Monday, February 4, 2019

My Thoughts On Loading Into Box Cars...


  1. I'm reminded of The Rifleman's Prayer written, AFAIK, by blogger Geek With a .45 (I found it first at The Smallest Minority):

    “A Rifleman’s Prayer

    Oh Lord, I would live my life in freedom, peace and happiness, enjoying the simple pleasures of hearth and home. I would die an old, old man in my own bed, preferably of sexual overexertion.

    But if that is not to be, Lord, if monsters such as this should find their way to my little corner of the world on my watch, then help me to sweep those bastards from the ramparts, because doing that is good, and right, and just.

    And if in this I should fall, let me be found atop a pile of brass, behind the wall I made of their corpses.”

    Mark D

  2. Aesop any idea why Christian Mercenary website down?

    1. (from ncgreg231Lc2) I think “Christian mercenary” shut down due to rising higher in his job field and continued blogging would be hazardous to that?

  3. Not enemy action


  4. @ Bear Claw:
    I heard he was packing it in, done.

  5. TL Davis has had a small issue with his blog host....

    I particularly like Mookie's War Creed. Mookie Ben Thomas (sometimes known as Mookie Spicoli)

    "I am the Sword of my Family and Shield of my Nation. If sent, I will crush everything you have built, burn all that you love, and kill every one of you."
    Mookie War Creed

  6. Nice. While it's better to go down swinging, it's best not to go down at all . . .

  7. ‘Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.’

  8. Today on Drudge: "Fears 'deadliest ever' Ebola will infect MILLIONS as disease rapidly spreads
    EXPERTS have begged the World Health Organisation to declare an international health emergency as the disease continues to spread."

  9. As a corollary to RSR's link:

    Traveling trader from Haut Uele province pops hot with Ebola in Watsa, which is ~200 miles North from the outbreak centered in Butembo. It's not confirmed elsewhere. I repeat, it's NOT confirmed elsewhere. Yet.

    However, running a ring around Butembo with a 200 mile radius, you cover near-as-makes-no-difference the entire country of Rwanda, portions of Burundi, and the southwestern 1/3 of Uganda. Luckily for D.R. Congo, Kinshasa is over 1000 miles to the West. Of note: Entebbe International Airport, serving in excess of 1.5 million passengers per year, is 217 miles east in Uganda. Also of note: Entebbe is closer by road than Watsa. Fun times.

  10. Yep, he's pissed and ready for the next sucker that thinks he's an easy mark...

  11. Re: Ebola in DRC
    The Star is just them trying to sell papers.
    It's still uncontrolled, but doing a slow burn, not a wildfire.
    It's not doubling every 21 days, but it's increasing by about 50% every 21 days (subject to the usual caveats about African math and the honesty of DRC reporting).
    And while Kinshasa is indeed 1000 mi. away, the last report looked at had the newest cases popping up 200 mi. west of Kivu, "overnight". Even in Africa, 1000 mi. could be a day or two by bus or truck.

    This thing is just simmering, not raging, but waiting to hit an international city with an airport.
    After that, it's 2014 again.
