Monday, July 22, 2024

Range Cards - Lecture and Lab

This embiggens.

Yesterday, BigCountry Expat did a post covering the basics of Range Cards. If you haven't, go RTWT.

Today, we give you a wee bit of practical experience in why they matter.

1) The idea that Fucktard had any kind of a difficult shot last Saturday, when he lined up his sights on Pres. Trump, is recocklulous. He should have shot a "possible", I.E. 10/10, and connected with 80% or more of them, in the bullseye, even with both eyes closed. A 140 yd. shot (or shots) from the prone position was stupid-easy for anyone without 10 left thumbs and Walleye Vision. 99% of anyone reading this would have needed to be Stevie Wonder to miss even twice at that range. 

2) Which is why it's doubly recockulous that the Secret Service, or even the Podunk Short Bus Retard Armed Mall Security, would have inadvertently left any rooftop vantage points completely unsecured at any range inside 1000 yards (6/10ths of a mile), let alone that any one with two functional brain cells would have ever, in a million years, left a roof 140 yards away completely unsecured.

This was not "incompetence".

This was handing a shooter a wide-open and deliberate window of access with plausible deniability, from a range at which anyone reasonable would have thought it "impossible to miss".

A million retards working for a thousand years couldn't "accidentally" make such a boneheaded Security 101 "mistake", and the odds are greater they'd have handed Trump a bullet-resistant protective vest packed - not with kevlar - but with wadded up tissue paper.

Once is happenstance.

Twice is coincidence.

Three times is enemy action.

Five hundred retard-level mistakes in basic security is a blatant assassination conspiracy, and the heads of the USSS and DHS should be waterboarded, then hung by their thumbs, 24/7 until they can miraculously recollect who put them up to this, then be summarily executed for treason.

This isn't a "conspiracy theory". It's being smacked in the face 50 times with a 40-pound mackerel named Obvious Conspiracy.


  1. I've been listening to the CONgressional committee grilling Cheetos, the SS Director for a couple hours now. Several CONgress critters have the asked the question "Why was the roof where the shooter fired from left unguarded". Cheetos has, of course, NOT ANSWERED 99% of the questions asked by EITHER party members on the committee as is typical of an agency head under political fire.

    She is instead answering with "we're waiting for the results of multiple investigations", in other words, waffling on every question asked, including "would you have already resigned if Trump had been killed".

    Typical DC two step booooolshit.


    1. Before the 2nd hour of the inquisition, er, committee hearing, my bingo card was completely filled in.

      Why the DEI Diwrecktor hasn't been charged with gross malfeasance, conspiracy, treason, and general unbecoming of a human, arrested and tossed into the cooler is beyond me.

      Well, not exactly. It seems the stupid party considers shouting louder while imitating Torqemada will - once again, sigh! - sufficiently sate the public's urge to rip the still beating heart from the administrative assassin aka Dr Jill's bestie.

    2. That typical booooolshit would fall flat but that the stupid party play as 2nd banana.

  2. If a thorough review of "security" at prior Trump rallys was done it's a high order probability that most of them had glaring "failures" allowed which the left was hoping some wacko job would take advantage of. It's why Cheatle is the head of the insure such circumstances were commonplace.

  3. Several Demonrat CONgress critters, instead of asking questions about the event during the hearing, are pushing the gun control agenda.


  4. Watch the Garand Thumb and Brandon Herrera breakdown on the shooting. Pretty epic. Mike (Garand Thumb) actually makes the shot, on the 2nd round to hit the hear with probably 5-8k rifle.. after putting one though the skull about 1 inch right.

    Highly recommended watching.


  5. Range cards: very important and sorta cool sometimes.

    Back in late '80s I was in a National Guard unit shooting M198 howitzers. Each gun in the battery had an M60 to deploy at Chief of Smoke's choice of position. I was the Pig gunner for a flank piece of the four-gun battery, and was told to set up somewhere behind the howitzer.

    So I went and looked at the countryside and found it barren of any primary directions of fire, there was basically nothing there. So I set the range card, and the M60 with T&E, to a FPL sort of thing. Nothing to do but provide flank enfilading fire to the hordes attacking the battery from the rear.

    A while later an evaluator from 1/9 FA 25ID cam by. He was an O-6 with a WP ring. He actually knocked his ring on the feed cover of my gun as he asked why the gun was fixed to the limit of its traverse. I showed him my range card and the found the page in the FM. He commented that artillery positions are not chosen for MG emplacements, and then left.

  6. This is, without a doubt, the Mother(fucker) of all conspiracies.

    What I don't understand is why that scrawny, pimply, greasy haired, pencil necked, shovel jawed son-of-a-bitch went for a head shot with irons.

    As I understand it (and this may just be internet bullshit), he'd missed a place on his school shooting team because he was a shit shot.

    So if he knows he can't shoot, why wouldn't he go for a centre-mass shot? Ego, in a moment of "glory", perhaps?

    I'm an Australian military trained rifleman with 50 years of experience with small arms. I've made 450m (500 yard) headshots on game from improvised field positions on occasion, and 150m headshots with scopes (on rabbits and foxes, so smaller than Trumps) nearly every week.

    Even with all that, using irons and with a no doubt giant adrenalin dump interfering with my fine motor skills, I would've aimed for centre mass.

    I guess we just need to give thanks that he was as fucking retarded as he looked, and shot the same.

    As for conspiracies....I was still prepared to consider it was a cockup, right up until that fire-hydrant looking woman said there were no recordings of the SS radio traffic at the shooting. Since then, I vote for the waterboards.
