Friday, July 12, 2024

And This Is Why They Fail, And The Shitshow Goes On


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory yet again, despite wide support, including from Speaker Johnson - which is usually a guarantee of success - Rep. Luna's attempt to find Merritt Garland in "inherent contempt" of Congress, for refusing to turn over videos of Biden's interviews (which interviews caused the DoJ to not prosecute him on grounds of mental disability), and fine Garland $10,000/day until he resigned or turned over those recordings, was defeated because 4 RINOs voted with Garland and Biden, and against the interests of the American people, not to mention contrary to every other member of their party in Congress.

Four congressweasels, two from Califrutopia, and two from Ohio, flipped sides and voted against the measure, which lost 204-210.

Rep. David Joyce (OH-14)

Rep. Michael Turner (OH-10)

Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-4)

Rep. John Duarte (CA-13)

You'll find their pictures in the dictionary under "shitbags". 

These assclowns couldn't even dunk one this easy in the preschool league. 

The four should be beaten over the head with this jackassical vote at every appearance until they get voted out in November, and in the meantime, ought to be stripped of every committee post they hold from now until then.

Pour encourager les autres.

One more reason, for anyone still needing it to know: TINVOWOOT. 

Jackholes pulling crap like this will ensure Biden gets elected.

UPDATE: Apparently Rep. Luna is going to take another whack at this piñata after the RNC Convention. Which opens a window of opportunity for voters in four specific congressional districts to take their douchey congressweasels to the woodshed.

1 comment:

  1. Ivan The Not Quite TerribleJuly 13, 2024 at 9:06 AM

    Further re "Rinos" who - so far - effeminately avoid doing their duty as a Check And Balance upon the Judiciary:...

    ...I refer your attention to the Obama-Appointed Federal Judge Christopher Cooper - an Affirmative Action Boy who evidently was never required to take "Remedial English" when he was admitted to Yale for his Magical Negro Skin:

    (His evident IQ of around 100 being at the High End of his Racial Bell Curve: But being a Mulatto he belongs to the "Mulatto 100 IQ Club" including his friends and cronies Obama and Eric Holder)...:

    ...The Obama-JUDGE CHRISTOPHER COOPER (Federal District Court of DC) has written and published Opinions IN WHICH HE MANIFESTLY (published!) DID NOT KNOW:

    a. The DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US Citizenship "BY BIRTH" versus "BY NATURALIZATION": Which are mutually exclusive;

    b. What the word "PERTAINS", means;

    c. The DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the EXECUTIVE and LEGISLATIVE branches: (Just High School Civics, but JUDGE CHRISTOPHER COOPER does NOT KNOW the difference!)

    d. Etc, AND he (or his perhaps his "Equity" Law Clerk) MIS-SPELLED the word "bear" as "bare": IN a published decision!

    ...AND Judge Christopher Cooper HAS - BY Judicial Fiat - HAS DECLARED that: (CONTRA US Statute 8 USC 1409): A FOREIGN-BORN person who has NEVER BEEN NATURALIZED as a US Citizen, CAN CLAIM TO BE a US Citizen "BY BIRTH": BASED ONLY upon an UNPROVED CLAIM TO BE a "BIOLOGICAL CHILD" OF a Native-Born US Citizen...:

    ...IN OTHER WORDS: Obama-Judge Cooper HAS DECLARED - BY JUDICIAL FIAT - that there is a DNA RIGHT TO American Citizenship!

    ...EVEN WITHOUT PROOF OF "American DNA"!: ONLY if there is a POSSIBILITY OF "American DNA":

    SO the Obama-Judge Christopher Cooper, HAS BY JUDICIAL FIAT: REVOKED:
    a. The 14th Amendment, AND,
    b. Congress's statutes defining "Who Is A US Citizen (by birth OR by Naturalization)...:

    ...HE has RACIAL IMMUNITY!: So almost NO ONE in CONGRESS will ever DARE to say:
    ..."Judge Christopher Cooper IS INCOMPETENT! Because HE LACKS THE COGNITIVE SKILLS a Federal Judge ought to have!"...:

    Because the REALITY of Judge Christopher Cooper, is that HE IS A JIGGING SHOE-SHINE BOY FOR the Deep State's Handlers! Like this!:
