"I like a good story, well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself." - Mark Twain
And they had to duct-tape Jill's mouth shut.
Morrissey & The Smiths said/sang it 47 years ago, although from a slightly different angle: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SckD99B51IA&pp=ygVAc21pdGhzIHN0b3AgbWUgaWYgeW91IHRoaW5rIHlvdSd2ZSBoZWFyZCB0aGlzIG9uZSBiZWZvcmUgbHlyaWNzIA%3D%3D
And they had to duct-tape Jill's mouth shut.
ReplyDeleteMorrissey & The Smiths said/sang it 47 years ago, although from a slightly different angle: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SckD99B51IA&pp=ygVAc21pdGhzIHN0b3AgbWUgaWYgeW91IHRoaW5rIHlvdSd2ZSBoZWFyZCB0aGlzIG9uZSBiZWZvcmUgbHlyaWNzIA%3D%3D