Wednesday, January 8, 2020


h/t WRSA


  1. Trump isn't perfect, but he is a far sight better than the candidates who seek benefiting the world rather than our country. Even if those candidates put the interests of refugees above American citizens. I hope this years November election has a higher Trump vote than before - we really want our country to do well. Let other countries take care of themselves - we have enough issues here as it is.

  2. My wife made me a t shirt with that on it but the meme said "Because Democrats are F**king Nuts"

  3. You will be sent to the California re-education camps to subsist on a vegan and Woke self-criticism if you keep this sort of thing up.

    Or you can move to the United States of America.

  4. There ya go!

    Please pardon the shameless self-promotion. I lurk every day but don't comment, because everything good is already said. Aesop, please remove if inappropriate.

  5. I tried to explain to my highly educated (and I mean that sincerely: guy's a JD from a very good university, and can genuinely, with reason, make me take a second look at my 2A and other premises, without a raised word in the conversation) younger brother why folks would vote for an unpolished soul like Mr. Trump. Swamp, Business As Usual hurting mainstreet America, ecetera, etcetera. He simply could not get it. Even "BFYTW" made no inroads.

    He lives in Hong Kong, among other (mostly European expats), and seems to have absorbed their worldview, which constrains his range o consideration,it appears.

    So, yeah. Both "Great Foreign Policy Again!", as well as "BFYA!"

  6. Trump is a flaming idiot. They all are. But we wanted Anybody But Hilary and that is what we got. So I'm reasonably happy. Even if Trump is a RINO Blue Blood bought and paid for by Red Shield. That said, I'm going to register to vote for the first time in thirty years, hold my nose and vote for Orange Man, just to piss off the commies.

    1. Well, I guess it's a good thing that enough of us had the good sense in 2016 to already be registered voters so that we could vote for a flaming idiot. Otherwise, Hillary would be your President now. You're welcome.

  7. George, you are correct. I stopped believing the vote mattered back when the Libertarian Party LOST votes after the first Clinton debacle. To me, the vote was rigged. I'm not sure if I still believe that. It is probably more that both candidates are bought and paid for, or have skeletons in their closet to control them. Even with Obamma, I didn't feel my lack of voting did any damage. We might have been worse off with the alternative ( although I'm still PO'ed about the medical insurance penalties ). Now, for the first time, I'm worried what will happen to us should the wrong idiot be elected, because only the truly insane are trying. If it isn't a commie it will be a fascist starting a nuclear war. Up until 2016, our rigged system still functioned. Now, I think it is broken for good. So, yes, those that still were deluded enough to vote the last time DID buy us some more time, and for that I actually am grateful.

  8. I can't improve on Aesop either just add little tidbits. The comments are what I enjoy as well from all your blogs. As I have said before and concern has grown because the press and inter webs have said nothing about the Kentucky and Louisiana gubernatorial elections. They will lie cheat and steal during the elections. How in this environment can even a medium IQ centrist vote for those idiot criminal element. I hope the number of voters on our side have grown with people lime Mr. Dakin because it will be needed.
