Friday, July 12, 2024

Endgame: J'Accuse!

We've said this before. It's still our answer:

How the Democommunists get around Veep Kneepads being ineligible because not natural-born (born to two non-citizens) is a problem for next week to them. (I suspect that was their endgame all along, to ease her out of the Veep job after the re-election, and appoint their selected heir. Then slide Joe into an envelope, and mail him to a quiet retirement into insanity back home in CT DE.)

I know seeing House Speaker Johnson sworn in, who then fires the heads of FBI and CIA and dismisses the entire cabinet, just ahead of all their indictments, would have me laughing all the way to November.

We're off the map at this point, and everything is now on the table, and in play. 
Literally everything.

Write that on your hands in Sharpie, lest ye forget.

Stock up on canned goods: #10, and olive drab.
You will likely need both before things settle down, if they go pear-shaped first.


  1. I like your "future history" better than most of the other predictions I read elsewhere.

    Oh, let it be so!

  2. I thought she had that gun show loophole, birthright citizenship.

  3. Pedo Joe's from DE, not CT.

  4. Mea culpa. I knew that, but I had a Biden moment.

  5. The Dims solution to the succession problem is but a .303 away. Or maybe her Boeing has the cockpit fall off. POTUS Johnson has a nice ring to it.
