Friday, June 30, 2023

That Face You Make


  1. And over in this corner you see me brushin' off my "HAppy Dance",
    Considering I have had very little to be Happy about for the last 3+ years I will enjoy this Glorious Friday with TWO HUGE Supreme Court Decisions...
    And while President Donald J. Trump may not bat a thousand and some of his statements and positions did NOT appeal to me (Bump Stocks and handing the reigns of Big Gov over to the Lock Down Fascists' and Big Pharma.
    But I celebrate the best and most Glorious of Presidents in all of the 21st Century, because his choices for Supreme court got us an end to Federal Roe V Wade (Each state gets to set it's own rules just like the Constitution says) and now we have (Hopefully) the END to Sate sponsored and Enforced Racial Discrimination...and for the Happy Little Cherry on top they told Pedo Joe he couldn't use 400 Million in taxpayer funds to by votes from the Idiots who took out loans to pay for college degrees that might qualify them for a job sayin'
    Ya want Fries Wit Dat?"
    Happy Dance Happy Dance

    I forgot another Cherry on my Happy Dance of Supremely Good Rulings today!
    It seems that a Colorado baker was told that they must bake for develop web sites for and do everything they can to support a Gay Wedding, one Problemo -
    The Baker is a Christian and while she did say she could bake a cake or do any number of things for her LGBTQRWMBK@$*^%9=+ customers, but her religious convictions would Not allow her to approve of, Glorify or in any way Promote a Gay wedding.
    Well the State of Colorado was NOT about to let anyone defy what the State tells them to do. Of course Pedo Joe and the Feds Demanded that the Religious submit to the State...
    Today the Supreme court told Pedo Joe, the Federal Government, the State of Colorado the Nation and the Entire World that Religious Freedom is still alive!


  3. Opps, my Bad, I was happy and said "Pedo Joe was STOPPED from spending 400 million taxpayer dollars"
    But I was SOOOOOO WRONG...
    the Supreme Court did NOT stop the theft of 400 million taxpayer dollars...

    They STOPPED the theft of over 430 BILLION taxpayer dollars...


  4. @Msg Grumpy, your ecstatic dance will be short lived as another fight on Student Loan Bailout is brewing. Seems the evil Bribem handlers are going to attempt using the same tactic with a different agency...wait for it...the DOE.

    Bribem & co somehow seem to think that, since student loans are an education matter, they've found a loophole in the DOE's mandate which will allow whoever that stumblebumb is these days to reinvoke Joe's favorite vote buying scheme, especially since they know that getting a real bill dealing with this absurdity past the House and maybe not the Senate is a no go.

    As to the religious liberty ruling, how many times does the SJC have to bitch slap Colorado before they get the message. Perhaps a little "frontier Justice" should be invoked on the Colorado legislature and the CODA enforcement arm to drive the message home.


  5. For a little light reading and ensuing hilarity, go read the self described "Wise Latina's" tome of dissent on the overturn of Affirmative Action. Talk about a circular convoluted absurdity which points in every direction except why the ruling was made and why she and Jackson should never have been elevated to the SJC. Her scribble makes no sense, amounts to serving Whine and elicited a public bitch slap from the Chief Justice. The "Wise Latina" also forgets that these "opinions" live forever, in infamy, and only serve to further besmirch her already extremely tarnished reputation as anything but a competent jurist.

    Such is the legacy of Affirmative Action.


  6. Nemo, If you let this world take your Joy (however brief or seldom it is)
    Then you will have to enjoy the everlasting shit sandwich that has free refills all day everyday.
    I Choose to find Joy where I can and Laugh in the faces of mine enemies.
    They can Never win as I have already won.
    The One I have has DEFEATED and Overcome this world,
    The Good News is that You can also know Joy, It is Free to ALL.

    My Happy Dance Continues!

  7. Yeah, he hated affirmative action from the start. Good for America.
