Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Long, Long Time Ago...

h/t Irish

Sing along with me and Don. You should know the words by heart...


  1. Chantilly lace...

  2. The first time I heard the song was soon after its release, upon arriving "back in the world" (to catch a connection at SFO to my next PCS) after landing at Travis.

  3. To all geniuses and prodigies:
    Don't do as Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens did 60 years ago---when they entrusted their valuable lives to a small privately owned fly-by-night airline managed by amateurs who routinely hired local hacks as pilots and failed to properly maintain their equipment---because of their youthful impatience, and impetuous anxiety, hoping to arrive at their next scheduled destination ahead of time in order to be able to put a few personal matters in order before going on stage again
    ...having such a cavalier mindset in regards to their own safety and well-being led to the unnecessary demise of two promising creative musician/songwriters who still haven't had a chance to play all of whatever potential cards they had which could have had a profound effect and influence on the direction of popular music.

    So, again I say to all you geniuses and prodigies: Try to value your life and existence as much as you can. Try as much as possible and to the best of your knowledge to not take any undue chances with your life and physical well-being.
    Remember: You have too much to contribute and have a personal value way beyond that of us "average Joes and Janes" and, as such, your existence matters more than that of most---and you should regard yourself as the valuable treasures you are.
    Don't be cavalier/reckless the way two genius/prodigies were with themselves 60 years ago.

  4. American Pie Grand Rapids Michigan lip dub.

  5. thank you. I saw a you tube explanation of the lyrics that was very good.
    take care, my friend.

  6. My flight's theme song in Korea. Often with several confused/bemused Koreans looking on while on run in the Ville.

    We had one variation on the lyrics:

    "This will be the day that I die


    This will e the day that I die

    FUCKIN A!"

  7. On certain days, when the color of the sky is just a perfect blue, crisp air in the windows, the sun light long and golden, this song makes me cry like a baby. Other days it makes me grin like a fool.

    The man knew how to make others feel.

  8. Waylon Jennings gave up his seat to the big bopper. Holly said I hope the busses heater goes out again, Waylon said I hope the plane crashes. He has regretted it ever since.

  9. The tragedy was a very inexperienced pilot without an instrument rating taking off in an overloaded and out of cg Bonanza, which becomes challenging to control into non visual night weather. Can you say JFK Junior. Makes me sad
