a wall, and erasing them from humanity. It isn't a difficult concept for most people not handicapped by Common Core non-education to grasp.

    I hope that explanation will fill in what your education thus far in life is so fundamentally lacking.

  24. I've seen the top and bottom pictures many times over the years but didn't know the what and why. Thank you for the history lesson, sir.
    Backwoods Okie


    Time for the range to go hot, both ways

  26. I'm too old to run; but not too old, if you won't back off, to go "full tilt boogie"........

    But my eye sight is good.

    I don't own an AR-15......My weapon of choice is the "Right Arm of The Free World".

    And mine has has the full "giggle switch"....just sayin'....

    The Termite

  27. As for Canada Aesop don’t mix us in with the rest the socialist dictatorship has lied on tv about us non stop they are going around saying some such bullshit as 90% have had the not a vax kill shot will that has been blatant bullshit to get more people to get it real numbers with talking to people in the know are saying like maybe 60% Even the sheeple are starting to rebel and saying to me we have to start o revolution to get rid of pedo turdoo yes he didaled a pre teen usa girl when he was teaching drama and how to be a communist in his grey academy years that he hid. The rest of us are arming up to the point that the dictatorship has stopped all importation of ammo into the communist utopia. They tried there buy back how ignorant is that word like these dbags ever owned or know how to use a firearm but I digress they in a two year period got 138 guns that is it so does that sound like we rolled over. What they are not telling you folks is pedo turd will no longer go out in public had too many death attempts same with premier sluggo from Ontario his house is constantly surrounded by 10 to 20 police commissars as he has had too many attempts on his oily hide.

    The question is if we kick it off will the USA join or will you folks just keep talking as well. Waiting for them (goberment dbags) to attack is not a winning strategy as you say in civil war all bets are off there is no high ground it is win or die no in between. We either work together including Canadian and USA patriots as both our dictatorships are going to work together along with their CHICOM handlers to get rid of all of us.
