Friday, July 19, 2024

US Secret Service: Why So Sad?

When the immediate agents around the Principal Protectee are more than a head shorter than that person, who takes a bullet to the head and lives despite your best efforts, none of them breaks so much as a fingernail, and their ride is slower to pick up the package than FedEx, simple courtesy demands that your director go home, and eat her gun.


And lest there be any confusion, we mean that with all possible sincerity. Had she any honor or desire to serve America best, Kimberly Cheatle would retire to her study, and suck-start her pistol, before another sun sets on America. A personal letter of apology would be a nice thing too. Do the right thing, Kim. Even if it's only for one shining moment of your whole regretful adult life, serve the greater good for America. We'd understand.

Then have an independent auditor start waterboarding the entire detail until they find out who was behind the conspiracy to murder Trump. And it wasn't some 20 y.o. lackwit from LeadPaintChip, PA, acting all on his own, and miraculously finding a chink in protection big enough to drive in the entire 1st Armored Division, with the band playing.

If the half of the Secret Service that might still be made of gold, instead of fish sinkers, gave a damn, they'd probably have to hunt down the other half. Which wouldn't be a bad start. Expecting the terminally compromised and horribly politicized Stassi at the FBI to get to the bottom of things is like getting fashion advice from Dr. Jill, and taking speech lessons from Sen. Kneepads.

This assassination was catered. Obviously so. The only real question now is how far up it goes.


  1. Absolutely spot on


  2. How far up does it go? All the way Brother, all the way.
    That's why it has to burn down. You can't cure this cancer. It can't investigate itself, and there isn't a part of it that hasn't been touched by the cancer.

  3. They are saying now that most of Trump's security detail weren't even actually Secret Service, but Department of Homeland Security, Investigations department.

    -Grey Fox

  4. Which, in and of itself, is a blatant admission that Trump doesn't actually have Secret Service protection, they've just pretended to give him Secret Service protection.

    It also means the head of DHS needs to resign immediately as well.

    And should probably also go home and kill himself.

  5. If the two shooter theory has legs, Trump is still in danger.
    Chris Martenson PHD on X.

    1. If?
      That doesnt even matter, the reality is they all hate him because he we like him and hate them so yea, he's in danger big time

  6. THIS rant reminds me of the Raconteur of old. I have been entertained.


  7. @Anon 9:37.

    I there had been any second, actually competent, shooter, Trump would on display in a silk-lined mahogany casket in the Capitol rotunda about now.

    That's how you know they expected their doofus couldn't possibly miss at 140Y.

    For their next trick, expect the RFK Sr. Quarterback Sneak: Have one of his own security detail "accidentally" shoot him in the head in the next dogpile.

  8. Trump is still in danger.

    The "Deep State" people will try again with a better shooter. Or they will sabotage an airplane in which Trump is supposed to be travelling.

    The Secret Service is being directed by people with malicious intent. The head of that agency is barely trying to hide that now. It matters very little if there are still "good people" working for that agency. Trump needs his own private security forces.

    The people who control the government have changed the "rules". It is OK for them to assassinate political opponents now.

    Things will really suck when we all start playing by the same "rules".

  9. I believe the waterboarding needs to start with the NYFTimes photographer who caught the bullet in flight. Why at a boring campaign rally was he shooting that fast of a shutter speed? Expecting to catch something else?

  10. @Chuck,

    That's not as nefarious as it seems, if you know modern cameras.
    If he was shooting a top-of-the-line Canon (I have one) you can set the virtual ISO so high you can shoot everything from bright sun to near darkness, and get it, because everything's digital; there is no actual film.

    One side effect is that in bright sunlight, you get shutter speeds and depth of field both so high you can get a bullet in flight and everything from 4' to infinity in-focus.

    And most of them are shooting in "continuous", which is multiple frames/second. 8-10 or more. Because it's all virtual, they just point and shoot, keeping the lens roughly on the subject, and they're only going to print 1 pic out of hundreds.

    This was serendipity. No one could have gotten it with human reaction times.

    If they'd had cameras like this in Hue in 1968, Eddie Adams would've gotten the bullet coming out of the VC's head, without meaning to, just like the shot he inadvertently got.

    It's a great pic, but literally the residue of a good pro photographer using modern equipment, and getting randomly lucky.

  11. Is it time to go "John Ross" yet? Seems like we are nearly there.

    As for the security side, maybe Trump needs to make a phone call to Gov Abbott, and request some Texas Rangers...
    The DPS guys, not the baseball team.

  12. They came *THIS* close to poking the bear for the last time. They were hoping to light the fuse on CW2 so they could declare martial law, cancel the (s)election in November and bring about BathHouse Barry's "Fundamental Transformation" to its full fruition.

    Pro Tip: If you're going to try to kill the king, you'd better not miss.
