Monday, September 23, 2024

First Day In Office: Plans We Can Support

"Artillery lends dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."


  1. Never gonna happen. Even if the country suddenly grew a functioning brain. Too many here, the 3rd world shitholes that emptied their prison voided the deportation agreements afterwards so no take backs

    1. Then it is C130s packed full, lower the rear ramp and pull up hard over the country they belong in...

    2. or... we have to "hand sort" by using "looks"... if they don't look like us, click click boom

    3. Cedreq has a point but I am cheap. Load them on barges and push the barge ashore at their home country. If the home country wants to sink the barges? Que sera, sera.

      Or, they came across the Mexican border. International agreements on refugees require them to stop at the next neighboring country. They came thru Mexico, then back they go the same way. Trebuchets sound fun but circus steam cannons should also be used, if only for the publicity.
