Saturday, January 1, 2022




  1. I don’t want this. I don’t think any of us do, as deserved as it is. But, you being back in the saddle is getting me hot. Please don’t stop. MOAR PLEASE. The recipes and clues are especially tantalizing. The intermittent blackouts just make us ache for more. I’d be especially titillated by some advice for the weaker sex who may be more or less on their own. It’s a unique operational situation having its own liabilities, among other things - but also potential advantages, if properly exploited. Teach me harder, Aesop 😘

  2. Like Afghanistan, the U.S. military stopped the occupation and reconstruction of the conquered territory a few years after Appomattox. The ruling regime took back power from the puppets the U.S.government had set up and ruled for another Eighty years.

  3. Some nukes end up flying and things will get very bad very quickly.
