Saturday, January 1, 2022

Pyrrhus Is Not A Good Wartime Consigliere

h/t WRSA

Don't be recockulous, Claire.

This is what is known in a Fundamentals Of Logic class as a false dilemma.

It is both lazy writing (and thinking), and the rhetorical equivalent of asking "Have you stopped beating your wife."

The correct answer is neither no, nor yes, but to reject the premise completely, and state that you never did.

In this wind-up, Claire uses acquaintance conversation to lay out the (imaginary only) two choices to needing COVID passports to shop for food as

a) knuckle under to TPTB, and get friendly vaxxed folks to shop for you sub rosa (so, how did being illegal aliens in their own country work out for Jews in Germany from 1933-1945?), or

b) attack the privileged vaxxed (and nominally innocent) shoppers, to put everyone on equal (and foodless) footing.


In fact, F**K NO.

In fact, we already asked and answered this question, and told you explicitly which parties will be targeted.

That would be

1) The kleine Nazis at the market, from bag boy to CEO, carrying the Vaxxholes' water for them by enforcing a recockulous and illegal mandate, and ratting out vaxx refuseniks.

2) The große Nazis performing the jackbooted thuggery of "just following orders", showing up to enforce the 21st century Blood and Honor Laws.

3) TPTB passing the illegal mandates, and directing Ofcr. Jackboots to enforce same.

Burn out the rats, and shoot the other motherf***ers in the face.

Period. Full stop.

If you think we're going to acquiesce, even quietly starve, at the behest of a bunch of tyrants, you've got another think coming.

And if supermarkets suddenly suffering an abundance of combustability from foolishly following the tyrants deprives the vaxxed of their vittles?

And exactly as we suggested, after a suitable application of Comrade Molotov's libations, Adam Smith's Invisible Hand will provide a rapid correction and political re-focusing by the surviving merchants (and no small number of inconvenienced hordes), and they won't be any more in favor of tyrannical mandates than will the unvaxxed. Lest they lose their jobs, their businesses, and their own place to shop.

(By the by: How have vaxx mandates worked out at the airlines? What about hospitals? How's that song playing in federal court lately? Asking for 100M friends.)

Hint: We didn't boycott Dresden in 1945. We erased it.

In the words of Mr. Alinsky:

1. "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."

6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

8. "Keep the pressure on."

13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Or, as Momma and Daddy should have taught you: "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'."

Otherwise, if you carry water for The Man, you become The Man. And deal with the third degree burns that come from that choice.

People with livelihoods and inventory at stake should think long and hard before sticking their head into that blast furnace, unless they're wearing asbestos underpants.

The learning curve will be harsh, but fair.

Does that still lead to this?:

No. It leads to this:

thereby leaving only 39,999 other grocery stores still standing for the management not to be ass-kissing Vaxxholes, if they want to remain open and in business.

I'm betting fiscal sanity kicks in long before the unvaxxed run out of bottles, unleaded gas, and dish soap. Just spitballing, mind you.

But hey, if you think the unvaxxed will quietly sit back and tolerate second-class citizenship, "othering", and looming malnutrition, disease, and starvation, meekly and passively, well, you go ahead and roll those dice.

And I'll give you odds that by the second or third week, police and fire stations will start to spontaneously combust first, an hour or three before the local market does.

(For the short story on where that breaks it down for TPTB, take a look at the original Miracle On 34th Street, and watch campaign manager Bill Frawley's advice to the judge in chambers therein. "Why, before this is over, you're gonna be an awful popular fella!")

TPTB want to call that tune, they're not going to like what union scale amounts to for the band.

And they should stop playing with matches.


  1. I'll never understand trying to play nice with people who have not only said they weren't going to be nice, they proved it by showing us.

    What will it take for Claire, and others like her, to shoot them in the face (or burn down the grocery store, either way :-))? Does she think they will just turn all sweet and cuddly and reverse course because folks just keep going along to get along?

    If denying basic necessities like food won't do it, then nothing will. Awkward stage my ass, to those like her there will never be a good enough reason to shoot the bastards.

    1. At the risk of offending some....

      I've had this conversation repeatedly. Its always the same - wimmen. They're too soft for what we're talking about. Don't have the atomch for it. Constantly looking for the off-ramp instead of the destination. Its why we will fall short of doing whats needed, we let wimmens do some of the thinking. They will wail and moan and gnash their teeth with 'think of the children!!' Instead of putting the hammer down and eliminating this plague from our world root and branch.
      Fairer of the species for sure, but we need hard men right now.

  2. I understand some hesitancy, but yes, FFS, what's it going to take before they realize the toothpaste isn't going back in the tube, and if they want liberty and freedom, they're going to have shoot people in the face who'd try to deny it?
    "Just" food?
    "Just" earning a living?
    "Just" paying your bills?
    "Just" going to the doctor?

    The bastards running this game aren't going to be lectured into compliance with How Things Used To Be, they're going to have to be killed, root and branch, long after we're sick of killing them, until there aren't any of them left any more, and it's going to require rivers of blood and mountains of skulls to get there.

    This time it isn't going to end at Appomattox, it's going to end at Carthage after the Third Punic War.

  3. Anyone who has experienced bullying KNOWS there is no Appeasement that will stop it. Gotta hit the murfugger in the Nose.

  4. Yes. Claire didn't like the last sentance of my comment; "We need our own society, removed from these shedding monsters: or we simply need to perform a societal cleansing." She feels societal cleansing accomplishes nothing. I think it was very productive in 1776.

  5. Well, I will say this much: TPTB don't think any of the fires, revenge or anything like that will ever get to them. Those things are for the others, not them that live in their ivory towers. Burn the supermarket, that's for the regular folks unless they are making a campaign stop or the like. Hence you won't see any real movement if that happens from -them- unless their lower liberals but still well to do can't as easily go buy food. Because they can hire police I mean guards. They can hire or bring in off duty anything they feel they want. Inflation does not bother them much as let them eat cake, or the average American is too fat anyway so it's a service that inflation is causing them to not be able to buy anything in quanity anymore. And when in the next few months everyone sees that I'd sure bet there's gonna be some more stimmmmmmmmiuls to benefet the bankers and big cats and the average joe gets another 600 bucks to make up for a month's lost wages. They will look like heros to the low IQ voter (Or someone that does not vote either..) Que it all up though, even when that fails and bigger swaths of the population are not able to work or just won't work (Mandates or free stimmmmmimmies for free money bux) There's enough of the Liberals that love the powers that be that think they will be safe working form home and having everything brought to them. Till that dam breaks and they realize they don't have that option it's going to be a tough time for all of us. It's not till someone realizes their policies they fostered on others will eventually too cause them to fail that we will see real movement. Just my thoughts.

  6. @Jester,

    There are indeed companies the Uniparty thinks of as "Too Big To Fail".

    But there is no Green Zone here, and thus no place that's Too Big To Burn.

    That's a recipe for epicly catastrophic failure.

    Take away its web, and the spider dies. Take away his net, and the fisherman starves. TPTB are about to be shat upon, from a great height. It's going to leave a mark. And most of them will get hit while looking up, with their mouths gaping open. The universe is hilarious that way.

  7. What are the elite going to do when the packages they have delivered aren't what they ordered but are a BIG surprise? They think they are unreachable. They have never dealt with resourceful people with nothing left to lose. Learn from what they have used against good people in the past then use those tactics against them. Improve on their methods when possible. We just wanted to be left alone. Let them reap what they sow.

    If you don't mess with me, I don't mess with you. You endanger me our my family, then all bets are off. Remember what Bugs Bunny said whenever someone kept screwing with him for no good reason.

  8. Huh, salting D.C. so nothing ever grows there again. A good start.

  9. Aesop,

    Here's Claire's main reply to you from her blog:

    "Amen, Comrade and Erin.

    I hadn’t even read Aesop’s attempted takedown of me before I started writing this comment, but wow. He thinks I set up an idiotic either/or when I clearly stated in the post that that either/or was just the beginning of a conversation about other options AND when the main point of the post was to ASK READERS for other options and viewpoints???

    Jeezy peazy, someone didn’t bother reading before blarting.

    And Erin, thank you for you very thoughtful comment in reply to my request about what should be done.

    And Joel, thank you for your very apt comment in response to Erin’s first.

    There are so many good comments coming in (once again) that I can’t keep up."

    Looks like some people enjoy/choose to inhabit an echo chamber, others don't...


    NorthGunner - The Truth Is It's OWN Defense!

  10. Stealth Spaniel,

    If you think that Claire didn't like the last sentance of your comment, she totally went full bolshevist pc cucktard on my attempting to lay truth about the Holodomor and the Bromberg and Bleibruig massacres on her and her readership.

    Very telling of her and her real personality....

    She likes to talk the 'freedom line'..but ONLY if it
    mirrors her obviously indoctrinated ideas and perceptions.

    Be interesting to see if she pubs my latest reply to her;
    thankfully I've already archived it in case she attempts
    to twist my words.

    And fwiw, when TSHTF, I know she's too lily livered to actually
    stand to with any weapon and defend herself and others..she's
    already as much admitted such by her own words.

    Sunshine patriot and pussy..literally!

    NorthGunner - The Truth Is It's OWN Defense!

  11. Actually, she's trying to play it both ways:

  12. diesel, not unleaded. stir in a big jar of Vaseline. have a nice day.
