Tuesday, January 7, 2020

This Is Why You Never Go Full Retard


  1. As long as it STAYS in the Middle East we will treat it like a TV show. Only the families of the troops will really care.

    Once the Iranian sleeper cells start targeting our schools, concerts, football games Oil Refinery's electric grid then it will be a problem.

    They KNOW they cannot win in a open war but they can destroy our country. AND Given the international reporting of the Coup (Impeachment) against Trump maybe they will think active terrorism and the Coup will force return of troops FROM the Middle East to handle Civil War 2?

    Bad time ahead. America's internal traitors destroying our Constitution and Bill of Rights Esp. 1st,and 2 Amendment and now the possibility our Socialist-Democratic Open Boarders from Obama comes home to rest?

    Pray for the Republic.

  2. I was in High School when the US Embassy was taken over in Tehran in 1979. I thought then that the proper response was "You have until midnight tomorrow, Washington DC time, to release ALL our hostages safely. If not, we WILL turn Tehran into a glowing glass parking lot. Yes, the hostages will die, but so will millions of Iranians." I've gotten somewhat harsher in the last 40 years, now I'd throw in Mecca and Medina too, just for laughs.

    I lay ALL our problems in the Middle East at the feet of Jimmah Cartuh (second worst president of my lifetime), had he shown some balls in 1979 we wouldn't have had any problems since then.

    Mark D

  3. We also need to take into consideration the possibility of an EMP.

  4. Adding to my first posting Anon 9:50 here's a thought to ponder ABOUT January 20th Buffalo Jump operation in Virginia...

    From my readings over the past couple of years (has the Trump Disarrangement Syndrome been for THAT long)of over seas News. A lot of them look at this Impeachment as a Coup against the Sitting President and thus our Government is at war with in it's self. MUCH like History shows the starting seeds of a Civil War in many countries history's.

    What do you THINK they are saying about the potential of Civil War 2.0 from Virginia on the 20th of January? Maybe the Iranians are holding back their sleeper cells for maximum effect of joining in the FUN of a nice Civil War?

    It IS an Iranian Proverb that "Revenge is a dish best served cold". Oddly enough a proverb in many old world countries.

    12 days and counting. Soon enough we will know if Trump and the Iranians can do diplomatic Theater of all flash and no real damage and things cool down.

    But EVEN IF Trump CAN calm this situation down JUST How Juicy a Situation would be a Jan 20th Buffalo Jump with the exaggerated news spouted by the Leftist Media across the globe...

  5. Hell, Omar was giving them targeting information in her speech this morning... sigh

  6. Anon 1:43, your comment would be more impressive if you signed a name (or pseudonym).

  7. Per policy, Anon 1:43's diaper spackle went bye bye.
    And I'm considering switching comments to moderated (which, given my time and inclination will be no comments) or to registered users only, since about 95% of the Anonymous comments when people think with their dicks are simply gutless asswipes without the courage to sign a name to what they write.

    I may miss out on a couple of commenters worth the trouble, but I've got no time to wipe asses in the toddler farm, or potty train the idiots who I'd be blocking.

    The chickenshits can run their own blogs, or go cry to their mommies.

  8. What's wrong with thinking with your little brain? It worked for me for 35 years. Not well, you understand...LOL

  9. I shut down anonymous comments years ago because of the plague of comment spam. Not sure if that's still a thing, but I was getting 300 a day and I'm not keen to see if that's done now.

    It wasn't the Anonymous Cowards, it was the grifters.

  10. Nah.
    Now the grifters make fake Google accounts. And they slip in the spam in random threads from 1-6 months back. (You can guess how I know.)

    The simple keyboard chickenshits don't even have that much initiative.

  11. Aesop,
    If you shut down the Anon posters, I'd miss some of your most entertaining posts slam dunking them into oblivion!

    But, ya gotta do what ya gotta do...

  12. Sad part of just banning Anon Posters is folks who don't want to paint a full on target on their back will also stop posting. I know 3 letter agencies can still IF they feel the need simply tap your blog's ISP and find all of us but why make it easy for the LESS Hardworking Antifa DOXXer's?

    Is it that big a problem to simply flush the toilet of diaper spackle postings now and then?

    Oh well perhaps in about 12 days or so we will SEE if all our efforts to redirect the Buffalo Jump in Richmond did anything to prevent Civil War 2.0 WITH no doubt Terrorist excitingly adding to the FUN or not.
